Fall Festival Safety Tips


OCTOBER 2, 2023

CHILD TIPSpage1image32873584

  • Before you arrive at the Festival, talk with your child about the large crowd that will be there. Tell them that there will be numerous Police Officers and Officials that your child can safely approach if they become separated from you.

  • After you arrive at the Fall Festival, point out first responders who are in uniform and where they are set up. Tell them they can go to anyone wearing a uniform for help. Also point out Nut Club members to your child and the distinctive straw hats with the various bands (bolo’s) around their hats. Tell them they can also seek out these Nut Club Members for help.
  • Upon arriving at the Fall Festival, take a picture on your cell phone of your child/children so that you know for sure what they are wearing. It can also be shown to officers if your child becomes lost. The clothing color and style will be helpful for officials actively looking for your child.
  • If you do become separated from your child, do not panic. Seek out the closest first responders or Nut Club Member for assistance.
  • Make sure you as a parent are constantly aware of your children’s whereabouts. Children are easily distracted at the Fall Festival, with all its sights, sounds, and smells, and is a prime spot to be easily distracted…even for adults.
  • It is always best for parents of younger children to hold that child’s hand when walking in or around the Fall Festival. (For numerous safety reasons)
  • For your children who are older and/or adults in your group, have a pre-determined meeting spot if you or anyone else in your group becomes separated.
  • If you feel your child is old enough to wander around without you, it is best if they pair up with a sibling or friend of similar age. Have them check in with you by calling or texting, every 15-30 minutes to update their location to you. Have a pre-determined time and location of departure in order to meet at that location when you are leaving the festival.
  • Parents, it recommended that you not allow any child younger than high school age to walk around in the games/rides area on Friday or Saturday nights without adult supervision. This becomes a VERY congested area.
  • Write down parent or guardian information, including a working phone number and place it in child’s pocket, shoe, or sock. You can also write your number on a rubber bracelet with a sharpie. Tell your child to give that information to a police officer, Nut Club member, or a food booth volunteer if he/she gets lost.


General Safety

  • Remember where you parked. Find a land marker, building, or something familiar near the parking spot so that you are not wandering around after dark looking for the vehicle. Taking a picture of your parking spot is also very helpful.
  • Lock your vehicle! If you absolutely must leave valuables inside vehicle, keep them out of sight. Store items in the trunk, glove box, or stashed away out of plain view.
  • If you see something suspicious, find a police officer nearby or call 911 and report the activity.
  • When walking to or from the Fall Festival after sunset, wear reflective or bright colored clothing. Traffic on the side streets can become very congested, walk on the sidewalks and check your surroundings before crossing the street.
  • Stay hydrated! It is easy to get dehydrated on hot days especially if you plan to walk around for several hours.

    Items prohibited at Fall Festival boundaries

    1. Animals/Pets of any type – service animals are allowed

    2. Glass Bottles/Jars/Containers
    3. Squirt Guns of any type/Water Balloons
    4. Bicycles/Scooters/Skateboards/Roller-Blades 5. Drones
    6. Fireworks
    7. Halloween masks

    *Remember, if you see something, say something! Report suspicious persons and activity to police.