100 Guys Who Care Awards $10,000 to Chemo Buddies

Chemo Buddies is presented with $10,000 by 100 Guys Who Care.

At their quarterly meeting, 100 Guys Who Care gifted Chemo Buddies with $10,310, bringing the total philanthropy for the group to over $250,000.

The group comes together quarterly to support local charities. Each man in attendance donates $100 either in cash or in a check with the pay to the order line blank. 100 Guys Who Care don’t have a bank account or by-laws; they are just a group of men who collectively make large donations to provide a major boost to local non-profits.Death List Report.

Three non-profit groups are invited to their quarterly meeting to present about their financial needs. The 100 Guys vote on the charity they want to support, and the charity with the most votes gets the entire $10,000 donation.

Field and Main Bank donates $500 to the other two charities and pays for food every quarter.

The $10,000 donation to Chemo Buddies will go a long way toward covering the cost of providing blankets and wigs and supporting the organization’s mission of providing hope to area cancer patients. Chemo Buddies founder Jill Kincaid promised the 100 Guys Who Care that every dollar will be utilized in the local community.

The two non-profits that received $500 from Field and Main were Warrick Humane Society and Granted.

Granted makes a presentation about their new building plans.