Changes to release of veterinary records passes the Senate


Ron Bacon


STATEHOUSE —State Representative Ron Bacon (R-Chandler) co-authored legislation regarding the release of animal veterinary records, which passed the Indiana Senate unanimously today.


House Bill (HB) 1013 provides that in certain circumstances an animal’s veterinary medical records must be released within five business days. These circumstances include but are not limited to part of a request from a regulatory or health authority, physician or veterinarian to verify a rabies vaccination of an animal or investigate a threat to human or animal health.


“This issue was brought to the General Assembly by a constituent whose dog died after contracting a disorder through a bite from another dog,” said Rep. Bacon. “If the constituent had been made aware of the other dog’s medical records, then her dog could have received proper treatment and would possibly still be alive today.”


Under current law, there is not an established time frame in which veterinarian medical service providers must furnish this information.


“In addition to protecting Hoosier pets, this bill is also beneficial to human health as well,” said Rep. Bacon. “By increasing access to veterinary records, it will be easier to confirm and quarantine a pet that has potentially contracted rabies or other aggression triggering ailments, thus lessening the threat to humans.”


HB 1013 will now be sent to the governor’s desk to be signed into law.


  1. Holey moley,now a pooches records can be opened for media spamming,as well.

    Geezal pete. How’d we,ever,get by without that law.

  2. Rep Bacon, I am much more concerned about the large scale confinement animal “production” lots in which high usage of antibiotics and other medications run rampant. I am also extremely concerned about bills such as the one now in the house, S186, which will allow farmers to do as they choose and not be obliged to follow regulations about animal care, sanitation, crop handling, pesticide use etc. Businesses which deal with human food and safety, environmental safety, and animal safety and humane treatment must be subject to regulations. These Ag/gag bills need more publicity to inform us all of what is truly in peril here. I am angered by people who push such bills thinking they are above the law and who only care about themselves and the almighty dollar. I am calling my Representative today. Please consider doing the same. Thank you.

  3. The current version of Senate Bill 186 reads:

    The general assembly declares that it is the policy of the state to conserve, protect, and encourage the development and improvement of agriculture, agricultural businesses, and agricultural land for the production of food, fuel, fiber, and other agricultural products.
    The Indiana Code shall be construed to protect the rights of farmers to choose among all generally accepted farming and livestock production practices including the use of ever changing technology.

    Based on our legal analysis, SB 186 may pose an unconstitutional violation of the “privileges and immunities” clause in Article 1, § 23 of the Indiana Constitution which prohibits the General Assembly from granting “to any citizen, or class of citizens, privileges or immunities which, upon the same terms, shall not equally belong to all citizens.” More significantly, the Bill’s proposed mandate that “the Indiana Code shall be construed” to protect the rights of agribusiness very likely violates Article 3, § 1 and Article 7, § 1 of our state constitution which both prohibit legislative attempts to interfere with or impair the constitutionally delegated powers of the judicial branch. Requiring Indiana Courts to construe the entire Indiana Code in favor of one party removes judicial discretion in deciding cases and interpreting law. Given these serious constitutional implications, we offer the following amendment to the bill:

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