Showcase Of Service Provided To Non-Profits


Center for Family and Community Outreach ShowcaseEVSC
Thursday, May 15, 1-2:30 p.m.
Harrison High School, Graf Media Center

Background: The Center for Family and Community Outreach is one of the EVSC’s innovative programs for high school students. Housed at Harrison High School, the CFCO is a two-hour class that connects the talents of students to local non-profit organizations. Students are able to act in a “marketing” capacity for these organizations, creating documents, flyers, brochures, promotional videos, websites, etc., for the organizations. They also take numerous field trips to these nonprofits, collaborate with business people in the community and work with the newest forms of technology. Many of the students participate in service opportunities even outside school hours with these non-profits, as well.

The class fulfills the requirements of English 12, Interactive Media, Marketing, and Community Service.

This event will showcase the work performed this semester, as they present to the non-profits they worked with. Interviews will be available with students in the program, as well as representatives of the nonprofit organizations. More background available at:

Contact at the event: Brandon Kneer, CFCO teacher.