IS IT TRUE January 27, 2014
IS IT TRUE it is being reported that as of Sunday morning, it does not appear that proponents of the constitutional marriage amendment have the votes necessary to pass the legislative package on Monday in the Indiana House (Howey, Howey Politics Indiana)?…there appears to be a growing segment of the House Republican caucus who will oppose HJR-3 and the companion HB1153 due to the second sentence which would make civil unions and domestic partnerships illegal in Indiana?…the first head count indicators when the House debates the measure – expected to begin Monday afternoon – will likely come on amendments that will seek to remove the second sentence?…ff that were to occur, the amendment process would have to restart and the amendment would not appear on the ballot next November?…it will be an step forward from an unnecessary abyss of unconstitutionality to see this quixotic quest come to an end before Indiana rushes down a gauntlet of wasting money to lose in a higher court?…according to a comment he posted in the CCO even Vanderburgh County Republican Chairman Wayne Parke sees HJR-3 and HB1153 as fool’s errands even though his expressed beliefs are otherwise?
IS IT TRUE that gangland shots rang out in downtown Evansville again this weekend leaving one hospitalized and several on the local most wanted list for attempted murder?…this is the fourth such instance in the last few years starting with at drive by shooting at 2nd and Main, followed by two 100 person plus brawls in parking lots, and finally with this weekend’s shooting?…we can build lofts, bars, temples to entertainment, and hotels until the sky burns and unless this kind of behavior is ceased or moved out of the downtown it will not be a desirable place to recreate or live for most people?…perhaps the signs warning of petty crime that were installed last year should have included a warning to watch out for drive-by shootings?…if parts of Evansville continue to behave like Compton it will turn to Compton?…let this be a word to the wise?…little has changed the race to the bottom?
IS IT TRUE Dexter Elementary School is closed today because of water main breaks?…we have to ask if we should be ringing the “fix the infrastructure†bell any louder to get our local government to table the fund and games and use what few dollars we have left to start fixing things like sewers, water distribution, sidewalks, and roads?…there are things that cities are supposed to do and they are not getting done?…there are things that cities that already have working infrastructure sometimes choose to do and that is about all the seems to occupy the minds of local officials?
IS IT TRUE that the State of the Union address is tomorrow night and President Obama will be addressing the American people about the state of our union in his perspective?…as his speechwriters are putting the final touches on the speech the following indisputable facts should be included to accurately reflect the true state of our union on January 28, 2014?…6.5 Million people have thrown their hands up in despair and left the work force leaving work force participation at an all time low and still shrinking?…food stamp use had increase by 46% since 2009?…poverty has increased by 23% since 2009?…transportation (gas) has increased in price by 79% since 2009?…the federal debt has increased by 55% since 2009?…an old adage says that when one realizes one is in a hole it is time to stop digging?…no matter what the employment statistics that have been rendered moot by the exit of 6.5 Million people from the workforce say, America is still in a hole?…it is time to stop doing the same things we have been doing?…platitudinal talk of income inequality only serve to fan the fires of envy and stifle the entrepreneurial spirit which is about the last hope this economy has?…we hope the President concentrates his words on unleashing the innovative power of American ingenuity and dispenses with the slogans of class warfare?
IS IT TRUE Michigan State took it on the chin Saturday opening up a path to a #3 ranking for Wichita State?…the CCO is rooting for two more upsets so a #1 ranked team can come to the Ford Center on February 16th?
Reagan and Bush voodoo economics created the biggest wealth gap in history and you’re still beating that drum?
Did you prefer Jimmy Carter’s stagflation?
Ie, I remember the Carter era well. What a time to be rich, just put that money in CD’s and take a vacation. Not a good time to be poor and trying to buy a home or a car. The 10-15% interest rate was a major problem for car and home sales. Thank God for Reagan.
Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like a genius.
