IS IT TRUE March 12, 2014
IS IT TRUE Mayor Winnecke took advantage of the recent nice weather to give his annual State of the City address to a packed house at the downtown Rotary Club?…of course the Mayor put a positive spin on Evansville as politicians tend to do when facing an audience and some of that was merited?…the efforts to eliminate litter seem to be making a dent in what had become a preventable squalor and the continuing effort to define a long term solution to the combined sewer issue deserve accolades?…we are however still waiting for the plan and the price tag for an EPA approved plan to move forward to repair the sewers?…we do know that roughly a year ago the number was estimated to be between $545 Million and $815 Million and that construction inflation has driven both numbers up?…the Mayor should be aware that the longer we wait the more this will cost and accelerate rather than delay real action?…that in spite of the $2 Million “surprise†hole in the budget due to reduced tax collection that is causing cuts in the City’s operating budget, Mayor Winnecke still is adamant about pushing forward with Robert’s Park that is now estimated to cost $8 Million?…the Rotary Club even announced a $100,000 gift to the effort that amounts to a whopping 1.25% of the total construction budget?…moving forward on such a project 24 hours after announcing a $2 Million negative surprise had that TWILIGHT ZONE feel to it as though we may just be on a train with no engineer?…Councilwoman Missy Mosby tweeted after the speech that “Evansville is United, Awesome State of the City Speech Mayorâ€?…that does sound like a dream but we beg to differ on both fronts?…it was an okay speech delivered by a very good speaker about a Midwestern town with real issues that have haunted it for decades?…there is nothing “awesome†about the contents of the speech?
IS IT TRUE every day that the approval of the $4.8 Million loan for Earthcare Energy LLC is not rescinded is another day that $4.8 Million of your tax dollars are at risk of being handed out by the Winnecke Administration to Earthcare Energy?…the next time the Evansville City Council is scheduled to meet is March 31, 2014 at which time the City County Observer has been assured that they will initiate action to rescind this approval?…we hope there is more urgency to do so that was exhibited this Monday night when not a peep about Earthcare was heard?…that failing to rescind is as we stated yesterday a de-facto extension of the loan approval and mimics the actions of the Loan Administration Board that formally extended the term of the $200,000 loan by 2 years without any basis to do so?
IS IT TRUE the Coachella Valley Innovation Hub that is run by CCO Editor and former GAGE President Joe Wallace was the subject of a 20 year economic impact study by Dr. John Husing who is the pre-eminent economist in California’s Inland Empire?…the economic impact estimate for this Innovation Hub and it’s Accelerator Campus was calculated by Dr. Husing to be $12.5 Billion over its first 20 years based on the successes since it opened in late 2011?…Dr. Husing and his firm along with multiple case studies can be seen at
IS IT TRUE President Barack Obama is struggling to overcome widespread pessimism about the economy and deep frustration with Washington, notching the lowest job-approval ratings of his presidency in a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll?…the results indicate that President Obama’s job approval ticked down to 41% in March from 43% in January suggesting that Obama could weigh on fellow Democrats in midterm elections this fall, particularly in the conservative states that will play a large role in deciding whether his party retains its Senate majority.
“Evansville is United” in what way ?
Surely you jest, LW. State your basis for making such a profound (and unfounded) assertion !
The only way Evansville is United is if we just bought out an airline.
Are you saying it’s more like UPS and FedEx merging and calling it FedUp walt?
Missy is on the City Council and doesn’t even have enough sense to see that a council divided cannot lead a united town. That dumb twit. She and Weaver are the ones who are divisive. You got what you voted for Evansville, a delusional mean spirited fool.
Bus Stop Shelters Before Wetlands!
Bus Stop Shelters, 24/7 mass public transit, sidewalks, sewers, water mains, and a public dental clinic before wetlands!
He should have floated a ‘damplands’ trial balloon before jumping in the cement pond. The pond is filled with cement not Elly May Clampett.
