INDIANAPOLIS – A bill to ban insurance coverage for abortions is on its way back to the House after it passed the Senate Tuesday.
Sen. Greg Walker, R-Columbus, the bill sponsor, said House Bill 1123 aligned Indiana with one of the provisions under the Affordable Healthcare Act otherwise known as ObamaCare.
HB 1123 would prohibit insurance companies from covering abortions, unless there is a specific circumstance, such as in cases of rape, incest or the health of the mother. It would include all insurance companies, such as state employee health plans, private policies and student health policies.
“The right to abortion is a constitutional and protected right to woman,†Sen. Mark Stoops, D- Bloomington said.
The bill does allow for abortion coverage if the consumer opts to pay for it separately as an add-on through a rider or endorsement.
Stoops said he does not think women plan a year in advance or when signing up for insurance that there would be a possibility they might have an abortion so they would not know to get the rider. He said this idea was ludicrous.
Other lawmakers agreed.
“I think woman are tired of being told what they can and can’t do,†said Sen. Gregory Taylor, D-Indianapolis.
The bill passed the Senate 37-10.
 Erika Brock is a reporter for, a news website powered by Franklin College journalism students.
Yes, women, liberal women, that is, are tired of being told it’s not human to slaughter their unborn children.
Are you a liberal woman? We are much better informed than you give us credit for. We know that abortion is NOT the “slaughter” of “unborn children.”
Your right, it isn’t “slaughter” its murder.
I wouldn’t use the “s” word or the “m” word with Ms.Elkaybee. She gets really nervous even around protestors with wild hair and Breatherite nasal strips. Too bad she doesn’t mind forceps caving in a little skull and a bio-vac removal of the obvious.
We care deeply about that fetus, that it until it exits the womb. Says the republicans and Christians.
Bovine scat.
Bing-O!!! As soon as the little brugger exits the uterus and takes its first breath, if it is born to a single and/or minority mother, it’s dubbed a “taker”. If it happens to be born to a white, married mother, then of course it’s a little “maker.”
Are there no democrat Christians?
There are some of course. What’s your point?
Why should rape and incest be exempt? Is it the circumstances of conception that determines life?
Yes that’s is the perception of some. You see makes it easier to be selfish to the point to justify the murder of an innocent.
You’re right. Women should be totally cool with being raped. After all, it brings forth another of God’s blessing, right? In fact, maybe religion should actively encourage rape for men who don’t have partners but still want to create blessing for their Lord.
You are just cookoo for rape. You freak.
Dveatch is a known nut job, I wouldn’t get worked up over his crazy comments. Hell, it could be rape baby Murdoch himself.
Did you know there was a Minister of Morality at the 2013 Obama inauguration?
He makes his apperance at 1:34
Go to Jail! Go To Jail!
Does the innocent child deserve a death sentence when the rapist father does not?
Abortion does not remove the trump of rape. It adds another trauma to it.
Carrying a rape baby and possibly a Frankenstein monter product of incest is not adding trauma to the situation? Every day for 9 months a constant reminder of what happened? I do not like the idea of abortion, it is very off putting. That said, I could never be forced to carry a Murdoch baby so I could never vote to force any woman to carry a Murdoch baby.
Monster*… fat fingers
Women being forced to carry rape babies is something IE fantasizes about daily. Pretty creepy.
The only reprieve from this kind of crazy is knowing he’s just an impotent dirty old man who will be taking a dirt nap soon.
@ letsallgetslongbyonly being like me, The thoughts of your straw man effigy are your thoughts not mine.
I fantasizes of the day that we don’t kill 3500 innocent unborn children for the crime of being the inconvenient consequence of a night of YOLO.
I fantasize for the day that both parties involved in the night of YOLO are required to support the life they created above their own career choices and party life.
But then I also fantasize for the day when those who support abortion without exception can actually engage in reasonable debate rather than character assassination. But for that to happen they will first have to find a reasonable point.