We respectfully disagree with your assessment of today’s malaise. Quantitative Easing 1, 2, & 3 continue to print money that is distributed directly to the wealthy class. Think about it. Our federal reserve is printing money to buy assets from the rich that would be declining otherwise. And, then has the audacity to wonder why inequality is widening. QE has driven up the debt and accelerated inequality. The President owns these problems and his QE policy just amped them up. The ball was in motion before he came to power but QE just sped things up. If you want to see the rich scream, stop the fed’s stock and bond purchase plan today. That will change the state of the union quite rapidly.
I don’t think Tom has a clue what you’re talking about. He probably thinks ‘fiat money’ is a coupon for a compact Italian car.
No kidding. QE is the equivalent of going door to door in neighborhoods that are over a million a house and handing out piles of cash. To do this and then to scream about social justice and income inequality are the musings of a dolt.
Wouldn’t they trickle down that cash?
Well the answer to your rhetorical question is yes but not all of it. As your fellow liberal Brains Benton pointed out today the poor are 1,000 times better off than they were in 1970 so where did that improvement come from? The short answer is that it trickled down from the tax payers in the form of either wages or public assistance.
Every statistically poor household that has things like smart phones, flat screen TVs, cars that last over 100,000 miles, food, housing etc. that is superior to what they had in 1970 has benefited from trickle down economics. The improved living conditions had to come from somewhere because none of this stuff grows on trees.
Some is earned and some is of course redistributed from taxes but the net effect is a better life. Trickle down does work, but it does not equalize either income or wealth. No one ever said that it would.
Now ask yourself if you are better off than you were 43 years ago. Most if not all will answer yes. What about 5 years ago? Most will answer no. Why do you think that is the case?
When money is created and spent by government, the first people to get their hands on it – the cronies, contractors, and corporations closest to the top of the pyramid scheme – get full value. By the time the money gets to the masses, the effects of the monetary inflation begin to be felt. Their dollars are worth less. People who save or are on fixed incomes are particularly ravaged by the effects of inflation. The poor and the elderly get the shaft while the rich – who have enough knowledge and resources to stay ahead of inflation – do ok.
If you are concerned about economic inequality, you should be calling for an end to the Federal Reserve.
As best as I can find roughly 75 Million Americans have negative or zero net worth. That means that everyone of us who has so much as a net worth of $1 has more wealth than the bottom 75 Million. Wealth inequality is a piece of trivia that is used to fan the fires of envy for political purposes. What good would it do the 75 Million to take away my dollar? Not a damn bit of good would be done by that meaningless redistribution of my dollar.
Despite that our leadership fans the fires of hate by pointing out equally trivial comparisons of inequality. I just wish it would stop.
You and I have guitar envy. I have one that you really want but you have several that I would like. It does us no good to be envious of each others instruments. The way for each of us to expand our collections is to work or trade ourselves to more and better guitars. Even then we would both still want more. Guitars are a surrogate currency for us. All of this nonsense about inequality is just to distract the masses from the malaise that they could probably elevate themselves out of with education and hard work if they would just ignore the Pied Pipers of Washington who are little more than poverty pimps who lead them around by the nose.
In short, I am not concerned about inequality but if I was, the last thing I would do is pursue quantitative easing as the federal reserve has recklessly done.
I agree, Joe. I’m not interested in class warfare or wealth redistribution schemes. You know that. But there is a built-in inequality in an inflationary, debt-based economy. All I’m saying is, if these serial egalitarians like Tom would get their sh– together and correctly diagnose the real source of inequality, they’d join me in calling to end the Fed.
Mr Joe Wallace…I’m not sure labeling people liberals or conservatives in here because they disagree with you makes sense in today’s politics. There are Tea Party people who damn John Boehner for being a liberal. Me too, and I”m a card-carrying CoC Republican and I send $ to CrossroadsGPS several times a year.
But I digress….Trickle down is a theory. Sometimes it works, I acknowledge. BUT it is not a hard and fast rule. With technology come displaced labor and access to global markets moving labor directly to the commodity column. In the past…this was not the case.
