Local Entrepreneur Seeks City Council Seat in 5th Ward


Brent Grafton Throws His Hat into the Ring for City Council

Local businessman and entrepreneur Brent Grafton today has announced his intention to seek the nomination of the Republican Party for the Evansville City Council seat from the 5th Ward. Mr. Grafton and his wife Bonnie own and operate Green Tree Plastics that is an Evansville based manufacturing company that uses off-spec and recycled plastics to make custom plastic castings for public and private applications around the world. During Green Tree Plastic’s six years of existence it has grown under Grafton’s leadership to a business that employs over 20 Evansville residents and keeps over four million pounds of plastic per year from being put into landfills.

Mr. Grafton is no stranger to the world of public service having served as the President of the Board of Public Safety during the City of Evansville Administration of Russell Lloyd Jr. and as an advisor to many campaigns. From an economic development perspective Grafton is a strong believer that sustained prosperity comes from the private sector and has pledged to focus on promoting an atmosphere that is conducive to inspiring economic activity from the private sector. He also acknowledges and understands that any city and especially Evansville needs to keep its basic infrastructure in good enough shape to deliver the services required to attract businesses and people.

In running for the Evansville City Council’s 5th Ward, Grafton is seeking to represent not only the residents of the 5th Ward but the Airport and three Industrial Zones including the former manufacturing facility of Whirlpool Corporation. He speaks quite fondly of the Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center on Lynch Road where each year a worthy student is awarded a “Grafton Scholarship” that was named after Mr. Grafton’s grandfather who spent much of his career as the industrial arts teacher at North High School.

Another jewel of the 5th Ward in Grafton’s opinion is the Children’s Psychiatric Hospital that provides valuable and needed services to area patients. From the perspectives of both health and economic development Mr. Grafton has also expressed support for a comprehensive smokefree workplace ordinance in the City of Evansville. An affirmative vote for a smokefree workplace resolution would have passed in 2010 if the City Councilman from the 5th Ward would have supported it.

Mr. Grafton attended North High School and holds degrees from both Purdue University and the Princeton Theological Seminary. He and his wife are long time homeowners in the 5th Ward and would appreciate the opportunity to once again perform public service.


  1. Brent Grafton is one of the few truly honest people in Vanderburgh County politics, on either side of the aisle.

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