So go ahead and fantasize about my penis and wish I was dead. It really contributes the number of hits the CCO has taken to it’s IQ level and is the highest possible level you can achieve.
Here are your “monters” Ghost.
These lives are the monsters who have survived your ethical cleansing. These are real people Ghost, not just some hypothetical “monster” your bent imagination.
Do you not hear how horrible the things you say actually are?
You called rape a night of YOLO. You are one sick bastard!
I think IE makes pretty clear that he thinks women DESERVE it when they get raped. All of them, are asking for it, by merely being women in public.
He is afraid of women’s sexuality. Scared. to death. of. sex. And wants to prevent anyone else from ever enjoying sex by shaming them.
I don’t don’t know how you got that I fantasizes over your shrivelled up penis, no where did I state that. I think I make pretty clear that I think you are a gross and twisted sadist. You probably felt shame every time you ever ejaculated. Religion sure makes life more enjoyable don’t it.
Too bad it’s all a make believe story and the rules you followed don’t actually lead to an everlasting life in a golden sky castle.
+1000 to both posts but you know he enjoys replying to your replies more than anything else.
No letsallbelikeme,
I called a night of YOLO a night of YOLO.
I said most abortions are performed to in an attempt to remove the consequences of a night of YOLO.
I said rape was tramutic.
I said abortion does not remove the trauma of rape but adds the trauma of abortion to rape.
I said abortion is a death sentence for the second victim of rape, the child conceived by rape, and we don’t execute the rapist.
Now I’m not sure how any of that caused your fixation on my penis or waxing for the day of my dirt nap, but you’re the sicko because everything you accused me of only lives in your thoughts.
BTW, I have used and still use my penis responsibly and have taken responsibility for any consequences of love making it has caused.
No one has been aborted for an act performed by my penis. How about you? Can you say an abortion has never been performed to remove the consequences your penis caused,if you have one, or will you carry your irresponsibility to your own dirt nap?
@ My Morals Only.
Brains Benton says:
March 10, 2014 at 2:17 pm
+1000 to both posts but you know he enjoys replying to your replies more than anything else.
Did I say that? No. I said abortion does not remove the trauma of rape, it adds the trauma of abortion to rape.
You’re the creep who thinks my penis should be part of the conversation.
This page tells the stories of lives that to often are exempted as “exceptions” from a right to life.
Interesting read. Did note she was put up for adoption right after birth. Did not see other details of half brother /sisters or mothers living arrangements. If her mother was married when this happen, ect.
My thinking falls between the two extremes.
I would hate to be the woman (or husband, father of) that was raped. I can not fathom “someone else” deciding for the “victim” if she should keep something that should had never happen, keeping it because of religious or insurance reasons, or aborted for it for it should had never been there rightfully in the first place.
Rebecca is also a survivor of two abortion attempts. I don’t think her mother was married.
It is unique that we can hear the voices and opinions of those who are considered rape and incest exceptions.
This issue is not about two extremes. It is about if abortion ends a life or not. Like pregnancy and death, there is no being a little pregnant or a little dead.
The question is not one of deciding for the victim, the question is do we create a second victim, the innocent life conceived. If she decided to kill her rapist after the event, then the victim would be guilty of murder. So how is it she can decide to kill the life conceived? Further more, abortion is more often a greater trauma than the rape.
Can you give me a little background about this subject that you have been very passion about.
Seems there has been an direct connection on this. This I ask in a good way so I can better understand your position.
I haven’t said it because of the direction the conversation has taken, but while I am pro-life without exceptions, I do not think we need to be telling an insurance company what they may or may not cover.
My passion on the subject is mor efor pro-life people holding an exception for rape and incest. I do VERY guardedly hold an exception for life of the mother because that presents a death/death situation, but it could easily be violated.
Your best source for information on the rape and incest exceptions would be from Rebecca’s site,
Rebecca is currently has a challenge to Hannity to have her on his show, as he promised, to address some comment she has made from his pro-life with exceptions views.
