Tracy Gorman of the Elected President of the Great Lakes District of the CityGate Network


    Reverend Tracy Gorman, longtime President / CEO of the Evansville Rescue Mission, has
    been elected to a three-year term as President of the Great Lakes District of the CityGate
    Network, of which the Evansville Rescue Mission is a member.

    According to Gorman, “Along with the work we will continue to do here in Evansville, I look
    forward to serving my fellow Mission leaders from around this District to help them
    advance their work and ministry to the homeless and marginalized in any way I can be of
    assistance. The work these ladies and gentlemen do is incredible, and I simply want to
    come alongside them and be a helpful resource” Gorman assumes his new role
    immediately. Tracy Gorman will be working alongside the newly elected District Vice
    President, Ann Ebbert, who is President / CEO of the Cherry Street Mission in Toledo, Ohio.
    CityGate Network ( is the oldest and largest association of
    Gospel Rescue Missions in North America, comprised of over 300 member-Missions! As
    one of 9 Districts in the association, the Great Lakes District encompasses the states of
    Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

    The Evansville Rescue Mission, founded in 1917, is the largest and oldest service provider
    to the homeless community in this area. The Evansville Rescue Mission is comprised of the
    Men’s Residence Center; the Youth Care Center; The Thrift Store; Mission Grounds CoZee
    Shop; the Furniture Warehouse; and the soon-to-open Susan H. Snyder Center for Women
    and Children. Tracy Gorman is in his seventeenth year at the helm of the organization.


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