Even the WSJ acknowledges this in an article from a day ago:
“This pulling apart (income inequality) has continued for more than three decades, through Republican and Democratic presidencies, including Mr. Obama’s. It seems to be driven largely by deep tectonic forces within the economy: global trade, which has devalued the labor of unskilled Americans, and technology, which has replaced labor with machines while empowering (and rewarding) those with skills.”
Absolute dedication to trickle down certainly benefits the top tier. But things have changed globally now. The efficiency of trickle down is declining at an alarming rate.
This is why investments in education, training and infrastructure are also getting the attention they deserve in addition to strict tax-cut/trickle-down policies.
I don’t know the complete answer. But I do know the efficiency of the trickle-down model is declining.
I was not responding to anyone who disagreed with anything I had previously said. I think if you examine my last post you will find that it does not conflict with what your post. Trickle down works, but not in the direct way that people seem to expect. The path of the trickle is not as simple as it once was. Some of the trickle goes to employees of innovative companies and other partials of trickle gets distributed via taxation. The point is that innovation and profits by American business raises most boats. Of course there will always be some who find ways to avoid the benefits of innovation but most who want to take responsibility for themselves find a way to bask in the prosperity of others. I would suggest that you read a book called “The Wealth of Nations” by my fellow Californian Robert Reich whom I respect greatly. It was written in the early 90’s before President Clinton tapped him for public service. He outlined the future of the workplace very well. That future is now.
Well now. Perhaps we do agree as we’re both talking about supporting American business, especially the foundation of the same to allow innovation to thrive. Hand up, not handout (teach to fish).
Strict reliance on only tax cuts w/out ties to improving infrastructure, education and training is unproven. What is proven is that extra income to the recipient usually goes directly into foreign tax shelters. No innovation tied to that.
Indeed we do. It was at one time sufficient to teach people how to fish. In a growing number of our population we seem to need to teach people how to live. The skill of living within one’s means and making efforts to better oneself is diminished. If we get that back, we have a chance to put a dent into poverty through elevation of skills. If not the cycle of trading food stamps for Pepsi and Pepsi for drugs will continue.
As for foreign tax shelters, the number of those is very small. Do you actually know anyone who has one? I don’t. Corporations do that to avoid American corporate taxes which are among the highest in the civilized world. Perhaps taxing less will lead to investing more.
A $400 iPhone according to Apple has a labor content of $17. If it were made here it would only increase that to about $35. Apple has stated they moved their manufacturing to Asia because of the rapid response offered there to product changes. If it takes less time to implement a design change in Asia than it does to get a permit issued in the USA, the cost of labor is moot. The extra $18 for the iPhone cost of goods sold (CGS) is nothing compared to the cost of taxes and the inefficiency associated with our corporate laws.
You won’t find me arguing against free and and accessible unfettered markets. As long as it goes both ways anyway.
I like Romney and voted for him. But even Romney and his private equity companies used foreign tax shelters. Because the law allowed it…nothing illegal about it. Its totally common.
Want to go back to the dark ages with your gold standard?
gold standard is better than no standard which is what we have now
What we have now is a ‘petro-dollar’ standard which ensures we keep having to go to war to prop up banks and secure out hegemony by force.
The gold standard equaled freedom and equality. Fiat money and central control of interest rates equals inequality, debt, and what you’re alway claiming to hate, Tom – economic slavery.
Taken down for tastelessness.
I’ve seen way worse than that go uncensored on here. Did you give your boy brad admin duties? Starting to become C&P here. Everyone take a minute to look at the racism left up by the CCO on a recent article about the Jackson murder suspect.
I’ve done a LOT of reading on this subject. We are heading down a road that’s been traveled by countries before. It leads to certain ruin, sooner or later. That has nothing to do with me or my ego, or narcissism. It’s just an observation.
I suspect you’ve done exactly no reading on the subject of fiat currencies and central banking. And no, articles on WSJ and Yahoo Money don’t count. Try reading up on what happened to France in the 1790s, or Rome toward the end of the Empire, or the Weimar Republic, or modern Zimbabwe. The notion that a nation can inflate and spend its way to prosperity indefinitely without seriously endangering the long term security and fiscal health of the country is the epitome of stupidity. If your goal is to make yourself into a 1st class fool, then by all means, keep supporting QE.
