Vanderburgh County Commissioner Musgrave Announces Candidacy For Mayor of Evansville


COUNTY COMMISSIONER CHERYL Musgrave Announces Candidacy for Mayor of Evansville

Cheryl Musgrave, Vanderburgh County Commissioner, today announced that she will be a candidate for Mayor of Evansville in next year’s city elections.

Musgrave is in her third term as County Commissioner, a three-member board that functions as the chief executive of county government. In that role, she most recently negotiated and implemented a ground-breaking contract bringing high-speed internet to the entire county outside city limits. She is now working on a major multi-million-dollar upgrade to the county-owned historic Soldiers and Sailors Memorial (Veterans) Coliseum in Downtown Evansville. Throughout her career, Musgrave has also championed major road and infrastructure upgrades.

“I will bring both an independent perspective and a strong conservative sense of duty to the role of mayor, building on the achievements of the past to make the future even better,” Musgrave said. “I love this city. I have called it home for decades, and three generations of my family live here. I want Evansville’s future to be as bright as it can be.”

Musgrave also served in Gov. Mitch Daniels’ cabinet during his first term and has a long history of public service, both locally and state-wide. Her innovative and independent approach has won widespread admiration and brought results.