Concession Speech of Andrew McNeil


mcneilLincoln said it best after a poor election night in 1862: “I feel like that boy back in Kentucky who stubbed his toe while running to see his sweetheart. The boy said he was too big to cry but it hurt far too badly to laugh”.

Thank you all so much for your support over these last 7 months. I have just called Dr. Bucshon to congratulate him on his victory and to wish him and his family the best moving forward.

I first want to thank my wife Andrea for her phenomenal work. Campaigns tend to be harder on families than on the candidates themselves, so the fact that Andrea had the strength and grace to be a mother, a wife, and a campaign manager simply staggers me.

I want to thank all of my children for letting me drag them around the district and putting up with the added responsibility of campaigning. I am truly proud of the composure and steadiness that they all showed. My children were my first motivation for running and I hope that I made all of them proud.

I want to thank my entire campaign staff for volunteering their time and energy to make phone calls, organize meetings, walk door to door, and encourage me with their enthusiasm at every campaign meeting and event.

And to all my supporters and donors across the district who gave of themselves I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your help and your prayers are humbling. You believe in the values that make this nation great and you believed that I would represent them for you in Washington. I cannot thank you enough for that belief.

America, now more than ever, needs strong Republican leadership in Congress. The voters of the 8th district have declared that Dr. Bucshon will best be able to carry our cause onward to DC. I have met with thousands of Hoosier families and voters in the district I can no more disrespect their choice than I could disrespect the opinion of a personal friend.

I support Dr. Bucshon and the work of Republicans across the nation to strengthen our voice in the House and to carry the Senate in 2014. I encourage every Hoosier who supported me to work with and pray for our Congressman as we continue building a nation where our children can live with the liberty and security that our Founders designed for us.

Again, thank you all so much. God bless you, and God Bless America.