Home General News “IS IT TRUE” JULY 31, 2023

“IS IT TRUE” JULY 31, 2023

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IS IT TRUE that every four years the United States of America holds an inauguration ceremony where the duly elected President of the United States swears to uphold the Constitution of the United States and is sworn in as our President?…this ceremony is all about honoring the traditions associated with the Office of the Presidency and not the human being who is being sworn in?…the Presidency itself is and always has been bigger than the person who is elected to the job?… the City-County Observer hopes that persons who are fairly and duly elected by the people of the United States of America according to the rules established by our founders, will put all personal issues aside and uphold our Constitution while making the best decisions that can be made for the next four years?…it is furthermore hoping to see all members of the legislative and judicial branches of our government honor the Office of the Presidency whether they like or dislike the person being sworn in?
IS IT TRUE in case you haven’t been paying attention we would like to point out that Vanderburgh County Sheriff Noah Robinson is doing one heck of a job.  …that Sheriff Robinson is considered to be a blue-collar and hands-on Sheriff?  …he is extremely well thought of by the rank and file employees of the Sheriff’s Office?  …we also are very pleased with the professional way the men and women of the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office conduct themselves?
IS IT TRUE the revolving door at the CEO’s office on the 4th floor of Innovation Pointe is about to swing open again and credible sources are telling us that a promise made by the Chamber Of Commerce stated that they will conduct a national search for the current CEO replacement? …that the word in the street is that an Evansville politician may be the odds-on favorite of being hired for this lucrative position?  …that we believe that the Area Chamber Of Commerce will honor their commitment and conduct a national search for the new CEO of the Area Chamber Of Commerce?  …it’s obvious when a business does a national search for a new employee it will attract the most qualified person for the position/
IS IT TRUE everyday members of our local law enforcement work many crime scenes every week? …they also chase and apprehend suspects fleeing the scene of the shootings? …we are proud of the man and women of our local law enforcement for helping keep our community safe from bad people? …members of our law enforcement have an extremely stressful and dangerous job?  …the next time you see our first responders please give them a “thumbs up” for doing a great job in protecting us?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke is smart, hardworking, personable, and likable? …we wish that he would have put more focus on budgetary issues and didn’t go along with several big-ticket capital projects that came his way?  …that Mayor Winnecke has a lot of talented people surrounding him from the public and private sectors and we wish that he would have sought some of their advice and knowledge before he agreed to invest our tax dollars in a couple of multi-million dollar capital projects over the years?

IS IT TRUE we are told that many people are serving on important City of Evansville  Boards and Commissions without pay?  …we wonder if anyone can tell us how much the stipend that members of the Evansville Parks Board and Water And Sewer Board are receiving each year?  … what’s good for the goose is good for the gander?

IS IT TRUE that the Honorable Vanderburgh County Superior Court Judge for Vanderburgh County Gary Schutte is doing an outstanding job?
IS IT TRUE that our medical and first responders heroes who are laboring on the front line of health care crisis risk their lives every day to save others? …that it’s time for the powers that be to give our medical and first responders heroes the appropriate financial compensation for a job well done?
IS IT TRUE that 75 companies that received government stimulus money had a market value of over $100 million each?
IS IT TRUE that after the city transfer of Bally’s future income advance of $12,500,000 from the Riverboat fund to deposit into the City of Evansville General Fund? …this transaction is a case of mortgaging the future to cover the perceived need to fund initiatives of today?…the legacy of buying a new car on credit while letting the toilet leak inside the trailer with a hole in the roof has caught up with the City Of Evansville City?
IS IT TRUE that we are pleased that the Vanderburgh County Council has decided to use some of the allocations of COIT funds from 2018, 2019, and 2020 to build a new addition to the Vanderburgh County jail?
IS IT TRUE  that we are looking forward to this coming election cycle?  …for the first time in many years, we are pleased to see qualified candidates challenging a couple of the tax and spend office holders on the Evansville City Council?
IS IT TRUE that the long-awaited General election cycle of 2023 is finally upon us and mercifully we will be able to stop being bombarded with empty promises and negative smears put forth by some political candidates running for Mayor and City Council positions? … that the City-County Observer encourages everyone to vote and hopes for a quick and accurate outcome that is accepted by whichever side loses?…the time for resistance, derangement, and violence in the streets like a third grader throwing a tantrum is over and hopefully such disrespectful and destructive things will end for good on November 4th?…the last four years have been a period of embarrassment for things they have happened both inside and outside of the halls of government?…the last four years have exposed quite a lot of adults as spoiled children and they come in both blue and red colors?…whoever prevails will hopefully be recognized as the lawful winner and will be treated as such?
IS IT TRUE we are extremely pleased with the way that Vanderburgh County Council President Jill  Anne Hahn is conducting herself?  …she is friendly, respectful, and extremely intelligent?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny?  …when the Government fears the people we have Liberty?
FOOTNOTES:  Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE FILES, LAW ENFORCEMENT, “READERS POLL”, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS”, EDUCATION, OBITUARIES, and “LOCAL SPORTS”. You now are able to subscribe to the CCO daily without a charge.



  1. .
    This is an excellent IS IT TRUE column today, CCO! Excellent work!

    The points being made here in the IIT, are ones we are all aware of…that a number of Trump supporters – make no mistake, they know he lost the last election, his own Cabinet, and his own White House Counsel and his own Attorney General said so too – are lying about this idea that Trump did not lose.

    Trump lost the 2020 Election, defeated in both the Electoral College Vote, and the US Popular Vote. (FYI: Trump hasn’t won anything, not even Court cases, since 2016. He is a loser.)

    Trump is a bad person.
    We all know it.
    The guy, a private citizen, stole and refused to return Classified US Department of Defense files. And he’s gonna go to prison for it, unless he can prove they were not classified. (They were.)

    The only way Trump can stay out of Prison?
    Run for President.
    It is THE ONLY reason he is running, it has nothing to do with his affection for Trump voters.
    We all know that too.

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