A much better issue for the senate to consider would be terminating any parental rights a rapist would have. I do not know what Indiana law has to say about parental rights for a rapist.
Hope that helps, if not, ask again.
Rape insurance brought to you by the Ministers of Morality.
And the Ministers say:
Just go get a separate rider that doesn’t exist as they snicker and sneer. But first you have to get your scarlett letter you miserable slut. Sex for pleasure!!
How DARE YOU! You should have crossed your legs you whore.
You can bet your bottom dollar there will be many, many GOP “mistakes” that will be erased marked “DNC” on the chart.
Just more female votes for us.
Please name a minister outside of the Westboro Baptist Church who has uttered such stupidity. I can believe there are a few idiots out there but I don’t believe that such exaggeration is widespread except of course in politics.
It is not nice to build strawmen or twist other’s words around, on the other hand you don’t have to be a super genius to see the contempt and ridicule the religious zealots have for sexually active young women. Nor is it hard to see behind the veil of code words and passive aggressive attacks upon women.
You are saying the only reason to not kill womb dwelling children is religious zeal? Hmmmm. Never really thought of it that way. I always just thought it was wrong to slaughter humans, adults or babies, but you’ve opened a new perspective on the subject.
You are saying the only reason to not kill womb dwelling children is religious zeal? Hmmmm. Never really thought of it that way. I always just thought it was wrong to slaughter humans, adults or babies, but you’ve opened a new perspective on the subject.
Don’t forgot since the beginning of time, that it is o’k to kill (so not to be killed) when at war! Weird, is it not!
@ Armstrongers, so war cannot be justified but abortion is?
Your passion on this subject has misinterpret
on what I posted. Reread disaffected and my response in the way it was posted.
Nothing more nothing less on this subject. I have no pre justice one way or the other on this subject. Just throwing out little extra tidbits to the subject.
In other words, you can’t name any ministers that fit your straw man accusations outside of the most extreme ones, but you’re going to hang with your straw man effigy anyway.
You’re absolutely correct on that one, BB! Any company that offers that “abortion rider” knows they would be harassed by the Righteous Right, so they aren’t offered. This bill is akin to saying it is alright to purchase unicorns and keep them as pets. You just can’t find one.
If a woman wants to whore around with as many guys as she is willing, that’s her choice. If a woman want”s to have an abortion, that’s her choice. If a woman wants to use birth control, that’s her choice. But she does nor should not have the choice to make me pay for it.
My point is that the existence of such “riders” for insurance policies is a fairytale. If the states that pass these laws required companies to offer such riders it would be one thing, but the reality is quite another.
Why should anyone have to pay for anything correct.
Why should we have to pay health care for rock climbers, skydivers and scubadivers and others you engage in risky activity?
Why should we pay for war?
Why should we pay for alcoholism and smoking diseases?
Why should we have to pay for diabetes for those who don’t watch what they eat?
Why should we pay for the back and hip injuries that barbers, hairdressers, teachers, bank tellers, and retail clerks get from standing on their feet all day?
Why should we pay for the eye exams and eyeglasses of accountants and computer programs that become near sighted from squinting at computer screens all day?
Why should we pay for the ailments truck drivers get from setting all day long?
Because they need it! That’s why. It’s called being human. Maybe you should try it instead of sitting on your moral high horse.
Hear “my Morals only.”
I know you believe religion has created the most atrocities, but secular atheist far surpass all atrocities performed in the name of religion. The only atrocity that surpasses these tyrants is the war in the womb being conducted by the democrat party in cooperation with the American abortion industry.
Here’s the sound of your abortion without exemptions.!
Turn it up real loud My Morals Only and bask in the sound innocent lives dropping.