When he starts calling Evansville the ‘homeland’ or ‘fatherland’ I’ll resite for the duration.
Wetlands naming rights are available. May I suggest the Fifth Turd Bank wetlands would have a good ring to it. At $8 Million it is a bargain.
Yup! Looks like it to me.
Missy is smarter than Weaver.
The person that is anonymously calling someone a “dumb twit” from the safety of their computer is also calling someone else a mean sprited fool. I couldn’t make something up more ironic if I tried.
If everyone on the Council had the same opinion all of the time, what’s the point of having nine people?
Phyllip you are correct. These folk were elected to represent their area and vote with their best judgement,not any one agenda.
I don’t agree with Ms. Mosby or Mr. Weaver on many occasions but the childish name calling that occurs on many posts here has nothing to do with the editors subject and shows such a lack of respect and anything intelligent knowledge to add to the discussion.
Mosby saying “United” just cracks me up. Too funny about the airline. I agree!!!!
Evansville/Vanderburgh “the old ship at sea” as it seems to appear, has very little sustainable balance* left. The tax shortfalls were probably forecasted on the horizon when you continued to lose your employment bases out of the county.
Your old “ships owners decided to add weight at the bow,with staterooms and passenger and crew entertainment loading to increase passage revenues.
That load effectively lowered the bow and increased its waterline contact to move forward.
Increased energy was needed to make “any” passage determined.
Now that the steering is also wheel housed at the bow,the rudder becomes less and less effective in steering and maintaining any course as set buy directional compasses available on board.
While increasing the cargo load to pay for the fuel bunker costing to move that ship,the waterline again decreases,so does the streamline profile.
When this begins to affect destination ranges, The slower passage is being addressed by the addition of outside deck varanda rooms,that further unbalanced the boat,while, adding to the old bilge system and stability.
Seaward rocking becomes more apparent.
The crew and the steerage passengers are beginning to demand some deck time as well,due to knee deep internal bilgewater problems developing along the keel.
The ship is further conditionally unseaworthy and newer shipping standards demand the shipping line builds an upgraded bilgewater management system as to remain afloat during stormy weather and rough seas.
The shipping line still wanting to supply the bow heavy features then decides. To add additional costing to the steerage cabins,while converting more ships revenues purse taken to the bow. The pursers,and the operational crew numbers are reduced,as well.
As forecasted the weather continues to increase is voracities and batters the old hull as it flops,up and into the increased wave incursions. Now life boat drills do come into play as a real time voyage experience.
You guessed it, by the time the ships internal crew,and the steerage passengers get out of the bilge and onto the deck,the Captain,the First Mate,and the veranda and bow provisionals are overboard,in the lifecraft,with the pursers load,and any of the cargo salvaged,as well.
I’m thinking the keeper of the albatross,Yeoman Parke,was left on board,to steer the “nag” and go down with the stricken ship.
“S.S. Dirge navigatio”
“The voyage of the S.S.Dirge.”
I was scrolling back up to the top and stopped at your post because I thought I was at the editor’s IS IT TRUE comments Visitor.
I had already taken my meds and since I didn’t have to worry about getting so engrossed in reading and miss taking them, I thought I would re-read your post.
It has an Ernest Hemingway’s Old Man and the Sea ring to it.
Santiago – Manolin
Ernest – Visitor
You may be destined for great things.
Never no my son, you just never know………..
Can I borrow some of your meds ? ‘Visitor’ from outside our solar system, as best I can tell ?
Evansville is United in being on the line to pay for $800 million in sewer repairs, an untold amount to redo the water mains, $20 million to build a useless hotel, and possibly another $4.8 million for a loan to Earthcare. So see we are all united in debt for the next century.
Winnecke + Weinzapfel + Parke = a loaded diaper( aka a load of shite! Show us a balanced budget?
If you want to see what a bizzare place we live in, take a look at the “Report Card” the Courier has up for residents to “grade” Winnecke, and the “grades” he is getting.
