Letter To The Editor In Support Of Ungetheim



The May 6, 2014 Primary Election is fast approaching. Every citizen eligible to vote has an obligation/duty to vote, but before you do so, do your homework to find out as much as you can about the candidates, their values they hold, their integrity, and the manner in which they have served the community.

On the Republican ballot you have a choice to vote #14 or Marsha Abell or #15 for Bruce Ungethiem for Vanderburgh County Commissioner. In the local paper Marsha Abell has been quoted as saying about her opponent, ” He just wants to be a somebody.” Bruce Ungethiem already is somebody who was the organizer of CORE (Citizens Opposed to Reorganization in Evansville) or consolidation of city-county government. He did well to educate people that consolidation meant less representation, power in too few hands, and putting Power over the People.  People knew what they were voting for when consolidation was on the referendum vote. Vote was 67% opposed to consolidation, while only 33% voted for consolidation. He has proven he can get things done. He went before the Indiana General Assembly, and partly through his efforts, now there will be a separate vote for the city and a separate vote for the county, whenever the issue of consolidation comes up again in the state of Indiana.

Bruce Ungethiem will be somebody who will serve the community well as Vanderburgh County Commissioner. I encourage you to vote for him.

Berniece Tirmenstein

Evansville, IN


Editors Footnote: This letter is posted by the CCO, Without opinion, Bias and Editing. The CCO invites any candidate or their supporters to submit a letter to the editor and we will publish.


  1. Vanderburgh being what it is, it’ll be close. For me anyway, the choice is clear. Bruce Ungenthiem is well qualified and less overtly/heavyhandedly political. I think we’re actually fortunate to have him running. He gets my vote.

    Marsha Abell appears to be running scared. Haven’t heard any personal attacks from Mr. Ungethiem directed at her. She thinks he ‘just wants to be a somebody’??

  2. Can’t believe the CCO Readers Poll number. If the loyal CCO readers show up at the polls on Tuesday looks like Abell is in real trouble.

  3. Went and voted for Bruce yesterday and was proud and honored to do so. Was going to vote for Swaim as well but apparently he’s not in my district. That’s ok, because I’ve got every bit of 10-15 on the east side I’m making sure votes Swaim.

  4. Don’t understand the “love affair” with Swaim. Have worked with him in the past and just don’t see what others seem to find so impressive with him.

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