IS IT TRUE? December 21, 2010


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? December 21, 2010

IS IT TRUE we really miss the past Mayor’s Press Secretary, Audra Levy? ….Ms. Levy always sent Press releases from the Mayor’s office to the CCO in a timely manner? ….we must continually remind the Mayor’s new Press Secretary that the office in which she works is funded by tax dollars and should adhere to public access laws? ….that we are tired of the games being played by the newly appointed Press Secretary of the Mayor and shall file a formal complaint against her for her non-conformance with state public access laws?

IS IT TRUE that the three presentations for the Downtown Convention Hotel will be held this morning at 8:30 am at the Evansville Redevelopment Commission meeting?….that Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel has called a press conference at his conference room to make an announcement regarding the Downtown Convention Hotel?…that everyone is anticipating that a choice of developers will be announced at this meeting?…that inside sources tell the City County Observer that no final choice will be announced tomorrow?…that the announcement will be for the purpose of announcing that a new and improved RFP will be issued and that developers are invited to respond?….that Mayor Weinzapfel may just announce a preference based on tomorrow’s presentations?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville will be expected to complete or pay for the solutions to problems created by their oversights like parking, demolition, site preparation, environmental remediation, infrastructure, and bridges to the Centre and Arena in every proposal?….that some of the proposals may even ask for direct cash assistance of significant amounts of money?….that the City of Evansville may even be asked by one developer to provide a 100% assistance package with loan guarantees?….that proper planning would have and could have resulted in a construction project that was already well under way?….that this could have happened on the same schedule as the Arena and a lower cost to the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that despite all of the stumbling and bumbling that it will be a very good thing for Evansville to go into the Christmas break knowing that there is real, capable, and credible interest that will result in a Downtown Convention Hotel sometime in 2012?

IS IT TRUE the City County Observer shall be announcing an important new media partner? ….when it is announced, people shall roll their eyes and say “WOW”?

IS IT TRUE that GAGE has made the internal decision to return to their roots and concentrate on business incubation, business support, and technology transfer?…that part of that transition has resulted in a whole new set of job descriptions?…that existing staff were told that their positions have all been eliminated but that they are free to apply for the newly created positions?…that some of GAGE’s veteran employees have been notified just before Christmas that they will no longer be employed shortly after Christmas?

IS IT TRUE that City Council candidates Al Lindsey and Patrick McBride just completed a MONSTER political fundraiser?…that this event greatly enhanced their political war chests?…that this event was attended by people never before involved in a political campaign? ….that Patrick McBride is rumored to be the second highest political fundraiser behind the Mayor?

IS IT TRUE that the Rick Davis for Mayor Neighborhood workers can no longer be called the “Killer Bees”? ….they are now known as the Rick Davis for Mayor “Snow Birds” because they are going door to door in the snow?

IS IT TRUE that it has now been 1,318 days since the announcement was made on May 14, 2007 that the McCurdy Hotel was to be refurbished into luxury apartments?…that it has now been 1,173 days since the Evansville Redevelopment Commission at the request of Mayor Weinzapfel approved the spending of $603,000 to purchase the parking lot.

IS IT TRUE that there are now 692 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines?


  1. If it’s true that Patrick McBride is “the 2nd highest political fundraiser behind the Mayor,” are we to assume the City County Observer means his campaign account now contains more money than the individual campaign accounts of Lloyd Winnecke, Troy Tornatta, Steve Melcher, Rick Davis, Curt John, Russ Lloyd, or Eric Williams, just to name a few examples? Seems an unlikely rumor.

    So, I ask the CCO, just how much is Patrick McBride “rumored” to have amassed in this formidable campaign account? You know if he indeed has collected campaign funds, then he must have filed a campaign committee, and that the treasurer of that committee must certify the account balance as of December 31, 2010, reportable to the county clerk by the second or 3rd week of January, 2011. So, I guess we will know soon enough whether these “rumors” are true, or just idle braggadocio.

    • Raised so far in the 2011 campaign season, not total hoarded from a lifetime of fundraising. Sorry for the confusion.

      • Well, your “lifetime of fundraising” comment is a bit impertinent since campaign accounts are filled by seasonal fundraising, and then depleted by campaigns, right? So, my question remains, are the rumors you report accurate? Does McBride’s campaign account currently rank “second only to the mayor’s,” and ahead of those who have just completed campaigns in 2010, or more pertinently, ahead of those anticipated to conduct campaigns in 2011, as that seems to be the focus of the rumor.

        • Well as it is rumored that the Mayor’s lifetime of accumulation has not been depleted as he is supposed to have between $600k and $1M on hand his is not depleted and is undisputed as having and raising the most in Evansville. As a matter of fact he is having a $500 per person fundraiser hosted by Vectren soon that nearly everyone associated with the CCO got an invitation too.

          We do not believe that McBride has the second highest balance in an account, only that he is second in fundraising since 10/3/2010 among those who are out there raising funds even if they have not announced their candidacy for anything.

          • Thanks for narrowing the rumor down to three people “among those who are out there raising funds” since 10/3/10. So, in other words, McBride has raised more money than Al Lindsey and Rick Davis, right? Early birds get the worms type thing, I suppose.

            But you know what? The 2011 campaign really isn’t the most important thing on most of our minds, just yet. Most of us are trying to forget the 2010 election, and more importantly, concentrating on providing our families with a nice Christmas. First things first.

            • McBride’s primary opponent Missy Mosby although not announced has done some fundraising.

    • I believe Partick McBride will be the winner in the primary. If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t Mosby that wanted to close 2 fire stations? And thank goodness that did not happen. The people of Evansville have always liked their firefighters. Let’s support Mr. McBride!

  2. Is It True that the EVSC Board now is championing a local cleaners over other local businesses? If not, why can a certain Board member have his picture and association with the EVSC Board prominently displayed throughout the community?

  3. “IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville will be expected to complete or pay for the solutions to problems created by their oversights like parking, demolition, site preparation, environmental remediation, infrastructure, and bridges to the Centre and Arena in every proposal?….that some of the proposals may even ask for direct cash assistance of significant amounts of money?….that the City of Evansville may even be asked by one developer to provide a 100% assistance package with loan guarantees?….that proper planning would have and could have resulted in a construction project that was already well under way?….that this could have happened on the same schedule as the Arena and a lower cost to the City of Evansville?” (Mole #??)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    From beginning to end, if we ever get there, this arena project has been a lesson on how NOT to go about a civic project.

    The project, being hastily began and not well thought through, the mayor now finds himself sitting across the table from people who hold all the cards he needs to finish his project, and these people are not in the business og giving away money.

    So hold on to your wallets taxpayers, because this mayor has no incentive to be thrifty with your money. Quite the opposite, he feels compelled to finish this project, what ever that might take.

    This next phase, the hotel, will be just like the rest of this project, in that the public will have no voice in how much debt our local dictato…., I mean our mayor contracts in our name.

    I noticed the article in the C&P the other day only talked about the amount of money that Casino Aztar put into local government coffers. Nowhere in the article did it state how much money Casino Aztar takes OUT of this community annually. How about offering up that figure, just for some balance.

  4. is the monster fund raiser McBride and Lindsey the one they had this past weekend that had about 15 cars parked at the fireman union hall

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