Starting today, a new face will take on the role of sharing important information about the Evansville
Police Department with our community. We would like to first express our gratitude to Sergeant Trudy Day for
her service as the Public Information Officer (PIO) throughout 2024 and wish her the best as she transitions into
her new role as a supervisor overseeing third shift patrol.
We are pleased to introduce our new PIO, Sergeant Anthony Aussieker. With 12 years of service at the
Evansville Police Department, Sergeant Aussieker has gained extensive experience in various roles, including
motor patrol and as a detective in the Adult Investigations Unit. In 2023, he was promoted to the rank of
Sergeant. Since then, he has served as the Grants Supervisor and now takes on the responsibility of leading the
Public Information Office. Outside of his work at EPD, Sergeant Aussieker is actively engaged in several
police-community-focused non-profits, including Cops Connecting with Kids and 911 Gives Hope.
Additionally, he mentors youth through the YWCA Live Y’ers program.
The Public Information Office now consists of Sergeant Aussieker and Special Projects Coordinator
Officer Taylor Merriss. For media inquiries, Sergeant Aussieker will be the primary contact. In his absence,
Officer Merriss will be available to assist.