I’d much rather spend on infrastructure but the republicans won’t allow it. Like it or not, the private sector won’t do it.
To the Editor, please restore, if you can, Tom’s comment. I’d like for others to see what ignorance really looks like.
brad cco does not have to put toads comments back up to show what ignorance looks like just read brains comments ignorance in all its liberal glory…….the coming sotu reminds me of Mr.Joe Wilson remarks to barry on obamacare in 2009…….”you lie”…….
“OE infinity” is the most sinister way the ruling class steals wealth to redistribute it to their class.
Yes of course the Fed is engaging in QE because congress is refusing to allow fiscal stimulus, which is what is desparately needed.
So we are stuck with a much less than perfect economic policy. It seems the misers, hoarders, and Scrooges in the GOP can’t bring themselves to borrow money at less than 4% to be reinvested back into the economy at a rate higher than 4% because that wouldn’t be “fiscally conservtive” and it would put millions of ordinary people back to work repair our infrastructure and help a Dem president.
Of course the Tbaggers have publicly and brazenly said they won’t allow this president to succeed and it would also expose their ideology of tax cuts and deregulation to be a complete and total a failure which it is. Nice huh? If we don’t get our way the Obama voters get it. Treacherous traitors.
Don’t even talk to me about the stimulus because it was too small, too full of tax cuts(33%) and 35% of it went to Medicaid to keep many states from going bankrupt(mostly red one)
According to the American Society of civil Engineers
Cost of repairing and upgrading our existing roads and bridges $1T
Cost of repairing and upgrading our nuclear power plants $1T
Cost of repairing and upgrading our nation’s dams
That doesn’t even get into the our power grid and the desparate need for altenative energies.
If those prices from the Civil Engineers reflect reality then lets get it done. My guess is that the engineers are genuine but the government could not even come close to any number that we could afford. $3 Trillion is easy. Doing the work within budget would be a major challenge for this government.
A $3T stimulus all at once would be too much temptation for our greedy congress to handle.
We need to bite this off a little at a time. The priority list should come from the engineers NOT the politicians. It should be done on EXISTING roads, bridges, etc. not new ones. God knows we’ve already destroyed enough of the evirnonment and natural habitat. No big digs or bridges to nowhere.
If people are dumb enough to loan us money at less than 4% fixed for 30 years we should let them do it.
@ Brains, out of order d/t format:
Bing-O!! These are things we HAVE to accomplish, if we are to remain a top-tier power. If we can do it with cheaply-borrowed money, we can’t afford not to do it.
Granted, it would be cheaper to teach Mandarin in the schools (public and private), but the outcomes are not what I want.
Get out and look around, people. We’re falling so far behind we won’t catch up, if we don’t “get on it” NOW!
You should stop listening to Paul Krugman. Keynesianism has been the orthodoxy since the 1920s. It has had its day and it has failed utterly.
Its time for a drastic change, but sadly, that won’t happen without another World War.
I don’t listen/go by what authorities or experts say, that’s your sides gig. I follow the facts and the evidence. You call me a kool-aid drinking ideologue but offer ZERO evidence that Krugman is wrong, theortically or practically.
PS. Tax cuts never built or repaired a bridge, EVER.
I could point you to a number of books that destroy Krugman and Co’s Keynesianism, but you wouldn’t read them anyway. Why waste my time?
I suddenly have an urge to hug you.
I’m willing to listen to evidence to the contrary should mention away.
It’s a simple for formula.
Can the government borrow money at a rate that is less than the private sector?
If so, can it reinvest/spend the proceeds that will have a ROI to the public OR private sector that will exceed the total cost of borrowing.
Is the ROI > or < than the cost of borrowing?
No experts or authorites needed just a simple equation/question.
I am not an ideologue. As evidence I will remind you and the board of my STRONG opposition to the downtown hotel based upon the above equation, NOT ideology.
The Hotel has a negative ROI, so I was against it.