All A’s are leading. Maybe Wayne is right and the people of Evansville are full of Kool-Aid. The questions were carefully worded to elevate grading though.
That’s an understatement! They gave him an “A” on getting Robert’s Park. The last time I looked, that had been put off.
He’s even getting an “A” in bringing new jobs to town.
Yoda, I always find it amusing that many of the people that post on this site question the validity of a poll or survey that does not agree with their opinions, but have no issue with the CCO polls and often consider the results to be accurate. This is in spite of their is never a opposing option from and the CCO once had a poll that showed a Libertarian candidate winning CD8 by a landslide.
don’t be a dolt. the posters on C & P are constantly lambasting the CCO’s polls !
Oh wait, my bad: there are no posters left on C & P !
Anyone who doesn’t realize they are clicking on a clearly unscientific poll is an idiot anyway. It’s just for fun and to get people riled up (page hits.)
Exactly! Neither of the polls ever amount to spit, when it comes to validity. My whole point is that the Courier tossed Hizzoner such an obvious softball.
If I was publishing a dying newspaper, I’d at least want it remembered for printing impartial truth.
elkaybee, how was it a softball? It brought up several areas for judgement and every person had the ability to pick from A to F on each item. I’m sure that there are people that went across the board and picked the same grade no matter what. You for example, probably picked straight F’s without being objective and there are people that probably picked all A’s without being objective. My personal opinion of the Mayor is high, but I tried to be objective and give him the grade that I felt he deserved for each category, which I assure you was not all A’s.
@ PD:
Asking for evaluations on things like the Mayor’s efforts to bring the IU Med School downtown and progress on a non-existent park to be pretty “softball”. I notice they didn’t ask anything about transparency or efficiency of city government, nor anything about how well some of his appointees are doing with the departments that they head.
I don’t know what you guys are talking about. Mayor Winnecke has got solid F’s on every question, across the board on the latest C&P Poll.
Go check again.
Haha. Brent I hope he doesn’t bring that report card into GD Ritzys. They wouldn’t even give him a free kiddie cone scoop.
You could go to 13 different computers and vote 13 different times if you wanted to. Someone told me this morning they might try it just to prove a point.
I’d put more stock in an ACORN poll than this one.
If you clear your cookies you can vote 300 times from the same computer. The CP website gives you a cookie when you vote. It takes 3 keystrokes to clear the cookies and vote again. Give it a try.
Based on the conversations that I have with people everyday, I would have to agree with Missy’s assessment of an united city. You can’t have everybody on board, but for the most part people are united in moving the city towards progress together. The comments on these message boards are just basic politics. We always have a tendency to be anti-incumbent and think that the sitting politicians are horrible. If you look at the Mayor’s recent survey and the report card from C&P, it shows an united city that supports the current Mayor.
Unfortunately, I had a meeting that ran over and I was not able to attend the State of the City speech, so I can not say whether it was awesome or not. Normally, I reserve that word for acts of God.
^ biggest republican ass kisser I have ever met. Kinda gotta a feeling ole Phyli is trying to land a sweet spot.
Like I’ve said before, I am quite happy in my current career. I would never work in the public sector because that would prevent me from calling you out for being the cowardly a-hole that you are.
Nice one Phyli.You still got some brown stuff on your nose from a lying cheating a-hole and you have the gull to even respond to me. HA!
“that would prevent me from calling you out for being the cowardly a-hole that you are”
This is why I have no respect for you. Your comments are constantly negative, putting everyone down, and then trying to tell us how great of a life we would have if only we saw the glory in the mayor. You are lost Phyllip.
Someone calls me an ass-kisser and I’m the negative one for firing back. I have no respect for you because you are a coward that denigrates others and is too scared to use your real name.
Unbelievable Folks,
+1 Couldn’t have said it any better.
Phyllip sounds like one of those guys who always goes around saying I love me some me. I don’t think he’s happy until the whole entire message board is focused on him every single day.
How am I not surprised to see this man gravitated to Winnecke?
