Sen. Braun: Biden must declassify lab leak intel


Sen. Braun: Biden must declassify lab leak intel

WASHINGTON – Following news that the Department of Energy had new “intel” pointing to a likely lab leak origin to the COVID pandemic, Senator Mike Braun is again calling for immediate declassification of that new intelligence and all classified information related to COVID’s origins and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Senator Braun led the bill with Senator Hawley to declassify all U.S. government intelligence related to the lab leak theory and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This bill passed the Senate unanimously in 2021.

After this bill passed the Senate, President Biden commissioned an investigation into the origins of the COVID pandemic by the intelligence agencies. The FBI concluded with “medium confidence” that the lab leak theory was correct.

“The American people deserve total transparency on COVID’s origins and the Wuhan lab to make up our own minds. President Biden must declassify everything we know about the origin of COVID and the Wuhan Institute of Virology immediately.” – Senator Mike Braun


 Sen. Braun leads effort to declassify intelligence on COVID origins: Americans ‘deserve it’

Senate unanimously votes to declassify intelligence on COVID-19 origins

May 27, 2021

Sen. Braun urges the release of U.S. COVID-19 origin info