I have an MBA in finance and economic and I know how to do a marginal discounted cash flow analysis. It's pretty easy.
Keynesanian economics is just following the above equation. If the equation fits, Kenysian economics works, if the politicians don't follow the equation then yeah Keynesian ecnomics will fail.
Think of an economy in recession as a bicyclist stuck a traffic light with the right pedal(private sector) at the bottom of its stroke. The rider can push down on the right pedal as hard as he/she wants but it won't move the bike forward. To get the bike moving you must push down on the left(public sector) pedal. And to get get a smooth ride the left and right pedals need to be pushed in sequence.
Pushing on the right pedal alone can move the bike but it will not be a smooth ride(A boom and bust economy) and sometimes we will get stuck at the light with the right pedal down at the bottom(that's called a Great Depression)
Keynesianism and the arguments against it have nothing really to do with investments. It’s about the monetization of debt and the moral hazard of bailouts and inflationary policies.
When you support central economic planning, you support placing the key levers of an entire economy in the hands of a few political appointees, who are neither independent nor infallible. You support infinitely growing, unrepayable debt, punishing inflation, fractional reserve banking, using US military forces as world police enforcing dollar hegemony, and bubbles, boom and bust business cycles. Is it theoretically possible to successfully manage the world economy with enough realtime information and a super computer? Absolutely. But all you’d be doing is trying to replicate what a free market economy does naturally with no intervention.
I am for Constitutionally limited government and an elimination of all unnecessary bureaucracies. I understand one can’t have his cake and eat it too, which is why I can praise Bush’s tax cuts while opposing his massive increases in government size and spending.
The Federal Reserve’s dual mandate is for managing inflation and maximum employment, yet in the 100 years of its existence we’ve seen the dollar shed 96% of its value, we’ve seen two depressions, one “great”, and numerous deep recessions. We’ve seen a century of war and periods of historically high unemployment, including the current one, in which the efforts to hide the real unemployment numbers has become comical.
The defenders of Keynesianism have lost the debate; they just refuse to see the obvious. One cannot ‘debate’ with those afflicted with madness.
@ Brains
Your bicycle analogy is interesting but flawed.
The peddles are not public sector verses private sector, and they are not stuck at the bottom.
Supply and demand are the peddles that move the economy. If one was stuck down, then there would be zero velocity and the bicycle would be stalled. Our economy is slowed but not stalled.
The private sector verses the public sector is the rider. Being as the government produces nothing, the muscle mass of the rider is the private sector, and his fat is the public sector. A healthy rider will have both but not excessive fat. The more the weight of the economy; the more muscle it takes to accelerate the bicycle.
Your solution is like saying we need to change muscle mass into fat so we can change fat into muscle and accelerate the bicycle faster.
Also, the ROI for the government is higher tax revenues. Higher revenues with out higher production is not a solution. You are ignoring the rule of opportunity cost by claiming it is.
The cheap interest rate that you say the government is “investing” (GRRRRR! at that) come from raiding the so called Social Security lock box. yes, they borrow it at a law rate, but we are now at the point where hey will have to borrow money at a higher rate to pay it back. further more, this borrowing has raised ever citizen’s share of the national debt from $25,000 per citizen to by the end of Obama’s term $75,000 per person.
The laws of finance do not change at K-Street. Debt destroys wealth. sometimes we can destroy short term wealth for long term gains, but you can not run your household on credit cards. QE Infinity is like running the government on a credit card. The problem is that governments don’t really go broke. Governments run out of money and it’s the people they represent that go broke.
And form where does the trillions for a stimulus come? You’re economics are like the trucker who buys coal at one price, sells at the same price, and believe the solution is to buy a bigger truck.
The shootings and crime in this area should be a matter of grave concern. I live on the eastside, east of 41, and I’m starting to see a gradual change in the makeup and frequent visitors to my neighborhood. I had plans for my current home to be my retirement and terminal residents. My wife and I decided it is time to move, we have set June 2015 as our move out date. Probably Henderson or Warrick county. I don’t blame the police, I think they are doing a good job. I don’t blame a poor job market because folks committing these crimes wouldn’t take a job because they would be required to show up.
