“IS IT TRUE” AUG 30, 2024

We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” provokes honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address rationally and responsibly.
City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and removed from our site.

We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated. The use of offensive language, or insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.

IS IT TRUE that it looks like the days of a few local political power brokers controlling the outcome of elections like the “PATRONS OF ARGENTINA” did in the 1950s could be coming to a glorious end?

IS IT TRUE we realize that a community can have no greater ambassador of goodwill than one that keeps its citizens informed about the accomplishments, failures, and triumphs of individuals, the business community, church, hospitals and community groups, educational institutions, and elected and appointed officials?  …that we are proud to be your homegrown and homeowned community newspaper?

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Terry recently announced that the State Board Of Accounts is currently conducting a financial audit/review of the books of the outgoing Winnecke administration?  …that any financial “Question Costs” findings that the State Board Auditing team discovers will not be Mayor Terry’s responsibility to address but it will be up to the former Mayor and his City Controller to address?


IS IT TRUE that we have been told by several City taxpayers that Mayor Terry should spend less time cutting ribbons and more time cutting the inflated city budget?

 IS IT TRUE that one of our more financially savvy business people would like to give our elected city officials a sound warning concerning the current financial status of the City of Evansville?  …that her warning to them is that Evansville is currently over one (1) billion dollars and three (3) hundred million in debt and increasing more each day?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville is also facing many hundreds of millions of dollars of additional bond debt because of numerous unfinished big-ticket capital Water and Sewer projects, making needed repairs and improvements to city parks, and repairing and repaving many of our crumbling city streets?

IS IT TRUE that political officeholders should be aware of Tortious interference, also known as Intentional Interference with contractual relations, in the common law of torts? …that torts occur when one person intentionally damages someone else’s contractual or business relationships with a third party causing economic harm? …when individuals colluding with each other to get a third party to interfere in a way that a business is damaged to enhance the blissful existence of a small number of privileged people could be considered Tortious interference?

IS IT TRUE that several expensive capital projects are currently being built at ROBERT’S PARK?  …IS IT TRUE that Evansville is also facing hundreds of millions of dollars of additional bond debt because of numerous unfinished big-ticket capital Water and Sewer projects, making needed repairs and improvements to city parks, and repairing and repaving many of our crumbling city streets?

IS IT TRUE that many months ago members of the Evansville City Council agreed to sell the naming rights of 24 city streets to raise 9 million dollars to pay for renovations costs at the Ford Center?  …that we been told that not one naming rights to any of the 24 City Streets were sold?  …we wonder where members of the City Council got the 9 million dollars to make needed repairs on the FORD CENTER?

IS IT TRUE we have been told that the members of the Evansville City Council gave 9 million dollars to help the Developer pay to build the underground parking garage at 420 Main, Evansville?  …that we wonder how many dilapidated streets could the political hierarchy of Evansville pave with 9 million dollars?

IS IT TRUE that many members of the local GOP are getting fed up with the way that a few members of the local GOP leadership are treating a couple of members in good standing?  …that the leaders of the local GOP should realize that the bone-fide members of the local GOP have the Constitutional right to express their views and opinions be they right or wrong?  …that the right to express yourself is called “FREEDOM OF SPEECH”?



  1. Outstanding! CCO is always on it! The city debt is real and is only getting bigger!

    • It appears that SCOTT ROBOT was down in the cellar
      with the other sniveling rats all during the debt-building years,
      and years, and years, and years
      that passed during the Winnecke Administration.

      I smell a rat that got out of the cellar. Hi Scott!!

  2. Great read. We can blame Mayor Terry for current financial crisis the city is facing, however, no one held the Winnecke Administration accountable for 12 years. Ba complete and total misconduct by that administration. From the financial crisis to covering up a sexual harassment complaint because it might interfere with the election. A complete disaster by that administration with no accountability. Shameful

  3. Is it true that Evansville should replace 100 year old dilapidated city sidewalks so handicap citizens can enjoy their freedom without being injured or stuck ?

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