You sound like one of those guys that can’t quit typing my name. I just give my opinion and everyone wants to gang tackle me for busting up the circle jerk. I referenced the results of two surveys. Not my surveys. I’m not the one that answered the surveys. I’m just talking about the results in. That’s not ass kissing or gravitating. It’s presenting information. I speak with people about local politics daily. The conversations that I have are overwhelmingly positive on the state of our community. Then again, I try to be around positive people.
+1 for FactChecker
+2 P.D. is a tool.
+3 Phyllip is showing us his true colors.
Exhibit 1000 to prove the lemming-like tendencies of the posters on this site. Even though the first person made no sense. (Am I not supposed to love myself?) The rest of the lemmings hit +_ to show their desire to follow lemming #1 off the cliff.
FactChecker’s post consists of two accusations. One is that I have high self-esteem. Guilty, as charged. The second point is that I somehow desire for anyone to respond to me. I post my opinion just like everyone else. I have no control over how others react. To suggest anything different would be to suggest that I’m not allowed to post on this site. Seeing as how many people on this site say that they hold Libertarian & Republican ideologies, I would think that free speech is encouraged whether you agree with the person or not/
+4 My thoughts exactly.
+6 I used to be a Phyllip supporter and defender. Not anymore. His attitude and his inability to think outside of the civic center have really been disappointing things to watch. I hope someday he will make something of himself that’s a little bit higher than a Parke puppet but that day looks to be far off.
What happened to Mole #20’s comment? I found it odd he was replying to Jim as if Jim was talking to him. Did a Mole just blow his cover?
It would take a stretch to outdo missy and weaver. I think LW is the best mayor we’ve had in 20+ years. It took a lot of years and dumb democrat politicians to get us where we are today. PD always seems to defend his position pretty well and most who try to outdo him seem to get undone. Don’t know him but he does seem to paddle some butt.
There are 200 people who have bothered to take that survey. That is about 30% of the attendance at yesterday’s speech. That poll and the one’s on the CCO don’t mean anything because there are too few respondents. You can bet that the Schaefer boy was getting his pals to pad that poll yesterday just like some of the naysayers pad the ones on the CCO. The CP and CCO polls are mental masterbation on their best days and mindless drivel on the others.
“the Schaefer boy” . . . .
You have no idea how clear this makes everything !
Phyllip, you know I like you I really do, you add a element or POV to the CCO that is lacking, but you really need to stop, think before you type sometimes, 200 people are not a united Evansville, just as Wayne’s poll of 300 people doesn’t make a 70% approval rating, it’s just feel good numbers used to sway public opinion.
Everyone wants to be in the majority or the winning team until you look around to see who else is on that team and the tactics they use to win, polls help bolster numbers because of this, but it’s a wise man who can look beyond the polls to see the wizard behind the curtain pulling the levers and realize it’s just a illusion.
Actually, for surveying purposes 300 people is the baseline to be at an effective range of realizing the the feelings of the public. It is the number that is most cost-effective, to do more would not increase your accuracy enough to warrant the additional expenses. That’s basic survey 101.
The fact that there is no way to evaluate whether or not the sample is representative in “polls” of this sort renders them useless, no matter how many responders you get.
Of course they’re useless, that’s why it costs so much to have them done. Obviuosly, there’s some value in the poll or they would cease to exist. There is no demand for a worthless product. There is demand for political surveys, therefore political surveys are not useless.
No, Phyllip. Try to follow me here. The “polls” done by CCO and the Courier are useless, except for the amusement factor. That is because there is no way to get a representative sample.
Legitimate polls can be very useful, and they are expensive because, among other things, representative samples are getting more and more difficult to get because of the move away from landlines. Unfortunately, there is a trend also for those who commission a poll to be looking for a certain outcome and there are pollsters who will skew their polls accordingly, as well. I strongly suspect that was the case with the pollsters who had GOPers
convinced that Romney was going to win the last presidential election.
