“IS IT TRUE” AUGUST 30, 2023


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IS IT TRUE we get a big kick out of watching Evansville City Council members jockeying for a leadership position on the 2024 City Council?  …that sometimes names change but the games remain the same?

IS IT TRUE that is no greater ambassador of goodwill than a homegrown non-partisan community newspaper?  …that local newspapers can serve as a “Community Watchdog” by sounding the alarm when the citizen’s rights are being violated? …we realize that a community can have no greater ambassador of goodwill than one which keeps its citizens informed about their accomplishments, failure, and triumphs?

IS IT TRUE that some of our elected officials seemly have forgotten that the first amendment to the U. S. Constitution states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the rights of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievance”?
IS IT TRUE when small-town politicians that preside over an increasing crime rate and a mediocre economy get national attention, every pissant politician who rides in parades hearing “Hail to the Chief” in their own mind catches “Buttigieg Derangement Syndrome”?…that this political disorder may be contagious enough to infect the thinking of current Mayors too?
IS IT TRUE we hope that someone with common business and political sense will come forward and encourage the newly elected Indiana Governor to push our lawmakers to approve simulcast horse racing at casinos?  …if the Indiana power brokers delay this decision the Commonwealth of Kentucky will have the upper hand in generating future gaming dollars?
IS IT TRUE we are extremely pleased with the way that State Senator Vaneta Becker is representing the people of this State?
IS IT TRUE that inflated egos, know-it-all attitudes, self-serving demeanors, and inflated opinions about one’s leadership skills have created a dysfunctional Evansville City Council?
IS IT TRUE that it would be extremely interesting if a local historian would give the outgoing Evansville City Council members a performance review concerning how they addressed “Good Public Policy” issues over the last four years?
IS IT TRUE we are told because of the serious philosophical and personality conflicts between elected Democratic City Council members that Mayor Winnecke is able to craft a political and budgetary strategy that will ensure that his future capital projects plans will become a reality?  …we are told that divide and conquer politics most always succeed?
IS IT TRUE when a Chairman of a political party sweeps an election he takes total credit for this accomplishment?  …when a Chairman of a political party loses he blames everyone else for the loss?
IS IT TRUE that the Evansville DMD also has given hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars of “Facade Grants” to local businesses over the last 12 years?
IS IT TRUE that “political patronage” came about at about the same time that the Tammany Hall shakedown tactics in New York City were being used to drain the public coffers to enrich the politically connected?…the one thing that “political patronage staffing never seems to require is any expertise at all with respect to the job that one is being appointed to?
IS IT TRUE that “Political patronage” staffing is a dangerous artifact of the past and has no reason to exist in the present?…the need for competence as opposed to loyalty will someday drive ‘political patronage” staffing from local government, but until then shenanigans like putting campaign managers and workers into well-paid positions that are out of their league will continue?
IS IT TRUE we are pleased with the way that State Representative Wendy McNamara is representing the people in her district?
IS IT TRUE that a past Harvard Business School study that assesses the competitiveness of the United States of America?…in this study, it states that in 1964 a full 77% of the population trusted the federal government to do the right things to make progress happen and that today only 17% of Americans trust the federal government?…that has increased from a low of 15% in 2009?…one could almost surmise that with that low of a number trusting the federal government that it can’t go much lower since roughly 15% believe silly things like Elvis is alive and Hitler is living in Argentina plotting a return to power?
IS IT TRUE to hear some American progressives talk about our social progress one would have to conclude that we are light years behind the Nordic countries which are capitalist economies with a stronger safety net than ours?…the reality is a breath of fresh air compared to what one reads and hears these days
IS IT TRUE we wonder who is in charge of putting up the holiday displays in the North Main areas of Evansville last Christmas?  …the movers and shakers of this area could have done a better job in the promotion of the upcoming Holiday season if they would have talked to the merchants on West Franklin Street?
IS IT TRUE that we have been told that over the years inflated egos, know-it-all attitudes, self-serving demeanors, and inflated opinions about leadership skills have created a dysfunctional Evansville City Council?

IS IT TRUE that our “Readers Poll” is non-scientific but trendy?

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