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Rick Davis’s Official Filing Announcement for Mayor of Evansville


Rick Davis

Press Release

Rick Davis will officially file for Mayor of the City of Evansville at 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, Jan. 19 in the Election Office, Room 214 of the Civic Center.

Davis, 41, is the first Democratic candidate to announce that he will run in the Tuesday, May 3 city primary. He will be filing on the first official day of signups which run through noon Feb. 21.

“I picked the first filing date to officially put my name on the ballot because I want people to know I am running for the Office of Mayor and not against any particular person,” Davis said.

“During the campaign I will do my best to educate people on our platform: Job growth, transparency, public safety, and accountability,” he added.

Following the filing Wednesday, Davis will hold a luncheon at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Coliseum located at 300 Court St. The public is invited to the filing and luncheon.

Davis, the Vanderburgh County Treasurer, first announced that he would run for Mayor on Nov. 11, 2010. In December, he started his grassroots campaign by going door-to-door, meeting the people of Evansville and listening to their ideas.

He has held two Town Hall meetings in the month of January and two more are planned for Jan. 20 at McCollough Library, 5115 Washington Ave., and Jan. 27 at Oaklyn Library, 3001 Oaklyn Drive. Both will take place from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Davis, a lifelong resident of Vanderburgh County, graduated from F.J. Reitz High School in 1987. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communications/Emphasis in Journalism from the University of Southern Indiana in 1993 and earned a Master of Science Degree in Public Service Administration from the University of Evansville in 2006.

Rick has administrative experience in both the public and private sectors. Prior to taking office on Jan. 1, 2009 as Vanderburgh County Treasurer, Davis was the Chief Deputy at the Vanderburgh County Recorder’s Office for more than 6 years. He previously was an Assistant Metro Editor and Southern Indiana Reporter at The Evansville Courier & Press; Managing Editor and Associate Editor at The Boonville Standard and Newburgh Register; and a sports reporter at The Henderson (Ky.) Gleaner.

Rick remains active in the Evansville community. He was the President of the Mount Auburn Neighborhood Association from 2006-2008. He has been a member of the West Sector Police Station’s National Night Out Committee since 2004 and is active in the United Neighborhoods of Evansville (UNOE). Rick is also a charter member of the John F. Kennedy Club of Vanderburgh County, a civic organization founded in 2008.

To view a schedule of events visit www.pickrickdavis.com

For more information please contact Bill Denton, Campaign Chairman at (812) 499-6312.


  1. Rick Davis will be a fine mayor! He will have quite the mess to clean up, but Rick can do it.


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