Take That: January 28, 2011


Take That: January 28, 2011
The Most Poignant Readers Comments of the Week

In Response to IS IT TRUE

“We are tired of excuses, it is going on 4 YEARS of nothing,– it’s high time to ask for the Community’s Money to be returned! That last line should read,–It’s high time to ask for the Community’s $800,000 Dollars to be returned.” Crash Larue writing about the McCurdy

“Still waiting for the Team Weinzapfel Demo. candidate to announce against Mr. Davis.” Joe Biden

“Is it true that Charles Manson has better name recognition than Troy, Rick and Lloyd combined?
Is it true that it is not the fact that people recognize your name that makes you a leader? It is what deeds got you the name recognition in the first place that should determine votes?”
The Architect

“Somebody really needs to get in to the County Clerk’s office before Mark Owen sends one of his goons over there to alter the local candidate reports. The security and chain of possession controls on documents in that office is…lacking.” Outside_Observer

“Winnecke now has a major conflict of interest since formally announcing his candidacy for mayor. Will he vote as a county commissioner or as a future mayor?” Magic Man

In Response to Cell Phone Service at the Evansville Arena

“As far as our cell reception. After this big water main break that flooded the Civic Center reported, ancient, lines. Well, I’m going to be more concerned that the toilets work, when they are at capacity! (Especially during a firm, flash rain.)” Eville Taxpayer

“DONT ASK THEM THAT QUESTION! It will cost them >2mil to do the study to even determine if it will be a problem or not. Close your eyes and full steam ahead!” Analytic

“I have a cell phone and our one year old arena (in Wichita) is cell phone/texting friendly and continually updated as needed. My issue is with the “need” to use cell phones at events “or else” we won’t spend good money on events. I say this tongue-in-cheek. I sincerely hope your arena is designed with up-to-date-technology. BTW, I discovered your website while following the CVB scandal. Too bad we didn’t have PC’s in the 70′s. We definitely needed CCO back then! E’ville is my hometown.” SABBY 21


  1. “Winnecke now has a major conflict of interest since formally announcing his candidacy for mayor. Will he vote as a county commissioner or as a future mayor?” Magic Man

    For clarification, this comment was made specifically regarding the consolidation issue.

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