METS Welcomes Five New Dual-Propulsion Buses to Fle


(September 13, 2023) — Today, the Metropolitan Evansville Transit System (METS) announced the addition of five new state-of-the-art buses that are powered by both diesel and electric propulsion systems. These buses demonstrate METS’ commitment to sustainable and innovative transportation solutions for Evansville riders.

A unique feature of these buses is their ability to be geofenced, allowing for specific propulsion system use based on the route or zone, enhancing efficiency while minimizing environmental impact.

“This is a testament to our city’s dedication to embrace future-ready transportation solutions,” said Mayor Lloyd Winnecke. “Through strategic funding partnerships, we’re ensuring that Evansville residents have access to clean, efficient, and reliable public transportation. These new buses symbolize our commitment to progress and the well-being of our community.”

“The addition of these dual-propulsion buses exemplifies how METS continues to innovate for the benefit of our riders and the environment,” said Department of Transportation and Services Executive Director Todd Robertson. “We’re thrilled to roll out these buses and look forward to the enhanced service they’ll provide.”

Two of the buses were fully funded by the American Rescue Plan Act funds through the Federal Transit Administration. The remaining three buses were supported with 80 percent federal funding and a 20 percent contribution from local funding sources. Each bus cost $869,536.

The buses were produced by Gillig. The engines were built by Cummins, a company based in Indiana. The hybrid transmissions were crafted by another Indiana company, Allison Transmission.


  1. How do these buses differ from the hybrid buses used by the City for the past 5+ years?
    Is It True that 3 of the buses directly cost the City about $174,000 each? The other 2 buses were “fully funded” by out tax dollars first funneled through the Federal government, which means we paid even more to cover the excess administrative costs!

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