IS IT TRUE? February 1, 2011 PART 3


Justice is Done

IS IT TRUE? February 1, 2011 PART 3

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has postponed the vote on what firm will manage the new Evansville Arena for a period of two weeks?…that the deliberations and discussions that lead up to this vote should include elected officials from the Vanderburgh County Commissioners, the Vanderburgh County Council, and the Evansville City Council?…that these discussions should be announced, open, and treated as though they are subject to Indiana code 5-14-1.5-2?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer is shocked and amazed but profoundly encouraged by the elected officials who stood up for good public policy today at the meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission?…that we are proud of Vanderburgh County Commissioner Marsha Abell for being a strong and solid watchdog of the Centre?…that we are also proud of the stand taken in favor of deferring the vote to allow public discussions taken by Evansville City Council members Curt John, Missy Mosby, Dan McGinn, and Councilman and Advisory Committee member John Friend?…that Mr. Friend is to be especially commended for recognizing the error of his ways, admitting it, and coming out in favor of public deliberations and good public policy?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County Council president Joe Kiefer met privately with Mayor Weinzapfel to request that this vote be delayed?…that his request was dismissively denied?…that Mr. Kiefer wrote a letter to the ERC asking that the vote be deferred?…that Mr. Kiefer is due commendation first for trying to broker the right solution privately but mostly for putting the courage of his convictions on paper for all the world to see?

IS IT TRUE that Arena project manager John Kish quoted Republican candidate for Mayor of Evansville and the president of the County Commissioners Lloyd Winnecke as saying “he is okay with what the Mayor wants to do”?…that no one other than Mr. Kish has attributed any statement to Commissioner Winnecke and that he has not made a public statement on this issue himself?…that the City County Observer would welcome and publish an unbiased position paper from Commissioner Winnecke on this issue and will not offer any editorial comment or bias on his position?

IS IT TRUE that today’s deferral was a giant positive step for the City of Evansville and for Vanderburgh County?…that being seen as a place that conducts business in an honest and open manner, that conducts deliberations in cognitive and respectful manner, and reaches informed decisions that garner public support will go a long way toward Evansville being seen as an attractive place to do business?…that this place is a little bit better today than it was yesterday?….that it feels good to write that last sentence?


  1. Did you hear of this potential main street restaurant, Kish mentioned?

    He said that it might be open daily, even when the stadium isn’t in use.

    Since we have the Building Authority running stadium entertainment…
    And we have the Airport Authority running golf courses…
    Maybe, the Parks dept could be put in charge of this restaurant?

    Oh wait a minute, not sure they have the staff anymore. Maybe the police could do it…? Fire dept…?

    I think we’re seeing a bit of damage control. It’s yet to be seen, if it involves “cognitive” deliberations.

  2. It is amazing that it takes public outrage to force our elected officials to do the right thing and then it is only if they think their political futures are at stake. It is too late to shut the door after the horse has gotten out. Maybe Weinzapfel will take them to Indy with him when he isn’t elected Govenor.

  3. “that we are proud of Vanderburgh County Commissioner Marsha Abell for being a strong and solid watchdog of the Centre?”

    REALLY? You wrote that with a straight face? So tell us all about the open discussion before SMG had their contract renewed for the Centre. Sounds like that transparency Abell wants is one-way glass. I’m reading back. Whee was this high and mighty outrage when the Centre contract to SMG was let? Oh darn, I missed the difference. One is predominantly Republican and one is predominantly Democrat. Thank god nobody will accuse you of bias. You’re a joke!

    • Signing deadline for the Centre contract was December 28, 2010. The deal was done before Marsha Abell was seated as a Commissioner. If it was a backroom deal she was not involved.

      • You’re right. Sorry, my mistake. Abell wasn’t a commissioner when the Centre contract came up.
        And your editorial about the Centre contract with SMG lacking input and openness is …Where?

        • We will look into that. Please remember that the County Commissioners were under Democratic majority at that time. Do you still want us to ask those questions?

          • Of course I do. I don’t have an agenda nor do I consider myself liberal or conservative. I take it from that reply you just posted that you cannot say the words fair or balanced without smiling.

            • Actually we believe in fair but not so much in balance except when power is shared in a balanced manner. The City of Evansville has 9 people on City Council and a Mayor. Right now 90% of that group happens to be Democrats. That makes for a situation where essentially all criticism of city governance is aimed at Democrats simply because they make the decisions and policies. If the Republicans controlled 90% of the elected seats we would be on their tails for doing things that are counter to good policy too. I think the best combination for a town like Evansville may be a 5 – 4 party breakdown on Council with a Mayor that is from either party but is not partisan. Hope we get that next year.

  4. I just love this community discourse that has been awakened by “The Bad”–The Weinzapfel Administration, and “The Good”–the Media coverage of what is going on in this community. Thank You CCO, you encourage a better tommorrow for Evansville.

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