A Better “Great Reset”


Freedom, Indiana – Andrew Horning is seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

The UN’s Agenda 2030, a global domination scheme monetized by the WEF cartel, programmed into our minds by the TNI cartel, and to be enforced by the WHO monopoly through created catastrophe, must be stopped.

WEF founder Klaus Schwab said in Davos, “We have to rebuild trust.”  But the wealthy elites, NGOs, INGOs, governments and corporations[1] working in lockstep to oppress us under a global digital panopticon, have been serially wrong, have lied, have suppressed truth, and have harmed yet-uncountable millions.  We would be foolish to trust them again.

The USA must reassert our constitutional rule of law, national sovereignty, and individual human rights.  I have a plan to accomplish this, and I’d of course be happy to discuss it.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning


  1. .
    More international drama blather?

    This is the US. Am I the only one who thinks Andy Horning is the kind of joke Candidate who has NEVER, EVER, read an Income & Expense Statement, or a Balance Sheet, or EVER managed a Budget and been responsible for P&L?

    Instead, he’s probably got the annual Cinema movie pass, and spends all his time buying popcorn and seeing movies?

  2. Local drama blather-er condemning another blather-er over international drama blather? Too childish be the blather-er.

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