Henderson will get you out of Vectren turf.
Any politician, republican or otherwise, who votes against House Joint Resolution 3, and thus against letting Hoosiers vote on the matter, will never receive another vote from me.
We agree in principle, but from my understanding of our constitution is that HRJ3 will not stand scrutiny because it violates our constitutional process.
Also, the part B could be construed by an activist court as violating equal protection. It is very similar to the Utah’s bill which is under review but goes further by singling out “unmarried.” The companion bill clarifies the intent, but could be ignored by a court.
And to be honest, when we have a bill to clarify the first bill,then by logic the first bill is flawed.
If I were our opponents, I would shut up and support this bill then slide same sex marriage into law through a court challenge.
But they are to busy calling people bigots and giving thumbs down symbols.
Given the closing of Dexter School . . . I predict that we will see additional school closures due to “broken” water mains in the very near future ! The perps will be Logan Cold, Chase Frigid and Dante Freezeman (all middle schoolers, they are so resourceful).
PLenty of people just don’t understand the conditional thermodynamic span per the materials involved in the older infrastructures. “The span of effect” with rapid temperature change,is even compounded by the thermodynamics of pressure both PSI gauge,and Static atmospheric.
Blending in newer materials available now is huge plus for reliability,and environmentally affected reactives.
The thing that we did notice while travelling your metro yesterday was another infrastructure boo,boo,as well.
The natural gas smell chemically added for detection was waffing pretty strong on and along some of the major Gateways there.
I was with family we all noticed the tell tale natural heating gas scent inside the vehicle while awaiting the stoplight at Hwy 41 and St George road.
Wind was strong from the Sw gusting from the W. the trace was pretty strong from even inside the car,as we traveled south it cleared quickly as it came about 200 feet. So.
Those gas lines,as well as,the water lines when higher demands are placed upon them sometimes have some pressure issues,thus given an lower ground elevation or settled in ground piping issue,moisture in the pipe or around,the line can “root cause” or “dot connect” a failure in the gas main or branch supply.
Infrastructure,infrastructure,infrastructure my advice report the suspected leaks,quickly,especially in this expected extended cold and rapid warm up spans,those dots can start to add up big time,with a gas main fail.
medulla_oblongata: …schools …”stem”….academies,not so bad,aye? 🙂
word on the street is that the soil samples for the Downtown Hotel site are tainted.
Do tell CCO.
Good thing the Developer submitted a comprehensive Business Plan to deal with such a contingency.
I can’t imagine that they would not be tainted. I expect that is the situation with the soil on the top-secret site for the downtown Med School location, as well. I wonder what kind of toxin remediation measures will be necessary on the McCurdy site.
I wonder if Kunkel’s wonderful “Market Street Living” had any testing done before the seniors got plopped there. The list just keeps growing.
Downtown Evansville has great potential as a Superfund site. I suspect the old Plating Works site is just the beginning.
The condition of the soil hasn’t changed much overtime with some issues EKB,science and its methodology and environmental research per elemental and chemical toxicity,has evolved.
Thus the level of detectable elemental visibility has increased. Thats all.
Which is why we fund environmental testing and medical research in the first place.
Nothing bad,nothing to stifle anybodies perceived progress,only to help balance its useful or viable sustainability forward for those that follow us.
“gutta cavat lapidem,non vi sev saepe cadendo”
“the drop excavates the stone,not with force but by falling often” (Ovid)
Is it true that within a year of the odious Pelosi-Reid-Obama gang seizing control of Congress that the Pelosi-Reid-Obama recession began? Yes.
Is it true that Emperor No-Hopey has failed abysmally? Yes.
Is it true that liberal mom’s basement dwellers refuse to take responsibility for their empty-suited emperor’s grotesque failures? Yes.
Is it true that contemporary liberalism is intellectually and morally bankrupt, offering only rage, hatred, envy, racism, and violence? Yes.
