Rep. Bacon takes part in House resolution regarding carbon dioxide emissions


Ron Bacon

STATEHOUSE- State Representative Ron Bacon (R-Chandler) co-authored House Resolution (HR) 11, which was presented on the House floor today. The resolution received bipartisan support and was adopted by the Indiana House of Representatives.


The purpose of HR 11 is to support the lead role that states play in the regulation of carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants.


On June 25, 2013, President Obama directed the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue standards, regulations or guidelines to address carbon dioxide emissions from new, existing, modified and reconstructed fossil-fueled power plants.


“I think it is important that when the EPA is developing guidelines for regulating carbon dioxide emissions from existing plants, that they acknowledge the role that the states have in this process,” said Rep. Bacon. “No two states are the same, and the EPA needs to give the states greater flexibility in developing performance standards that take into account our unique needs, resources and economic priorities.”


HR 11 explains that a reliable and affordable energy supply is vital to Indiana’s economic growth, jobs and the overall interests of Hoosiers. Indiana currently supports an all-the-above energy strategy while relying primarily on abundant supplies of coal.


“Our concern is that if these regulations are put in place without input from the state, they could threaten the relatively low energy costs that Indiana currently enjoys,” said Rep. Bacon. “This could also pose a threat to countless jobs throughout the state. Many, if not all, of our power plants have already invested in pollution controls in order to meet the recent mercury regulations of the EPA. This continued regulation only creates an undue burden on the energy sources that our state relies on.”


The resolution urges that Indiana and other states be given maximum flexibility by the EPA to implement carbon dioxide performance standards for fossil-fueled power plants within their jurisdiction.




  1. Your proposal coupled with these EPA standards will do nothing to make power production less expensive. The two ideas are an oxymoron to “affordability”. Sure, the power company can “afford” to comply with all these new regulations, etc, etc and as any business does, they will simply pass those additional costs to the consumer. Unless your proposing the power company cannot.

    If you and your lot were really serious about carbon emissions you would be pushing nuclear power. Specifically Generation IV type reactors. Their advantages are well known and would help get rid of our existing stock piles of radioactive materials;

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