New Harmony Volunteer Fire Department receives new safety equipment


    by Becky McNamara

    To help our volunteer firefighters, Indiana recently provided much-needed personal protective equipment to over 60 departments including the New Harmony Volunteer Fire Department.

    We know that volunteer departments often operate with limited budgets and struggle to replace outdated equipment. That’s why I supported the state’s investment in providing departments with new turnout gear and self-contained breathing apparatuses.

    According to the U.S. Fire Administration, more than 70% of Indiana firefighters are volunteers. These volunteer fire services are essential, especially in rural communities, and the new funding prioritizes those departments with the highest need and oldest equipment.

    Click here to learn more about the PPE distribution to volunteer fire departments across Indiana.

    In 2023, I also supported a new law allowing counties to adopt a resolution for one or more township or volunteer fire departments, or fire districts and territories, to receive up to .05% of their public safety local income tax. This can be a great option for sustainable funding and I hope more counties consider it.

    Firefighters are vital to our communities, rushing into dangerous situations to protect fellow Hoosiers. I’m dedicated to continuing to support our firefighters and other public safety officers.