In-Depth: John Friend and Charles Berger Talk Smoking Ordinance Ruling with Brad Byrd – Tristatehomepage-Eyewitness News


In-Depth: John Friend and Charles Berger Talk Smoking Ordinance Ruling with Brad Byrd – Tristatehomepage-Eyewitness News.


  1. Who is this skinny imposter pretending to be J. Friend ? This sweatered guy in the video comes off as a milquetoast, smarmy pussy. Surely Friend’s handlers, prepping him for the Mayor’s race, are not going down this road ? I am certain that Winnecke has the milquetoast, smarmy pussy role locked up in spades.

    Friend needs to get back to his old, beer swilling, take names and kick ass accounting guy who enjoys KY Lake. Remember, Obama did not get elected because he promised to “continue the fine policies of Mr. Bush”.

    • He can’t kick ass and take names when his vote put him on the wrong side of a constitutional issue. His only consolation is Winnecke signed his name to it too.

      Friend looks defeated here precisely because he is.

      • Brad,

        I would have to disagree with you.

        Friend could have easily said something assertive such as ” Hey, we rely on Casino for a portion of our revenue. What’s good for Casino is good for City. We thought–as did 2 Supreme Court justices–that there was enough of a distinction in Casinos vs. Bars to justify an exemption. The majority of the Supreme Court disagreed with our take on that. We will abide by Supreme Court ruling. We do care about Public Health, and we also care about the City’s bottom line. We’ll find a way to make both happen”.

        But alas, he is being rehearsed for Mayor, and had to come across as an Adjunct Professor. Where is his tweed jacket with the elbow patches ??

        • I heard “The Professor” on Gilligan’s Island just passed away.

          Could Friend be the stand-in for the Reunion Show coming up in 2015 ? How would Friend look with a pipe in his mouth ? Wonder if Friend can fix the hole in the boat–Russell Johnson could never figure that one out !

        • The dissenting opinions were nothing short of shocking. The majority’s decision was obviously the correct one in this case. It would take some real mind-bending mental gymnastics to think this ban complied with Article 1 Section 23.

          John Friend has egg on his face. It’s really that simple. One question Brad Byrd forgot to ask: do you feel your vote was a mistake?

    • It was down right embarrassing to see, John Friend, the President of the Evansville City Council dressed the way he was for a planned TV interview with Brad Byrd.

      • Wayne, just because all of his ugly black suits–same style you wear even when you are in the sauna–were at the Dry Cleaner’s that day is no reason to badmouth ‘The Sweater’. That was a great Sweater, I think John should come out with a line of apparel called ‘Friendly Accessories’, I would shop there online today if the site was up.

        Also Wayne, how is it that Friend STOLE THE THUNDER from your high-styled, metrosexual Mayor ? Where was Winnecke ? Did Brad Byrd want to interview the next Mayor, and not the guy keeping the seat warm ???

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