Home Uncategorized Two Men Arrested after Scuffle at Walmart

Two Men Arrested after Scuffle at Walmart


SPONSORED BY DEFENSE ATTORNEY IVAN ARNAEZ.user29376-1397823007-media1_63615f_192_240_PrsMe_
Indiana State Police arrested two Warrick County men yesterday afternoon after they were involved in an altercation at Walmart in Newburgh.

The investigation revealed Bennie Duvall, 64, of Newburgh, became angry when he observed Brandon Leeds, 28, of Boonville, enter the store through the exit doors. Duvall allegedly punched Leeds after they exchanged words. Duvall was arrested for battery. Leeds was arrested on a warrant out of Warrick County for failure to appear. They were both taken to the Warrick County Jail, but were later released after posting bond.

• Bennie Duvall, 64, Newburgh, Ind
1. Battery, Class B Misdemeanor

• Brandon Leeds, 28, Boonville, Ind
1. Warrant (Failure to Appear)

Arresting Officer: Senior Trooper Keith Schmitz, Indiana State Police

Assisting Agency: Warrick County Sheriff’s Department



  1. Bennie, and the Jets. This low life needed to be beat down. Lucky for him you didn’t have a gun. If the don’t drop the charges against you, we should take over the court.

    • Huh? Yeah, shooting somebody for coming in the “out” door at Walmart sounds good.
      The charges against Mr. Duvall should be dropped if he is experiencing mental health problems. Otherwise, who is the “we” you are speaking of, who “should take over the court”? I’m pretty sure most of the right-wing seditionist crazies are busy in Nevada, protecting the rich commie rancher, Cliven Bundy, against having to pay the same taxes that other ranchers pay.
      I doubt Duvall has the money to get a “militia” here to protect his “right” to assault someone for using the wrong door at Walmart, the way Bundy did. Even if Leeds greeted Duvall’s anger with a miles-long string of threat-laced obscenities, Duvall broke the law when he hit Leeds. For that, why should anyone “takeover” a Court Room?
      This whole Bundy thing has a lot of over-the-line righties really wound up.

  2. This is one more good reason to avoid Wally World. I do hope this isn’t what it sounds like it may be, but I’m glad Mr. Leeds didn’t fight back.

  3. Old Man maybe says “watch it”, as Young man cuts in front of him, as the old man exits the store. Young man maybe says
    ” Stick it Old man”,—Next comes the lesson: “Don’t tug on Superman’s Cape!” 🙂 (Jim Croce)

  4. Excuese me. The 28 year old is my brother abd he also had a 3 year old child in his arms. Bennie was totally to blame for this. You dont punch someone for walkibg inan exit door. We all do it. Its childish. Let alone to hit someone with a child in thier arms and harm an innocent child. So all you people bashing my brother stop and think if you had a baby in your arms and got sucker punched would you not do the same. My brother is a good man and all of you need to grow up and get a life and stop running your mouth about things you know nothing about!

    • I certainly wasn’t bashing your brother. I hope he is fine and the child doesn’t suffer any lasting harm. This Duvall man sounds like he may be beginning with some sort of dementia. If he is, he needs to be in a facility that can deal with him. If he’s just a jerk, he needs to go to jail.

    • Agree Kristina ignorant post from lonely ignorant people that lead a sad life posting stupidity all day long….God bless…

  5. At the boonville wal mart the “exit” door is on the right hand side. I naturally gravitate toward that side like when driving but since I can read I go to the other side. That is certainly no reason to punch somebody! Leave it to the trashy cco crowd to justify such behavior. I’d bet my last bottom dollar this guy is an active tea party member.

  6. I go in the exit all the time and will even drive against the arrows on the parking lot. I’m just radical like that.

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