Only Libertarians can address Corruption


    Only Libertarians can address Corruption

    Freedom, IndianaAuthor Andrew Horning is the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

    While I did not predict the purportedly clairvoyant “baby dog” at the Republican National Convention, I did accurately predict that most of the speeches would be bombastic, loud with tribal drum-beating, and…hypocritical.

    Thankfully, Jim Banks avoided the others’ gimmicks and thumping rhetoric.  I appreciated his more gentlemanly assertions that now was not the time for “wimpy Republicans.”

    But I had to wonder who he was referring to, or even what he meant by that.  After all, every one of Indiana’s GOP federal officeholders have approved funding of all the “woke agenda,” importation of foreign voters, more power for politicians and fewer rights for us…everything the other half of our Two Party Puppet Show asked for, and more.  Worse, a large part of the inflation we suffer today, is from the debt spending incurred under Trump, as approved by every single one of Indiana’s congresscritters.  All of them seem fine with unelected bureaucrats in executive agencies writing the overwhelming majority of our “laws,” and even judging their infraction and enforcing them with ever-more heavily-armed legions of bureaucrats, in stark violation of Articles I, II and III of our US Constitution.  All of them continuously approve boosting profits for Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Tech, and of course the military-industrial complex, by funding both sides of every conflict on the planet, and rewarding the wealthy NGOs, corporations and other kingmakers that feed their election campaigns.

    None of them are constitutionalists, of course, but also, none of them can even speak against what is at the heart of all of our nation’s worst problems – the trade of influence for campaign donations.  Follow the money.  The “deep state” puppet masters who really run our government are happy to give millions to candidates every election cycle, because they get billions back.  They don’t much care who wins any election, they just care that whoever wins, picks up the phone when they call.

    I’ll come out and say it.  They’re all bought.  Both crony network parties.  And if that’s not “wimpy Republicans,” what, exactly, is?  Hmmm.  Maybe it’s the overly loyal Republicans who keep voting for those that sold them out?

    To be fair, the whole system is corrupt, and even the best people with the best intentions cannot fix it from within.  Too many have tried for too long.  They give us false hope, and they dissuade us from what only voters can do: Fire Them All.  The two parties, and the corrupt system they voluntarily represent.

    Here’s what should now be obvious fact:  If you want a good Republican, or a good Democrat, in either house of the US Congress today, you’ll have to elect a Libertarian.

    Liberty or Bust!
    Andy Horning


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