WEF and TNI – The REAL “Threat To Democracy”


WEF and TNI – The REAL “Threat To Democracy”

Freedom, Indiana – Andrew Horning is seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

How much more obvious can it be, that a global cartel of elitist Malthusian eugenicists bent on depopulation and global domination, are well on their way to destroying our nation?  Well, it’s not obvious at all to people who know only what they’re told.  For that we can thank the “Trusted News Initiative” (TNI).

“The information of the people at large can alone make them safe, as they are the sole depositary of our political and religious freedom.” – Thomas Jefferson to William Duane, 1810.

“…wherever the people are well informed they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.” – Thomas Jefferson to Richard Price, 1789.

Today, most of us understand that our government is corrupt.  Even our leftist media agree that evil things have been done under and behind the USA flag in the past (they just won’t concede that it’s happening today).  Most people at least sense that we’re in big trouble – cultural, as well as monetary, military, legal and fiscal.  We’re already suffering the effects of disastrous politics, authoritarian mismanagement and debt from the current and past administrations. But it’s been a slowly ratcheting problem that we don’t seem to notice as we should.  And, as it says in our Declaration of Independence, “…mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”  So most of us still vote for the unconstitutional crony system of bundlers, lobbyists, kingmakers, partisan staffers, bureaucrats and industrialists we call “The Two Party System.”

Since the WEF’s founding in 1971, accelerating since the late 1980’s, and becoming a juggernaut since 2012 (particularly with the creation of COVID 19 “opportunity” – their words, not mine), the few rich and influential WEF elite have been effective in leveraging their nightmarish vision of techno-totalitarianism through most of the world’s governments.  While the WEF websites no longer use the UN’s Agenda 2030 logo or clearly state specific agenda points, these literal fascists (by Mussolini’s definition – the bundling/morphing of corporatism and socialism) do clearly aim to take all we have (rights, property, opportunity), and give it to their corporate cronies.  That much is not “conspiracy theory.”  It is the WEF’s publicly stated objective of “public-private partnerships” and “stakeholder capitalism.”

Pouring accelerant on this cultural conflagration, the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) – a cartel of ideologically authoritarian tech/ information/ entertainment corporations, not only control most of what we can search, read, see and hear, but also crush alternative viewpoints and people through character assassination, lies and misinformation.  This also is not “conspiracy theory.”  It is the TNI’s publicly stated objective to monopolize and control information and sources.  And their coordinated, even lockstep actions, have already led to catastrophic economic, legal, monetary system and human life damage.

Our government has concealed huge murderous conspiracies for sometimes decades…the radiation, drug and disease experiments on citizens, soldiers, inmates and children, for example.  The still-dubious JFK assassination investigations.  Or the second day of the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and “weapons of mass destruction” that were our rationalizations for wars.  Now they’ve redefined and selectively applied words like “insurrection” to warp the effect of laws and courts to their partisan whims.  And of course there’s what we’re only gradually finding out about the dubious safety and efficacy of COVID vaccines, treatments, lockdowns and masks, as well as the origin of the virus itself –from only alternative media sources. 

Eisenhower warned of not only the “military-industrial complex,” but also “the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite” sixty-three years ago.  Just three months later, JFK warned of “secret societies” and the danger of government secrecy.  Our FBI, CIA and NSA have a horrible history of crime, violence and lies.  Many of our most respected media, like the New York Times, have a long history of destructive deceit.  How much more can be concealed from us should the TNI succeed in squashing all alternative thoughts and media?

Of course I wish success to RFK Jr. and his anti-trust suit against the near-monopoly on communication and freedom to speak.

But ultimately, We The People are in charge of everything.  We outnumber the ruling class millions to one; and everything that happens is by our obedience and paying/working participation, if not consent.  However, our incorporated rulers have turned us against ourselves, and our culture is rapidly crumbling.  Things will change; either by our deliberate actions, or in slackjaw surprise when it all comes down around our ears.

We can fix this, and it wouldn’t take “the masses” too many invoke as rationalization for “lesser evil” voting.  We don’t have to buy what they’re selling us.  We can at the very least do to this unelected corporatized ruling class, what we did to Bud Light.

More significantly; if we’re ready to see the unconstitutional Two Party System we were warned against for what it is – an inherently divisive, and wholly-owned puppet of corrupt shadow powers – we can turn this nation, and maybe the world, back onto the path toward peace, prosperity, security, liberty and justice for all, with only a little more than a third of us.  And 34% of us would certainly be 33.99999999etc% more democratic, legal, fair, and much more sustainable representation than we’ve got now.

Liberty or Bust!



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