SPECIAL: Economic Trends in Evansville, Indiana


Economic Trends in Evansville, Indiana: A Look at Wages, Inflation, and Purchasing Power from 2020 to 2024


SEPTEMBER 10, 2024

The Evansville, Indiana Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) has experienced significant economic shifts from January 2020 to August 2024. This period has been marked by changes in unemployment rates, average wages, and inflation, all contributing to a notable impact on the purchasing power of residents. Below, we explore these metrics and their implications on the region’s economic health.

Key Economic Metrics

Metric January 2020 August 2024 Change
Unemployment Rate 3.4% 4.5% +1.1%
Average Wage $21.60/hr $23.10/hr +6.94%
Inflation Rate 0.1% (2020) 4.82% annually Total: +20.74%
Purchasing Power -13.8%

Unemployment Rate

The unemployment rate in Evansville increased from 3.4% in January 2020 to 4.5% in August 2024. This rise reflects broader economic challenges, including the pandemic’s impact, which initially spiked unemployment across the nation. Although the current rate indicates some recovery, the lingering effects have kept unemployment above pre-pandemic levels, suggesting that the job market in Evansville has not fully rebounded ​(FRED St. Louis Fed)

Average Wage Growth

Average wages in the Evansville MSA have seen modest growth, increasing from approximately $21.60 per hour in 2020 to $23.10 per hour by 2023, representing a 6.94% rise. While this increase seems positive, it is essential to contextualize wage growth within the broader economic environment, particularly considering inflation’s impact on real income. Nominal wage growth without corresponding adjustments for inflation can lead to misconceptions about improved economic conditions​.

Inflation and Its Impact on Purchasing Power

From 2020 to 2024, inflation in the Evansville area averaged about 4.82% annually, leading to a cumulative increase of approximately 20.74% over this period. This inflation rate reflects national trends, where the cost of goods and services has outpaced wage growth, driven by factors like supply chain disruptions, increased demand, and broader economic uncertainties​.

The inflation rate’s impact is seen starkly when comparing wage growth to the inflation rate. Despite the 6.94% increase in average wages, inflation’s cumulative effect has significantly eroded purchasing power, resulting in a net decrease of 13.8%. In other words, while workers in Evansville are earning more in nominal terms, their ability to purchase goods and services has diminished, highlighting the critical challenge inflation poses to household budgets.

Calculating Purchasing Power Change

To understand the change in purchasing power, one must subtract the inflation rate from the wage increase. In this case, a 6.94% wage increase against a 20.74% inflation rate results in a purchasing power decrease of approximately 13.8%. This calculation reveals that the cost of living in Evansville has outpaced wage growth, reducing the real value of earnings and squeezing household finances​.

Implications for Residents and Policymakers

The declining purchasing power in Evansville is a clear signal that wage increases alone are not sufficient to keep pace with rising costs. For residents, this means tighter budgets and potentially difficult choices about spending. For policymakers and business leaders, the data underscores the importance of addressing wage stagnation and inflation. Efforts could include targeted economic policies to support wage growth, incentives for businesses to increase productivity, and measures to manage inflation pressures.


The Evansville MSA’s economic landscape from 2020 to 2024 illustrates the complex interplay between wages, inflation, and employment. While wage growth offers some optimism, the overshadowing impact of inflation has resulted in a tangible loss of purchasing power for residents. As the region continues to navigate these economic challenges, focusing on sustainable wage growth and inflation control will be critical to improving economic resilience and quality of life for its citizens.
REFERENCE:  United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics


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