Sen. Braun and Congressman Biggs lead the push to recognize national debt as a threat to national security

mike braun
mike Braun

Sen. Braun and Congressman Biggs lead the push to recognize national debt as a threat to national security

WASHINGTON — Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) and Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) have introduced a resolution that formally recognizes America’s national debt as a threat to its national security. Reckless spending, unbalanced budgets, and waste have soared the national debt to more than $31 trillion.

“Our staggering national debt is the greatest national security threat to the United States, but no one wants to talk about it. Washington needs political will and a backbone to stop reckless spending and restore regular order to address our fiscal crisis,” said Senator Braun.

“Our government’s spending spree is unsustainable and inches us closer to defaulting. America produces significant revenue and yet we continue to find ourselves in a position where we are unable to pay our bills. This means future generations will bear these costs and that’s unacceptable. If our government does not become more fiscally responsible, we will no longer be able to adequately fund our military apparatus as well as basic societal services. That is a recipe for a disaster and enables our adversaries to surpass us on the global stage. Raising the debt ceiling every year is a cop-out. This resolution will restore regular order to the appropriations process and acknowledge that Washington has a spending problem. I am grateful for Senator Braun’s dedication to this critical issue,” said Congressman Biggs. 

Read the full resolution here.


  1. .
    While this is a “puff-piece” press release, AT LEAST give Senator Braun credit for being a Republican who focuses on actual pocketbook issues, like reducing budgets, reducing taxes, suppporting businesses who create jobs, etc. Braun is preparing to run for Governor of Indiana, and he wants to be a Manager of the State’s business and governmental affairs.

    Good for Braun. We need more Republicans like this.

    The Morality Police wing of the GOP? To listen to them? The new trash that invaded the Republican Party under Donald Trump?

    Yoiu would think they think drag shows and transgender issues is the only thing worth legislating about. Never introduce bills to reduce taxes. Never introduce bills to support business and better paying jobs.

    To the new “Guidance Patrol and Morality” wing of the GOP? The new “Morality Police” of that won’t shut up about “men wanting to play women’s sports?” (They were in the audience at CPAC last night, cheering Trump.) They want to be a vigilante group enforcing some code of morality as they define it in our communities.

    IF YOU THINK they will stop at transgender or gay issues, YOU ARE WRONG. Give them power, and they will run rampant over the choices you make within your family, how you raise your kids, force you to go to church by making church-going a prerequisite of whether you get certain tax breaks – things like that. These morality patrol wanna-be’s, they are bad news. Kudos to a Republicans who continue to focus on pocketbook issues and ignore this Trump trash.

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