Leadership Everyone (LE) will host its Annual Meeting this year at Bosse High School on May 7, 5:30-7 pm. The event will celebrate LE’s work throughout the region, recognize new LE alumni, elect the 2024-2025 Board of Directors, and showcase work done at Bosse.

High School’s Fine Gallery on May 7, 5:30-7 pm.

In the past several years, LE has been holding visioning sessions at Bosse for both students and teachers, taking teachers through the Community Leadership Program, providing support for teachers, as well as doing full-day Leadership Training for all Bosse seniors. Through LE partners, SABIC, BMWC, and BrandSafway, a brand new chemistry lab was built for the school. And Wesselman Woods provided a greenhouse renovation.

“We love Bosse High School and are so excited to be helping in every way we can,” says Leadership Everyone CEO, Lynn Miller Pease. “We are thrilled to hold our Annual Meeting at Bosse so that even more people can see how great this school is, and more importantly, how they can help make it even better!”

Leadership Everyone holds its Annual Meeting each year to celebrate and honor the year’s accomplishments, highlighting those who help make the organization impactful. The Annual allows LE members to witness the success of the past year’s Community Leadership Programs, VOICE, Celebration of Leadership, and other projects, in addition to honoring new and outstanding alumni. They also elect the Board and Officers for the coming year. This year, Bosse seniors will speak on their experience with Servant Leadership, and tours will be given of the greenhouse and chemistry lab.

Tickets for the event are $25 and are free for students and their families. Ticket sales and information about sponsorship opportunities can be found at leannual2024.eventbrite.com.