We hope that today’s IS IT TRUE will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address rationally and responsibly.
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree on candid discussions and may become a little heated. The use of offensive language and/or insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
City-County Observer Comment Policy: Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE we hope that one day the voters will realize that they are surrounded by two-faced and self-serving politicians?  …we hope the voters start relying on the wisdom of divine guidance instead of relying on a politician who always says “Trust me I Don’t Lie”?
IS IT TRUE that because of the actions of the less than honorable politicians America is experiencing trouble from the “Out House to State House to the Whitehouse to Our House?

IS IT TRUE that over the years we have made numerous references that the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities was not only known for its political patronage activities but was also used as a funding source to help the City of Evansville with its occasional financial cash flow challenges? …that it’s safe to say that over the years the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Department was used as an in-house bank that loaned the City of Evansville many millions of dollars to help the city with short-term cash shortfalls challenges?

IS IT TRUE that we are sad to report that a massive 5-alarm fire caused the Morton Avenue Warehouse property unrepairable damages? …that every warehouse building located on this industrial/storage site was destroyed by fire is still untouched by a professional cleanup crew hired by the City Of Evansville Building Commission? …that we also feel that the Evansville City Administrators seem uninterested in doing anything to make the site safe for people living in less than the scenic areas of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville firefighters were recently dispatched to the dilapidated Morton Avenue Warehouse property site to fight another fire? …that credible sources tell us the recent fire started in a large furniture and trash pile dumped on the site during the last several months? 

IS IT TRUE that the only “No Trespassing” sign at the above property has been torn down? …that we predict that one day city officials will be reading about a serious injury or death on this extremely dangerous and unsecured Morton Avenue Warehouse property.

IS IT TRUE that “Good Public Policy” starts with fiscal responsibility? … in days gone by, the City Of Evansville had an impressive “RAINY DAY FUND” so our elected officials would have a financial cushion for unexpected budget shortfalls?

IS IT TRUE that 77 city employees were paid more than $100,000 in salary last year?  …that the City-County Observer has been looking at the past and current employee’s budget numbers and will share details of our budgetary investigation shortly? 

IS IT TRUE that many people feel that E-REP has more political influence and financial authority than any of our current elected members of the City Of Evansville or Vanderburgh County?


IS IT TRUE that local taxpayers are quietly observing the excessive spending habits of the Evansville City Council?

IS IT TRUE that we have been told that the voters all over America are finally getting in the mindset to get rid of the tax and spend politicians?

IS IT TRUE that the law professor Jessica Levinson for NBC News said that “the Presidential pardons are transparently transactional, having nothing to do with fairness or justice and everything to do with rewarding loyalists, allies, and, almost inexplicably, war criminals and disgraced politicians”?  …that Presidential pardons are supposed to act as a fail-safe when the federal criminal justice system malfunctions?
IS IT TRUE that several years ago the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis provided some clarifying data about who stands to lose the most from social distancing in a recent report?  …that occupations at the highest risk of unemployment also tend to be lower-paid occupations? …the average annual earnings of the low-risk occupations are $64,600, about 75% higher than earnings in the high-risk occupations, at $36,600″? …that they went on to say that, the economic burden from this health crisis has most directly affected those workers who are likely in the most vulnerable financial situation.
IS IT TRUE that the cost of complacency is about to come crashing down on the customers of the City of Evansville Water and Sewer Utility Department?…that the long-needed replacements of old cast iron water and sewer pipes are finally underway and the cost of the project is staggering?   …that we feel that an aggressive and creative management style could save some serious money if they would stop a few employees from paying the “good ole boys” pity political patronage games?
IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville Employees Healthcare Insurance has continually posted a severe deficit over the last several decades?  …that it looks like it’s time for newly elected members of the Evansville City Council to vote to hire a new Employee Health Insurance broker to find a long-term solution to create an affordable City of Evansville Employee Healthcare Insurance plan?
IS IT TRUE that many people feel that E-REP has more political influence and financial authority than any of our current elected members of the City Of Evansville and Vanderburgh County?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny and when the government fears the people we have Liberty?
Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled OBITUARIES, BIRTHDAYS, AND HOT JOBSsted in our daily online paper.
Oh, you now can subscribe to the CCO daily at no cost.
IS IT TRUE that it was also reported in the Evansville Courier and Press that 1st Ward City Councilman Ben Trockman said, “I would ask the Mayor or Deputy Mayor to spend some time with the council in the new year to (address) the city’s health insurance plan issue” is kicking the political can down the road? …that .Mr. Trockman would have been spot on if he had made the motion to immediately put the city’s health care insurance plan out for a formal bid in the private sector?
IS IT TRUE the back side wing of the WELBORN HOsipital is currently being demolished to ass an underground parking garage?
IS IT TRUE that several years ago the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis provided some clarifying data about who stands to lose the most from social distancing in a recent report?  …that occupations at the highest risk of unemployment also tend to be lower-paid occupations? …the average annual earnings of the low-risk occupations are $64,600, about 75% higher than earnings in the high-risk occupations, at $36,600″? …that they went on to say that, the economic burden from this health crisis has most directly affected those workers who are likely in the most vulnerable financial situation.
IS IT TRUE that the modern history of presidential pardons is full of examples of presidents who provided a “Get Out Of Jail Free Card” to friends, family members, and donors? …that President Bill Clinton pardoned his half-brother, Roger Clinton, and campaign donor Marc Rich? …President George W. Bush pardoned the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby after he was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice?
IS IT TRUE that over the last several decades the City of Evansville Employees Healthcare Insurance has continually posted a severe deficit each year? ..iit’s time for newly elected members of the Evansville City Council to vote to hire a new Employee Health Insurance broker in order to find a long-term solution to create an affordable City of Evansville Employee Healthcare Insurance plan.
IS IT TRUE that it was also reported in the Evansville Courier and Press that 1st Ward City Councilman Ben Trockman said, “I would ask the Mayor or Deputy Mayor to spend some time with the council in the new year to (address) the city’s health insurance plan issue” is kicking the political can down the road? …mediately put the city’s health care insurance plan out for a formal bid in the private sector?