The Bush depression began in 2007.
The Pelosi-Reid-Obama gang took control of Congress in January, 2007.
The bubble that burst in 2007 was largely predicated on the irrationally easy lending policies for real estate in the previous two decades. As long as there was a bigger fool or a path to refinance the party raged on. That all changed when CDOs and CDSs started defaulting. It was sort of a death spiral situation as we are being cautioned about with the ACA actuarial pools now. Bush did not do this. The push for home ownership for all is the source of the 2007 meltdown. The legislation was passed during the Carter Administration and crept up from there. The seeds for the destruction of 2007 were planted by Carter and watered by Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, and Bush 2 and all of their congresses. In the long run the real estate bubble bursting was probably a good thing. In the short run it surely has disrupted life in the USA in a nasty way.
It’s worth mentioning that Ron Paul, an exponent of Austrian Economics, predicted the bursting housing bubble in 2001. At the same time, the talking head Keynesians like Krugman were saying everything was ok almost right up until October of 2007.
The proof is in the pudding, folks. Keynesianism is walking dead.
Tell it Howler!
Is it true you are so full of hate you haven’t been able to pass your excrement since Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in as President of the United States of America, leading to your fetal position tomorrow night during the State of the Union where we’ll hear we’re not losing 700,000 jobs a month, the stock market is not still at 6,000 points, Osamas dead and the 2 billion Mitch Daniels slimily partook from the dastardly black man to balance the Indiana budget is not a mirage?
Grow up
Better yet, go back downstairs.
You try to sound so well-spoken but at the same time sound as classless as some of those you take shots at. BTW, despite what some believe, that money belonged to the taxpayers not the POTUS!
Credit where it’s due, I appreciate Wayne Parke’s stance on the marriage amendment.
We need to constitutionally define marriage, no matter how we define it, before the courts define it for us, but I think HJR3 has a fatal flaw and needs to be killed. Our constitution clearly states that any amendment must be entered into the journal and voted on by the “next” elected body. A a simple bill should be presented that defines marriage as between one man and one woman with no clarifications so we can move forward on this issue.
To me the idea solution is to define marriage as between one man and one woman and establish domestic partnerships. Domestic partnerships would address real concerns for those building lives together and would be most fair to all non traditional unions and those who choose co-habitat without destroying established tradition marriage while isolating religious organizations and businesses from destructive law suits.
If this issue is decided by a court mandate, then a majority of Hoosiers will resent being strong armed by the court and a rift will continue to grow between factions.
It doesn’t matter if you “Constitutionally define marriage” or not. It will just be struck down by SCOTUS, because it violates the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution. You just picked up some talking points someplace that even our legislators are seeing for the hollow crock of bull puckey they are, and keep repeating it.
Says the queen of “talking point” regurgitation. She is all for saying things, but rarely ever provides any proof to back it up.
Can you prove that?
All one has to do is trace any of your posts and see you provide nothing but conjecture and personal beliefs. Pretty much any comment you make is full of utopian ideas that have no statistical fact or experience behind it.
Only if it violates the 14th amendment, so how would this amendment violate the amendment? I’m not looking for the short answer, “equal protection.” How would equal protection be violated.
My points are my points and not some yapping point I heard. I think about them, listen to both sides, and actually have the audacity to go read our constitution.
How would you feel if I said all you do is repeat talking points you have heard? In fact, how many times have I kicked the props out from under you because you repeated a misguided yapping point?
It doesn’t matter now! It can’t appear on the ballot until 2016, and I expect it will be moot by then. The IN Senate did the right thing, and voted to strip out the second sentence.
One sure thing, Mike Pence doesn’t want this on the ballot in 2016. He pushed to get it through and on the 2014 ballot, so he wouldn’t need to run with it.
NEVER. You’re batting 0, IE!!
I remember a big one. The Santa Monica Nativity scene law suit, did not happen as you said.
I don’t remember if you were one saying that marriage was already defined in our constitution. That was kind of a class action whooping I put on the anti constitutionalist.