All good questions. What if we can’t afford to pay for everyone’s self inflicted problems. Then what? What if the fact that we are kind and pay for people’s risky behavior causes them to take more risks? Then What? Would you starve your child to pay for an irresponsible person’s trip to the emergency room if they knifed their self? Same questions. Maybe by being human we enable others to live like animals at our expense. There have to be limits on subsidizing self destruction.
@ Indianenoch;
Don’t forget the American abortion industry has “sound” footing in the business of murder and Brains wants us all to think religion has been far worse. Need I remind the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger was *all* about eugenics. Just so some here have a clear idea of what that means, in short it is all about, “a science that tries to improve the human race by controlling which people become parents” ( quote Merriam-Webster).
In practice it takes on a whole different perspective. Sanger was Hitler’s inspiration to embark upon the elimination of the Jews. She was not a very kind person if you fell into her category of “undesirable” with some violent tendencies;
Much of the women’s movement *love* Sanger but they have to ignore her communism and terrorist goals. Her plans back then were found so offensive by many that she left the States for Europe and came back later with less offense verbiage to hide her true intentions. Planned Parenthood does not have a very pleasant history;
I know some here will poo-poo what I just wrote and they are free to ignore history. But the fact remains the Abortion industry and those so hell bent on “abortion rights” are basing their beliefs on the beguiling words of said industry; it is in fact rotten to the core and could not be any more anti-individual, just ask the baby that got murdered. Oh, never mind.
Sanger must have been a Dixiecrat.
“My Morals Only BB” The straw-man effigies of me you like to create and burn in public do not represent my views. Those come solely from your own burned out heart and conscience.
Clinging to your rape and incest exemptions as if you hold the high moral ground when you support abortion without exceptions is hypocritical at best and vile to the core.
You’re like you girl LKB and don’t even have the fortitude to engage me man to man. Should I be looking in my mail box for another letter from you to stick on my refrigerator?
Why don’t you justify your morals before these people?
It’s very easy to hold your pompous morals when it’s not you being denied a right to live it.
Dr.Chaos says:
March 9, 2014 at 2:36 pm
All good questions. What if we can’t afford to pay for everyone’s self inflicted problems. Then what? What if the fact that we are kind and pay for people’s risky behavior causes them to take more risks? Then What? Would you starve your child to pay for an irresponsible person’s trip to the emergency room if they knifed their self? Same questions. Maybe by being human we enable others to live like animals at our expense. There have to be limits on subsidizing self destruction.
As my wife says the best consequences are natural consequences. I think the risky behavior is out there but is limited, it makes the headlines, but the vast overwhelming majority of us are risk avoiders.
ALL OF US, are going to get sick someday. If we need medical help we should be able to get it and yes we should all have to pay for it up to our ability to pay.
We can be here all day arguing where the line of ability to pay should be to what avail?
Those right below or above the line, may be encouraged to engage in activites detrimental to the rest of society, what choice do we have? Again I think those activities are exaggerated or can be limited.
Whatever your views, currently in the US, abortion is a legal medical procedure, per the SCOTUS, and women have every right to that procedure, just like everybody else has a right to their medical procedures.
The only alternative is to hold the gun of the state/government to the heads of women and turn them into chattel of the state and force them to term Ariel Castro style.
I was not talking about abortion at all. That is a different discussion than subsidized self destruction. While the numbers may be low the damage done is immense. Ask any emergency room doctor about the number of cases that are self inflicted either directly or indirectly by living an unhealthy lifestyle. I don’t have a number but I bet it is higher than most would think. Before the age of entitlement someone who boozed or drugged themselves into danger would just die a natural death if they didn’t wise up. The same goes for these 500 pounders who by all fault of their own find their bodies failing at under 40. We do not have unlimited resources to subsidize self destructive behavior.
For those who work their whole life and are a burden on no one have Medicare to look forward to. They paid for it when they worked so they are covered in their times of need. That is not who I was talking about.
