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IS IT TRUE? December 11, 2010


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? December 11, 2010

IS IT TRUE that our investigation about the astoundingly high residential electricity rates that are charged by Vectren have moved to the north and the east?…that it is not just Henderson that enjoys significantly lower rates than are offered by Vectren?….that Jasper, Terre Haute, and Owensboro also have rates that vary from 42% to 58% of what Vectren charges all of us?….that for a typical household one can travel 50 miles in any direction and escape the monopoly that has been granted to Vectren?…that by doing so families can cut their electric bill by at least half?…that as long as this situation continues that SW Indiana is severely handicapped when it comes to attracting jobs, entering the green economy, or even being seen as a cost effective place to live? …that SW Indiana is an island of overpriced power relative to its neighbors that are served by other power providers?

IS IT TRUE that last night before a crowd of 8,000 at the University of California at Santa Barbara that the undefeated University of Louisville Cardinals soccer team advanced to the final game of the NCAA tournament?….that their opponent this Sunday will be the Akron Zips also from the Midwest?….that strong youth soccer programs in the local communities is starting to pay off for these two universities along with Michigan and North Carolina the other Final Four teams?…..that in 1986 the University of Evansville Purple Aces soccer team made a trip to the Final Four?…that in the spring of 2004 that Evansville opened the Goebel Soccer Complex that has seen some success in developing local soccer talent along with attracting national tournaments?….that the Reitz Bowl is a perfect venue for a crowd of 10,000 to watch a soccer tournament?…that if Evansville is to become a town that attracts major athletic events of a NCAA Division 1 level that the NCAA Division 1 College Cup may just be an achievable goal?…that a return to the Final Four by the Purple Aces in the near future played in the Reitz Bowl would be one major accomplishment for Evansville and Vanderburgh County?

IS IT TRUE that long term planning by whatever and whomever is taking it upon themselves to attract major sports events to Evansville should include a long term goal of attracting the College Cup of Division 1 Soccer?….that this task should fall within the responsibilities of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau?….that the “national” search for a replacement for Marilee Fowler continues to be hampered by a local disconnection with the economic reality of what it costs to get top shelf talent to relocate to Evansville?…that if the ECVB either can’t afford or won’t pay national rates that such a search makes about as much sense as hanging out at D-Patrick’s hoping that a $150,000 import will somehow be bought for 50% off?…that qualified, willing, and experienced local candidates should be given a second look?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observers call for suggestions for the 10 most significant things in 2010 and the 10 things that we had better get right is drawing some very good suggestions?….that the gloves are off and the claws are out already over the prospect of a more restrictive smoking ordinance?….that one suggestion is that one of the Top 10 things for 2010 is the fact that the City Council after staunch opposition for twenty years deadlocked in a 4-4 tie regarding a tougher smoking ordinance last March?….that another suggestion is that a smoking ordinance is something that we have better get right in 2011?…that the Vanderburgh County Commissioners are planning to do exactly that with a comprehensive smokefree workplace law in early 2011?…that the real legislative body that will be under fire and controversy will be the Evansville City Council all of whom are up for re-election in 2011.

IS IT TRUE that it has now been 1,309 days since the announcement was made on May 14, 2007 that the McCurdy Hotel was to be refurbished into luxury apartments?…that it has now been 1,164 days since the Evansville Redevelopment Commission at the request of Mayor Weinzapfel approved the spending of $603,000 to purchase the parking lot.

IS IT TRUE that there are now 701 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines?


  1. Maybe if again we use eminent domain to acquire even more valuable riverfront property and give it to Vectren, maybe then they’ll lower our electric rates … you think?

  2. A quick call to Vectren elicited the response that the reason for the higher rates and for their refusal to net meter was that the company had spent so much money on “cleaning up” their existing plants with scrubbers and the like to make them more environmentally acceptable. While this is a good thing to do, perhaps the budget for these upgrades was not handled using good fiscal policy. They did not offer to send any financial information to corroborate the above or to show that other measures, salaries, etc were cut to pay for such improvements.

    • Not surprised, we offered them our front page three days ago and have gotten no response.

  3. Forgot to add that we do not know the condition of the power plants in the other areas such as Terre Haute, Henderson, and Jasper. As much as we don’t like it, we must at some point take responsibility for cleaning up our messes and improving the environment. Doing this will also attract good, solid, clean business to an area. It might be interestng to compare levels of pollution in the various areas and what measures have been taken to address problems that affect the health and safety of those who reside there.

    • We agree but also know that the air here is not quite as good as it is in Henderson. Of course prevailing winds and power plant locations contribute to that but if we are paying a 200% premium for clean air we are getting stiffed. Our air is not clean. Perhaps a good PR campaign that Vectren could use to support the 200% premium would be a 5 year trailing study of pollutants showing what our premium bought us.

  4. Would definitely like to see such studies to make good in-depth comparisons on the pollution levels as mentioned above. Vectren is a public company. Has anyone pulled their account sheets, tax forms etc.? I have certainly lived in places with much lower energy costs! Would like to now live in a place with good air and water at reasonable prices.

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