Home Breaking News “IS IT TRUE” NOVEMBER 6, 2023



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IS IT TRUE that several weeks ago a member of the CCO staff was harassed?  …that a couple of our computer-savvy “Moles” are working on identifying who harassed our staff member so we can turn over the information to the appropriate law enforcement agency for review and a possible indictment?

IS IT TRUE that when politicians are smarter than members of the media the political news is controlled by the politicians?
IS IT TRUE that we have been told not to be surprised to see blue-collar working-class people of Evansville who are fed up with the poor conditions of our parks, and streets, high Water and Sewer bills, high property taxes, out-of-control crime rate, the serious problems with our Public Transportation system voting in records numbers in the upcoming November 7, 2023 city election?
IS IT TRUE if you were The Chairman Of The Board Of Directors of a 480 million dollar corporation looking for a new CEO/President do you think that he would hire anyone who is currently working in local city government to run his corporation?  …that we wonder if you are aware that the City Of Evansville is a 480 million dollar not-for-profit corporation?
IS IT TRUE that we have been told by several reliable sources that Evansville is over one (1) billion dollars in debt?  …that we have been told it isn’t going to get any better because the new Sewer Treatment Plant is projected to cost somewhere around 300 hundred million dollars to build?
IS IT TRUE that we are told by a couple of local political movers shakers that they expect political Wards One (1) and Three (3) are too close to call but they give a slight edge to the challengers?  …that the race in Ward Two (2) the edge goes to the incumbent Missy Mosby (D)?  …that in the At-Large  City Council race, the political movers and shakers predict that Jonathan Weaver (R) will be re-elected by a comfortable margin?  …that Ron Beane (R) and political newcomers Paul Green (D) and Mary Allen (D) are expected to fight it out for the second and third Ai
t-Large seats?
IS IT TRUE that are told that many taxpayers of Evansville aren’t happy with the millions of dollars spent on non-essential and irrelevant capital projects during the last several years?
IS IT TRUE that local Government officials are doing for people that they can do for themselves?
IS IT TRUE that we were told by several political insiders that we could be seeing four (4) new faces on the 2024 Evansville City Council?
IS IT TRUE that several credible sources have told us that the members of the Evansville City Council recently adopted the 2024 city budget that has the following monies and stipend earmarked for all 9 (nine) members of the Evansville City Council?  …their salaries and benefits for 2024 are $192,158 in salaries, $212,090 in health insurance, $10,000 in travel and 0 in the past, and $32,541 in PERFs?
IS IT TRUE that “Lease/Rental Revenue Bonds” have quietly been used on other capital projects throughout Evansville during the last several years?  …that a couple of current Evansville City Council members publicly stated that “Lease/Rental Revenue Bonds” are creative financing?   …that the real truth is that “Lease/RentalRevenue Bonds” financing is a loan of last resort?
IS IT TRUE that we are hearing that the voters all over America are in the mindset to get rid of all of the tax and spend politicians?

IS IT TRUE that we are told that several members of the local Chamber Of Commerce are wondering how much membership money their Board of Directors spent on the “National Job Search” to replace the outgoing CEO/President of the Chamber?

IS IT TRUE that many City and County taxpayers are shocked to learn that Evansville and Vanderburgh County Commission donated 300,000 dollars each to help fund EREP marketing activities?  …that we are also told that Warrick and Posey counties donated only $60,000 each to EREP marketing activities?
IS IT TRUE that former Evansville Mayors Jonathon Weinzapfel and Frank McDonald Jr. not only lived within their budget restraints but when they left office they had comfortable cash balances in the “Rainey Day” fund to pass on to their successors?
…that Evansville taxpayers are hoping and praying that the current and outgoing Mayor will do similar?
IS IT TRUE that we are extremely disappointed to hear that two city officials recently called Mayoral candidate Micheal Daugherty a lair at a political gathering? …that all we can say to both individuals is that figures don’t lie especially when Mr. Daugherty got his figures from the City Controller’s office?
IS IT TRUE that United States Senator Mike Braun recently caused himself a serious political problem by endorsing Donald Trump for President of The United States?  …that many of his supporters wonder why a law and order arch-conservative would support someone who has been charged with trying to overthrow the Government of the United States Of America and also being charged with other crimes too numerous to mention?
IS IT TRUE that we would like to congratulate Stephen Schweikarth for being appointed as the new Nissan General Sales Manager for D-Patrick-Evansville?
IS IT TRUE that the recent CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER’s monthly “Speaker Forum” luncheon was extremely successful?  …that our extremely popular Vanderburgh Sheriff Noah Robinson did a masterful job as our guest speaker?  …that we give five (5) cheers to Co-Chairpersons Steve Hammer and Ben Shoulders for doing an excellent job in planning this most worthwhile community event.
IS IT TRUE that  CHIEF DEPUTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY WINSTON LIN is doing a remarkable job in his position?
IS IT TRUE that our “Readers Poll” is non-scientific but trendy?  …our current “Readers Poll” question is: If the Mayoral election was held today who would you vote for?
If you would like to advertise in the CCO on-line and printed editions please contact us at City-County Observer@live.com




  1. Is it true the CCO is leaning more and more to the left over the last number of months?

    • If by left, do you mean honest? Calling out Braun for endorsing that criminal isn’t leaning left, its telling it how it is.

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