Judiciary interim study committee to vote on magistrates


IL Staff for www.theindianalawyer.com

The Interim Study Committee on Courts and the Judiciary is expected to vote Thursday on endorsing magistrate judge requests from seven Indiana counties.

The agenda posted for the Oct. 16 meeting says members will discuss and vote on whether to support the magistrate requests from Clark, Greene, Madison, Marion, Porter, St. Joseph and Vanderburgh counties.

Instead of creating a new magistrate position, Porter County seeks to convert a current juvenile magistrate appointed by the Circuit Court into a full-time magistrate appointed by the Circuit Court. Marion County seeks to convert another four paid commissioners into four state paid full-time magistrates.

The members will also review and approve the committee’s 2014 final report. The committee has voted so far not to take action on the issue of whether a defendant should be allowed to assert a nonparty defense if a statute grants the nonparty immunity from liability; and the issue of whether a father who has abandoned a birth mother during pregnancy should be required to consent to the adoption of the child.

The final committee meeting is at 1:30 p.m. in Room 431.