POLITICAL SURVEY Recently the City County Observer sent Pete Swaim and John  Montrastelle questions that we felt would give our readers a better understanding how these two candidates feel about important local political issues.  Both individuals were asked the same questions and understand that the CCO would post their answers without opinion, bias or editing. Â
Pete Swaim and  John Montrastelle are running against each other in the 4th  District County Council seat in the Republican primary for the right to represent the Vanderburgh County Republican party in the November general election.  The date for the primary election to be held is May 6, 2014.
Posted below are the answers that GOP primary County Council candidate John  Montrastelle submitted to us for our readers to analyze and respond  accordingly.  We also have posted Pete Swaim responses to our political survey without opinion, bias or editing in todays CCO.
Responses Political Survey questions to the City County Observer by GOP primary candidate John Montrastelle for County Council are posted below.
 1) Why do you feel that you can do an effective job as our next Vanderburgh County Councilman?
I’m a fiscally conservative Republican who is hard working and committed to the success of Vanderburgh County. I currently work as the manager of the International and Government Department at Anchor Industries. I’ve had the pleasure of working at Anchor for 17 years. I have been married to my wife Karen for the past 29 years and we have raised three successful daughters. For the past 3 ½ years I have served the County on the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau, 2 ½ years as board President. The most recent public project I’ve been involved with is our new Softball/Baseball sports complex that will be built on North Green River Road. Throughout my business career in the private sector, I have balanced budgets and made tough decisions within the departments I’ve lead. I believe being a conscientious listener and a creative thinker are important assets that I will bring to our community. I feel my 30 plus years of experience in the private sector as a successful manager and my leadership on the ECVB have given me a strong foundation and put me in a position to become an effective and successful County Councilman.
2) Explain why your education and professional expertise qualify you take on the task of leading our county in a positive direction for the next 4 years.
Answered in question #1
3) Tell our readers what you feel are the strengths about your opponent?
I understand my opponent served as a Vanderburgh County Deputy Sheriff for many years. Having three close friends who have served and are currently serving on the Sheriff Department, I understand what it takes and admire those that do this type of work. Â
4) Tell our readers what you think are the short comings of your opponent? I’ll let the readers point out my opponent’s short comings.
5) What are the main challenges the county faces for the next 4 years?
Balancing the needs of our community with the constraints of our budget is certainly an issue. Public safety and fighting the current meth problem our county is experiencing is also a top issue. Quality of life issues are important to me. Good roads, parks, and neighborhoods enhance our infrastructure. We also need to attract and retain good, high paying jobs to keep our county vibrant and successful.
6) What’s your stance on future tax increases for the next 4 years?
The real key to increasing our revenue is thru economic development and job creation not tax increases.
7) What areas of county government can we make creative cuts to help keep budgets in line with income stream?
The first thing I will do is listen to the department heads and elected officials who control their budgets day in and day out. I also want to hear from the community and better understand their concerns. After which, I will work with the elected officials responsible for fiscal matters to make the tough decisions required to live with the reductions in county revenue. The real key to maintaining needed services is to increase our revenue through economic development and job creation.
8) What new county funded programs do you think should be considered during the next 4 years?
I’m hesitant to fund any new programs unless there is a return of investment to our community. The county council trimmed the budget by about 4 million last year and more cuts may be required this year. If we’re going to consider new programs, as stated earlier, we first need to increase our revenue through economic development and job creation.
9) Do you feel elected county officials should or shouldn’t be allowed to hire family members to work in county funded jobs?
From what I understand, there already is a law on the books that prohibits family members from being hired and working for other family members in government positions. To me, this law makes sense. It’s best not to put an elected official in a position of choosing to discipline or not discipline a family member. No to elected officials hiring family members.
10) What’s your opinion on political patronage appointments?
As an elected official or private sector manager, it’s best to have department heads who share your same mind set and believes. Not that you and that person couldn’t have disagreements along the way and think differently from time to time. That’s okay and healthy for the department. However, at the end of the day, you want managers and department heads that you can trust and believe in.
11) Do you feel that candidates running for public office should or shouldn’t accept political donations from those doing business with the County?
They should not. Â
12) Do you feel that professional services should be formally bid out ?
Yes and no, it really depends on the type of service needed. Two examples would be Insurance and legal services. Insurance is a service that I would have bid out. Legal service maybe not, you want an attorney that is good and that you can work with and have a good relationship with. That is not always going to be the lowest bidder.
 13) Closing remarks shall cover any issues about your campaign as deemed necessary.
As many may know, this is my first run at a political seat. Some people have asked me “Why in the world would you want to get involved in the political arena?†My answer to that question has a lot to do with my father and some things he was involved with in his career. My dad, Bill Montrastelle, was recruited by a doctor friend in the mid 50’s to come to Evansville and start the new the Physical Department at Welborn Hospital. While dad grew the department, he also served the community in a variety of ways. He was on the YMCA board, the Museum board and also worked on the Freedom Festival and Thunder on the Ohio. He was the first Civil Defense Director in Vanderburgh County. Dad was also Arad McCutchan’s athletic trainer at the University of Evansville for many years as a volunteer. He later did the same at Memorial High school. All of this community service was done while running the PT department at Welborn and serving as an officer in the Army Reserve for more than 30 years. While I am not my dad, I do have the same drive and passion for community service that he instilled within me. My mother and father led by example by being active and involved parents for my sister, three brothers and I. Discipline, work hard, studies, Church, athletics, and a strong family bound was my early background. That’s how I grew up and that’s who I am today. I want the best for Evansville and will work hard to better our community.
Thank you CCO readers for your support and please Vote on May 6th!
There is nothing here, by way of an answer, about formal educational attainments.
I am not a fan of the current or immediate past performance of the ECVB, which has allowed itself to be misused on occasions by certain political figures. It showed weak leadership.
It seems Mr. Montrastelle has very few arrows in his quiver and lacks the experience and resume of the current office holder.
Mr. Montrastelle will have the ECVB and ball fields hanging around his neck like an albatross. That alone is enough for me to vote for Swaim
ECVB spending $1,875,000 each for eight ball fields and he calls himself a fiscal conservative, ridiculous.
Maybe all of this spending is meth related. Evansville just got called out in a national publication for being the meth capital of America.
Your article is nothing more than a mess wrapped in a disaster. You tell us your some fiscal conservative yet spend $15.5 million on ball fields in the boondocks while a neighborhood inside the city limits who has lived with baseball for nearly 100 years was more than committed to helping to maintain and find funding for them in their neighborhood. Don’t even try that.
You then go on to dodge the political patronage question by telling us you need people you can trust and believe in. That thought process right there is why the ECVB has been seen as nothing more than an inefficient in crowd organization. The ECVB turned its back on both Roberts Stadium and the baseball community in and around Bosse Field all because of politics. The ECVB needs to rethink the way they do business. Put heads in beds, not follow along with some in crowds glory project.
After all of that, you tell us you want what’s best for Evansville? You say this while literally breaking ground on a complex in the county as far away from the city as possible? Actions speak louder than words.
Nothing you said in this article has given any voter anything to cast a ballot for you over Swaim. From department to department we need to do a 180 on the way people think about this city. That includes your ECVB. We need to vote Swaim.
I would like for Mr. Montrastelle to please read the # 13 response posted on Pete Swaim political survey article in todays CCO. If Mr. Swaim comments are correct about CVB entering into contract to build a baseball complex with a firm that is presently sued by the County is totally wrong.
I can’t wait to read Mr. Montrastelle responses to my question.
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