Charles Schefer to give USI Alumni in Residence Lecture


Charles Schefer to give USI Alumni in Residence Lecture

The University of Southern Indiana Philip H. Hagemann Performing Arts Department and the College of Liberal Arts are excited to welcome Charles Schefer, a 1996 graduate in communications, as the presenter of the annual Alumni in Residence lecture. His lecture is titled Actor, rapper, banker and will take place at 1 p.m. Monday, March 3 in Kleymeyer Hall, located in the lower level of the Liberal Arts Center. This event is open to the public at no charge.

From working with Oscar winners, to sharing the stage with Grammy winners, to sitting in boardrooms with CEO’s, Schefer has a lot of stories to tell. He will share his experiences from the University of Southern Indiana to Hollywood and back home again and explain how his four years at USI led to a lifetime of adventures by simply applying the lessons he learned in the classrooms at his alma mater.

The Alumni in Residence program is designed to bring successful USI alumni back to campus to share their experiences and provide guidance to current students. The program highlights the diverse career paths of USI graduates and proves the value of a USI education.

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