@ My Morals Only, Slavery was once a legal business practice according to SCOTUS. People eventually woke up to the atrocity of it. Abortion is a medical procedure designed to end an innocent human life much like the use of Zyklon B was an acceptable medical procedure in Nazi Germany. The major difference is that the American abortion industry is far more effective and has killed far more than the Nazi Holocaust industry.
Abortion does not remove the consequences of a night of YOLO. It ends an innocent life.
Planned Parenthood is coming out with an IPO.
You anti’s better get in on it!!,20476/
You’d think the public humiliation and criticism Mourdock and Akin got nationwide before the last election would have caused some of these folks to stop and think. Many have stopped and thought and decided to also shed any exception for the life of the mother, most just haven’t told you yet. One article listing the arguments against such an exception ends, ‘… consequently, a “life of the mother” exception can become a massive statutory loophole through which to drive abortion on demand’. Same twisted arguments they tried to use about rape.
The cult of the fetus, the rabid anti-abortion industry, intend to exert all the control they can over when life starts and when it is allowed to end (they are aching for another ghoulish Schiavo spectacle). It is over their little haids that what a woman does with her pregnancy is none of their business. A simple concept but many seem to have a difficult time grasping it. This is likely because they would like to insist that every aspect of your life conform with whatever religious illumination they’re going with this week.
It is immoral to hold and trumpet a position so warped that it would require a woman, under penalty of many years in prison, to carry the product of her rapist or close relative (or die to sate the insistence of the busybodies that all fetuses must be born).
The illegal restrictions states are passing in flagrant violation of settled law will not serve them well when the Supremes weigh in.
What we learned from Mourdock and Akin is that politicians need to have there positions worked out and think before they speak before a morally bankrupt liberal culture. Even the CCO jumped to a “judge before we think” reaction over Mourdock statement.
At least the Libertarin candidate understood what Mourdock meant and he has won my support.
But go ahead and add your support to the industry that thinks debating my penis and wishing for the sooner than later day of my dirt nap demise is the ethical justification of their abortion without exceptions stance.
I have noticed a trend here. It seems that the acolytes of “no exception” abortion prohibition all have something in common. They will never give birth, as they have no uterus.
They are going to sit in judgement of actions they will never understand.
As the much-maligned mother of five, who did not choose to end any pregnancy, I did what I had to do to keep my children safe and stay alive to care for them. Look what the “Chief Justice” did for me, nearly three decades later. What a guy!
I notice a trend among those who want abortion with no exceptions. None of them were aborted.
However, my having once been a fetus qualifies me as an expert on the topic of a right to life without exceptions.
letsallgetalong says:
March 9, 2014 at 10:14 pm
Women being forced to carry rape babies is something IE fantasizes about daily. Pretty creepy.
The only reprieve from this kind of crazy is knowing he’s just an impotent dirty old man who will be taking a dirt nap soon.
Yep. Those young girls going out for nights of YOLO.
Those bad bad girls.
And once again you have to create your straw man effigy to burn in public as a substitute for reasonable discussion. It’s simply indicative of how bankrupt and cold your morals truly are in that you can’t engage me on the issue of life.
The continual slaughter of the unborn and the glorification of Sodomitic marriage will be the undoing of America.
Are you volunteering for the secret police job that will track and monitor the sex lives and pregnancies of women?
Or as a christofacist lady parts inspector, or are you a RW whackjob lawyer looking to establish your pro-fetus bona fides by prosecuting women for manslaughter after miscarriages??
As soon as everyone quits talking about enoch’s penis, I’ll get back on here .
Until then, my ass is outta here…………
Link removed by editor
Give me the time stamp of the post and the name of the poster and I will manually remove it.
I was just kidding editor.
I got on here late yesterday and started seeing penis pop up now and then and thought I would try to shorten the egos.
What did you remove my link for?
Don’t tell me, you hired Tom Lovett to keep an eye on things starting at 10 o’clock.
Big mistake……..
Awww c’mon don’t you want to stay here and waste your time influencing zero minds?
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