Hyde web small CCOHyde is a 2-year-old male terrier/Beagle mix! He gets a little nervous around new people & animals, so he will most likely bond strongly to one or two people in his new family. His $120 adoption fee includes his neuter, vaccines, and microchip. Visit for adoption details!


  1. Would anyone be interested in fostering a dog during its heartworm treatment time? During this treatment the dog is crated to be kept a quiet as possible and would need to be walked on a leash when outside for a potty break. VHS supplies the needed food and other materials so the fostering would be at no expense to you. There are some dogs who were taken from a bad situation in Pike County earlier this year who were discovered to have heartworm, which, if properly treated, can be completely cured. But foster families are needed to suport this effort. Please consider opening up your heart and home to a dog in need! Call VHS @ 426-5263 ext. 0 with any questions you may have about fostering. GET ACTIVE IN YOUR COMMUNITY. LOVE AN ANIMAL TODAY!!!

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