Woods & Woods, LLP is partnering with the City County Observer to provide top a notch community discussion venue to the general public in a bi-monthly video series titled “Good Public Policy Forum”.  Various political candidates, elected and appointed public officials and civic leaders will come together twice a month and have a discussion about local politics and other issues that are important to our community.
This  bi-monthly discussion will be filmed without editing at the newly renovated Woods and Woods video studio and shall be available to the              
general public to view on the newly created City County Observer video website.
 Well known and highly respected local attorney Mike Woods with Woods & Woods, LLP, will be the program host of the “Good Public Policy Forum”.  The first forum will be held on March 13th, 2014. Once recorded the video will be available for public view on the City County Observer website at sometime after the recording date for five straight days.
We shall be announcing the first two individuals that has just agreed to participate in our first “Good Public Policy Forum” in a couple of days.
For more information, please visit, or simply call Woods & Woods, LLP at (812) 426-7200.


  1. Bravo, to both Woods and Woods and CCO. I hope you attract top-flight participants in this endeavor.

  2. I’ve been hearing about this for the last few weeks. I’m glad it’s coming to fruition. I like the awards banquets the CCO is doing but this certainly has the potential to be the best idea from the CCO yet. I’d like to see some real point-counterpoint arguments on these shows.

  3. Wonderful job of putting this together. I believe this will surpass the Les Shively show. I can’t wait to see this.

  4. Three cheers to Woods and Woods and CCO. Three boos to County Council member Pete Swaim for backing out from attending the Woods and Woods first Good Public Policy forum event. Oh,, three cheers to Mr. Swaim Republican primary opponent John Montrastelle for agreeing to attend this most worth while community event.

  5. Can’t believe that County Councilman Pete Swaim is already running from his primary opponent. I personally know both Pete and John and must say that both are good public speakers. I was planning to vote for Pete until he withdrew for the WOODS and WOODS political forum show. I hope Pete will reconsider going on this show. If not, this shall seal his bid to be elected to Vanderburgh County Council seat.

    • What would Mr. Swaim gain from participating in this “forum”? And does lawyer Woods decide what is good public policy? It will probably end up like the ignorant Indiana Week In Review. Smart move, Mr. Swaim.

  6. Outstanding public relations move by CCO and Woods and Woods. Can’t wait to view program.

  7. I know Pete as a good and honest person with a very good work ethic and great background. Maybe Pete sensed an ambush and stepped away. Will the Dems not be happy until they destroy the two party system in this city? Will the Dems join Obamas socialist movement in this community. I can see the CCO slowly leaning left. no surprise but I,m sorry they could not have stayed a more middle of the road style coverage and would be more interesting for all. This is my opinion.

  8. This is what happens when person is appointed to a political office in a caucus. In fact, Pete Swaim has lost every time he ran for public office when his name was placed on the ballot. I hear his political advisors are Wayne Parke and Marsha Abell. Enough said.

  9. Question: Will Mr. Monastrelle be asked tough questions on this show about the terrible plan for the ball fields project?

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