One question is always paramount when discussing government and taxes: Who gets and who pays?
This is the monthly revenue report for the State of Indiana for the month ending 12-31-2013. It gives the data for the month and also gives the totals for the year of 2013 in the calendar year to date section, page 3 of 8.
You will observe that the 2013 total collections for INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX was $6.8 billion. Up 5.2% from the prior year.
The total CORPORATE TAX collections for 2013 was $996. million. Down 5.1% from the prior year.
The total SALES TAX collections for 2013 was $6.9 billion. Up 2.6% from the prior year.
The Grand Total for ALL COLLECTIONS was $17.1 billion. Up 2.2% from the prior year.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Now you can make your own comparisons as to who is PAYING.
Well since all income taxes are coming straight from people’s paychecks as are sales taxes are mostly paid by people with money from paychecks one can easily conclude that without those employers not a damn dime of taxes would be collected if those employers left the state.
God pity the state that only has public employees. Without private business to pay those taxes or to funnel the taxes through employee paychecks there will be nothing left but federal welfare recipients. How much tax do they pay.
Which brings us to the question: Who gets?
Want to go there?
VANDERBURGH COUNTY 2013: $35,285,968 2012: 38,427,359 (8.2)%
Looks like when it comes to Coit, innkepers, and food and beverage that Vanderburgh Co. is the biggest loser of the year.
Your link was all just about who pays. Who gets? Good question. My guess would be unions and cronies of politicians.
Well trying to match it with a state CAFR that runs from June to June is sort of intimidating.
I have noticed that there are some State programs that always seem to have deep pockets. Not sure what the roi is on some of those programs, or if anyone is even tracking roi.
A ‘report card’ from the CP is not a badge of honor. An officeholder or candidate should run like the wind from any such thing.
I will hand it to them, they’ve found their niche. No pretense of relevancy or even news. They are content to be the house organ for the current administration. Still a few odd advertising dollars to sop up. Get ’em while you can. Might not be around for the next administration.
Poor Missy just doesn’t get it.
She should stick to partying. I wouldn’t want her in charge of a taco stand much less on a city council even for a town like Mayberry, ahem Evansville.
” Oh Missy you’re so fine . . . you’re so fine you blow my mind, hey Missy; hey Missy “
Really Chin? Too strong of a resemblance to Jeff Spicoli for me.
think toni basil . . . ‘Hey Mickey’ and substitute ‘Missy’
The more I watch this Rotary Club the more it appears to me to be just another yes man organization in similar fashion to the chamber.
If anyone tells you they are too broke to donate to a clinic to help lower income people get their smile back and relieve the pain of dental decay, just point to this $100,000 for a stagnant pile of water that mosquitos just love.
Speaking of wetlands, why don’t they donate to the soon to be Bee Slough Wetlands and make the nearby Sunset Park their Centennial Park? Now there would be an idea that actually makes sense.
The Rotary is a bunch of nearly deads that still don’t know that Arad McCutcheon is not coaching the Aces to D-II championships in Roberts Stadium. They are from a different era when Evansville had relevance. Alas, dementia has set in on most of them and their numbers are dwindling. Mostly from relocating to the unkempt cemeteries. It made them feel good to show support for the Mayor of Evansville with a $100,000 gift. Indulge them because soon they will be no more. Downtown Rotary is the last place in Evansville where any mayor at all can be treated with civility and no hard questions will be asked.
I saw Uncle Fester, Rumplebeancounter, and five, yes five State Board people walk into the Mayor’s Office this morning. Could it be? Has the State Board decided to bring this administration in and lock away the key or is the 2012 audit finally over? It’s March so according to my calculations, they could have been there to start the 2013 audit. The five State Board people looked very miserable today.
That is indeed what our Mole Nation tells us. Today is whisper day. The length of time from today until a formal release of the audit will be an indicator of just how much guidance is being interjected by the Fellowship of the MIPS assembled today. We are hoping for SNEGAL come around and update us on the status of his precious (balanced books).
