IS IT TRUE? January 10, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? January 10, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the subject of hiring a new Attorney for the the Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners 2011 fiscal year is on this Tuesday’s agenda?….that the names of two outstanding attorneys Ted Zimmer and Joe Harrison, Jr. are being discussed to be appointed to this most important position? ….that both gentlemen are highly respected and qualified to do legal work for Vanderburgh County since both have extensive experience doing work for the Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners?….that both lawyers were Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners lead attorneys at one time?….that the new Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners would be well served if they would split this position into Co-County attorneys because they both bring extremely high levels of legal talent to the table? ….we know that the 2011 County Commissioners budget can sustain the funding of both individuals as Co-County Attorneys? ….many people are watching to see if 2011 Vanderburgh County Commissioners have the wisdom and insight to make this happen?

IS IT TRUE we still wonder how much money GAGE lost by putting on the 2009 Freedom Festival? … that GAGE reported to the media in July of 2009 that the figure of the loss was approximately $290,000?…that the word on the street is that $300,000, $400,000, $500,000 or even more than $600,000 may be the real figure when all costs are considered? ….that the GAGE Board of Directors will meet this coming Wednesday (Jan.12, 2011) to review the 2008 and 2009 financial audits conducted by a local accounting firm? …we know that the GAGE Board of Directors will not give the local media a copy of these audits because that will declare that they are a public private partnership not-for-profit that is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act legislation? ….since this organization receives public tax dollars through the Evansville City Council and Vanderburgh County Council we shall relay on individuals from these elected entities that provide funding to provide the media with copies of these audits?

IS IT TRUE that we have a better idea?….we suggest that the newly elected Vanderburgh County Council President and member of the GAGE Board of Directors, Joe Kiefer provides the City County Observer and other local media with a copy the 2008 and 2009 audits the day after the GAGE Board of Directors reviews them? …that we would also appreciate an summary of the conclusions of the audit without GAGE board editorialization?….we expect that County Council President Joe Kiefer shall give all local media copies of these audits because his re-election campaign theme was “OPENNESS IN GOVERNMENT”?…that the executive committee at the time of the 2009 Freedom Festival should be available for questions in a public forum to explain the losses?….that Joe Kiefer was not even a part of GAGE in any way during the Freedom Festival?…that the crusader of auditing of bad policy to replace it with good public policy Commissioner Marsha Abell will be going on to the board of GAGE and should pursue the truth of what led to the difficulties of GAGE with the same diligence that she recently exposed the excessive board level poor judgment of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Council now has a real scholar in its mist? ….the Dr. Dan McGinn is now teaching law at USI? ….his new title is Adjunct Professor? ….we know his students shall not only enjoy Professor McGinn lectures but shall learn a great deal?


  1. Come on CCO, I know you can do better than this. We shall “relay” on individuals . . . appreciate “an” summary . . . won’t even comment on the last paragraph (or was that just a large run-on sentence) of the GAGE story . . . and last, but not least, City Council has a real scholar in its “mist” ?? Come on fellas, readership is up, don’t blow it all with bad grammar and usage.
    Sorry to be a pain, but I like your paper when it’s well written, Beerguy

  2. Interesting and informative article on the County attorney options. The Zeimer firm were the County attorneys under the then Troy Tornatta demo majority. Both Mr. Zeimer and Mr. Harrison are very well respected attorneys. It would be best as the CCO suggests if they split the work as it would eliminate conflict concerns from the prior representation under the former Tornatta majority and 2 heads are always better than 1 when the cost is the same. This, my opinion.

  3. I think it is time for a change. Ted Ziemer has served his time and in some cases has not been impartial. New attorneys are needed to refresh the County Commissioners. Having two attornys is a great idea. Two new ones – even better.

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