McNeil campaign ready for Primary


mcneilWith the primary campaign season ending next week, congressional candidate Andrew McNeil has every reason to expect a positive result on election night.

“We’ve given it our all and done all that we can do.” Andrew pointed out to an enthusiastic group of campaign volunteers over the weekend. “We squeezed every drop out of every day and every dollar we have had so far. Everything that we’ve done has multiplied tremendously and our momentum just keeps building.”

What began over 6 months ago as plan from a political newcomer to represent conservative values in the 8th district has grown into a full time campaign complete with candidate forums, TV appearances, district-wide news coverage, thousands of introductions, and a network of volunteers canvassing every county.

McNeil’s campaign is a grassroots effort combining direct interaction with constituents and daily updates of his whereabouts on social media platforms. The campaign culminated in his 19 Days for 19 Counties tour which saw Andrew devote one entire day to each county in the district. Andrew traveled over 3,000 miles during the month long tour while stopping in over 50 cities and towns in the 8th District to meet one-on-one with the voters. All told, Andrew personally stopped at more than 350 businesses and visited nearly 1000 homes over the last month alone.  He met with hundreds of other Hoosiers at Lincoln Day dinners, meet and greets, candidate forums and restaurants across the district.

When asked what he wanted voters to keep in mind for the May 6th primary, Andrew responded, “If you want someone who will cherish your values, and fight for constitutional limited government then vote for me. If you want a family man with a common sense approach to problems then vote for me. If you want someone who will stand on principle regardless of party bosses or the mainstream media then vote for me. Finally if you want someone who will never forget that he works for you then please vote for Andrew McNeil for US Congress.”


  1. I received a political phone call inn behalf of Mr. McNeil on election eve. The lady who called showed class all the way. She ended up by asking whether I would support him. I said no. She thanked me for listening to her. It. Was a pleasure to listen to her.

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