City County Observer Traffic Grows 57% in January


The City County Observer is pleased to announce another month of record growth in readership and extends our thanks and gratitude to our readers both new and old. January marked a month that saw our readership jump to a new level, our servers crash, and our ranking rise to 8th among all websites for traffic in the Evansville area. Eleven of January’s 31 days resulted in traffic volumes that exceeded our highest previous day ever.

Accompanying the growth in traffic was a 33% increase in the time on site per visit another key metric that indicates satisfaction of our readers. Google Analytics reports the City County Observer performs at 303% of our peer website average in visits, 80% higher in average time on site, and 17% better on bounce rate. Bounce rate is the rate at which a reader exits a website after only viewing a single page and is considered to be the most important indicator of reader loyalty.

January also saw the launch of our “good news” publication called the Community Observer and the release of mobile versions of both publications. You may read the Community Observer with its new column that counters our flagship “IS IT TRUE” called “AIN’T IT GREAT”, that profiles the great things that happen each day in Greater Evansville at

Finally January launched the City County Observer and the Community Observer into the airwaves with our exclusive agreement with Townsquare Media. Please tune in to AM 1280 and FM 105.3 to hear snippets of our feature columns.

Thank you all again for a great month to start 2011 and keep those comments coming as we all work together to promote GOOD PUBLIC POLICY in Greater Evansville.