

    By Jim Redwine

    (Week of 09 September 2024)


    How does a new religion get started? Islam fourteen hundred years ago? Christianity two thousand years ago? Judaism twenty-four hundred years ago? The Romans and Jupiter twenty-five hundred years ago? The Greeks and Zeus three thousand years ago? The Egyptians and thousands of gods four thousand years ago? Gentle Reader, these are just my guesses; you are, of course, free to make your own estimates or consult Google as you see fit.

    However, my actual concern is the religion of presidential politics as practiced currently on cable TV in America. And I know when these new beliefs began. With FOX News, the new Defender of the Conservative Faith arrived when Donald Trump came down that golden escalator in 2015. As for CNN and MSNBC, their faith in a Liberal Deliverance was restored only a couple of months ago when Kamala Harris arose like the mythical Phoenix from the ashes of Old Joe.

    As best I can tell, the liturgy of these conflicted beliefs relies heavily on denigrating whichever candidate a particular TV network does not like. Portentous warnings from talking heads claim that the election of the “wrong” candidate will cause crops to fail and Taylor Swift to become the new Pied Piper of American youth.

    These dire warnings from CNN, FOX News, MSNBC and even occasionally, PBS, have become as ubiquitous as commercials and as vociferous as a Pentecostal sermon. CNN convenes numerous panels of “Never Trumpers” who have heard directly from on high that a Trump election will immediately boot America from our Promised Land. And FOX asserts that a Harris win will reign fire and brimstone all over our democratic Garden of Eden, or at least, everywhere but New York and California.

    But, just as one religion after another from the dawn of recorded history has appeared and disappeared, we can all pray that this election will end before Armageddon begins. I foresee hope for salvation from this endless cacophony of vapidity, FOOTBALL! As we Americans have done since the first football game was aired on TV, we clutch at the hope our team will rise above the fray. We can seize onto the faith in our champions on the gridiron and set aside the ennui brought on by the gaggle of gloom bearers on TV. Unfortunately, football season only lasts through the Super Bowl in February of 2025. Of course, the networks are doing their best to force us to buy every game and the new Transfer Portal and Name, Image and Likeness rules are sorely testing our faith.

    And, of course, whoever wins the election will be subject to four years of damnation from some of the disappointed anchors. Those sore losers will likely begin endless recriminations for venal sins they assert just over half of the electorate will have committed by worshipping a false idol. As for us in the captive viewership, maybe the INSP network will have enough Gunsmoke reruns to sustain us until the next two graven images are nominated four years from now.

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    1. .
      In fact, the Presidential Election has already started! People are sending in their mail-in ballots!!
      (Reminder: Idiot Trump said to MAGA voters, don’t use mail-in voting. Good Lord, he is determined to be a loser forever.)

      And? Just like our very own Evansville Mayor Terry…….HERE SHE COMES TO TAKE OVER!!!!

      Duration of the Election:
      One of the best things that ever happened, was when Kamala Harris declared she was running for President of the United States, only 10-weeks ago. This has been, and will be, the shortest Presidential campaign in US History, thanks to that event!

      Yes! The media networks want a campaign to last 2 years.
      This time? It’s about 4 months. I am good with that!!

      Preaching Fear? Says A Lot About Those Who Preach It:
      If you listen to Al Sharpie? Who loves Russia’s Vladmir Putin (same with Eviltaxpayer here at the CCO)…..and with PUTIN BEING AN ACTUAL COMMIE?
      When Al Sharpie and Eviltaxpayer say electing Kamala Harris will bring our biggest fear to the surface, and make Commie Kamala Harris the President?
      —- It kind of makes you think those guys are wolves wearing dead-sheep-skins around their face.
      —- I mean, they LOVE PUTIN, A COMMIE…and they say Kamala Harris is a commie?
      —- Get the dunce hat out!!! That don’t make no sense!!!

      What’s gonna happen, when THE OTHER OLD GUY IN THIS RACE, TRUMP, LOSES:

      1. Democrats are gonna celebrate. All Trump ever does, is lose. The GOP are idiots.

      2. The Republican Party is gonna celebrate.
      Trump will be gone, and do what all old people do faster more swiftly than the younger folks…pass on into the dust.


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