MIPS= Men In Plaid Suits ?
‘Balanced Books’: is that BEFORE or AFTER the plug entry ???
Plug and chug, plug and chug.
It will all be fine. The Mayor told the Rotary Club that Evansville is “stable.” I’m thinking he meant “critical, but stable”.
The whole country is critical but stable thanks to our wonderful pres. stablity will soon be a thing of the past.
Is this a WHITEWASH ? SBOA gives the City a pass ? Or, did the State Five forget about “Debits on the Left; Credits on the right; stand up, sit down, fight-fight-fight !” ?
Speaking for The Five, our thought process was these guys inherited a crap load of problems, a new computer system and a 2011 Disclaimer of Opinion from that sawed-off bastard from before.
They worked hard, sweated it out. Although the books are still a pile of crap, we’ll give them a Clean Bill O’ Health this year so we don’t mess up the Bond Rating. Plus Jenny is taking us out for drinks next Monday !
But ‘oh, laddies, we will surely hold their feet to the fire for 2013 (hey, that audit starts right now, oh– no rest for the weary).
LOL!! Do they really have a choice??;_ylt=A0LEV1BfrCBTuQ4AU5VXNyoA?p=fishing+line+tangles&fr=yfp-t-901-s&fr2=piv-web#index=frame
They may point their finger at the change over to the new system for a host of ills, but when it comes to 6 years of no audits and no independent reviews of the city’s annual contracts with SMG for the management of the city’s publicly owned entertainment facilities, they do not have a leg to stand on.
I have zero faith that H&S can uncover what actually took place during that 6 year period.
Some people should have lost their job, and some people should have gone to jail.
Uncle Fester told me that the only State Board person that was coherent was Cowabunga. They wouldn’t let the only CPA in the group speak much.
Does anybody know the status of Missy Mosby breach of contact law suit filed against her by the Evansville County Club? Can you see Mosby hanging out with the blue blood of the Evansville County Club? How laughable?
Breach of contact ? I don’t think it’s against the law if Missy didn’t want to contact the ECC. How could they sue her for that ? I call Missy up all the time, she never calls me back. I dont’ sue her !
I heard that Missy owed the County Club a couple thousand dollars because a breach of a membership contract. I heard it was quietly settled out of court because she agreed to make monthly payment to the County Club. I quess if you want to verify if this information is accurate you could check with the County Clerk’s office. I just can’t imagine that Missy Mosby is a County Club type. I’t is my guess that this issue shall be brought out when she runs for re-election.
When is her opponent announcing his candidacy? We keep hearing about him on here but he’s not come out of the shadows yet. Looking forward to it.
Bushwood Country Club?
Who in the world sponsored Missy to become a member of the elite Evansville County Club? I bet they were embarrassed when they found out that the person they sponsored to become a member of the County Club had to be sued for a past debt owed to them.
Missy before Weaver.
As you know, Ed, there were many folks in the real estate business who were hit hard between 2008 and 2010, and really did not recover fully until recently, if ever. People struggled financially.
It’s nice to know many of those folks are recovering, and that others have forgotten and forgiven the past, and moved on with social and financial contacts. Why can’t you, Ed?
People on here should stop all this unnecessary harassment of Missy Mosby, and take a bit of time to examine her real political motivations with regard to her excellent representation of her district specifically, and her community in general.
I don’t always agree with Missy, and have said so publicly and to her privately. Mostly my disagreements have had to do with sewer rates, but that’s understandable considering I live in the county, and Missy lives in and represents the 2nd Ward, an area that has suffered more than any other from storm and sanitary sewer malfunction.
Missy has gone to bat for her constituents 100%. Why can’t you, your writers, and your moles dig up something positive to publish about Missy Mosby for a change. I’m not suggesting you become her media spokespersons, but the least you could do is be fair rather than constantly raking ancient muck and beating dead horses.
Do the pinky shake hand shake.
C’mon now.
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