I also blew the idea that Indiana is in a minority by passing an amendment defining marriage out of the water.
Then there that even you had to admit that same sex marriage is not equality for all building lives together.
Speaking of that, wouldn’t domestic partnerships be a more fair and equal solution, or doe sit have to be same sex marriage?
In reply to shots fired downtown:
For years Hammerheads has ignored their neighbors pleas to stop having hip-hop night. This isn’t the first shooting to happen there. Hammerheads doesn’t clean up their building or the trash that their patrons leave out front. They have destroyed their very popular 80’s night by entertaining the hip-hop crowd.
This is very far from PC, but why don’t the black people take a break from shooting each other also? Every damn day someone is getting shot. It’s absurd; especially how tight-lipped Rev. Brooks and Connie have been about THEIR community’s violence issues.
i agree kn……black on black crime is nation wide and will get worst in evansvile if it is not stopped now…….sharpton… jackson… holder.. barry…none of them care just like the local black leaders about this and that is a crime……reason there is no money or political upside to stop this destruction of lives…….using the race card is much more lucrative monetarily and politically….it does show the lies and fraud by the so called liberal black leaders………
“…why don’t the black people take a break from shooting each other also.”
The same reason white people don’t.
“…why don’t the black people take a break from shooting each other also?”
The people who did this are no more representative of “the black people” than you are of intelligent, decent white people. They are a loud, dangerous, embarrassment to those of their race who work hard to do the right things, just like you.
The above comment is meant for “Know Nothing”. I was just to peeved to hit the right button.
Lots of racism being supported by the CCO today.
To infer that the CCO supports Racism is absurd, and total Bullshit!
Somebody(?)somewhere(?) tho is race centric, as reveled by the Statistics, according to the US CDC, the leading cause of death for young Blacks is Homicide. It’s more than 6 times that of other American citizens no matter what their Race..
Don’t start with negative facts on the black community, you’ll get labeled a racist.
They have been unwilling to face their own problems for years.
Hey,,,,what do you know….name calling instead of tolerance.
I’ll bet Bosma’s busy today. They managed to screw up their cherished amendment to the point the worst of the hounds on the Great Lawn won’t even bother with it.
Strong lobbying will ensue. There will be no bottle of Scotch too old nor hooker too young to be enlisted in the battle to scrounge up the votes. That amendment must be sent to the pitchfork & torchers for a vote. It’s the American way.
It looks like Bosma may have some time on his hands. I think he just “de-railed” his political ambitions.
Hounds on the great lawn… Haha. I salute you.
History repeats itself. Time and again.
The same arguments against same-sex marriage are the same as those against interracial marriage and inter-faith marriage…â€the blacks want special rightsâ€â€¦â€jews and christians marrying is an attack on the rite of traditional marriageâ€â€¦.â€it’s against divine lawâ€â€¦.
…Alas, there will always be bigots among us.
Same-sex marriage is coming to Indiana law.
The State legislature process is underway mopping up Indiana law to fall under the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection under the law.
It’s coming exactly like interracial marriage and inter-faith marriage came. Even the Supreme Court agrees that bigots will not rule the day on this.
The bigots among us just lost a round. Marriage equality will come to Indiana!
The Republican party is the party of business. Not discrimination and not bigotry.
THAT is why the Indiana legislature is failing to get its act together on this ignorant ban on same-sex marriage. There are smart GOP members who know it is bad for Indiana business to allow this abomination to progress with any sort of foundation.
Bigotry is bad for business. Pretty simple.
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The IN Senate just voted to strip the second sentence out of the abomination that is HJR-3, which keeps it off the ballot this November!!! 21 Republicans and 31 Democrats did the right thing!
Should be a lot of republican tears in beers tonight.
Not this Republican.
I wish the whole thing had just been summarily defeated, but this works for me!
How’d the locals vote?
Every one of them did the right thing. I’m amazed.
Seriously? Dude, all republicans are not as dumb as the elected republicans. I also find that very few democrats are as stupid as the elected democrats like Pelosi, Obama, and Reid. The people of this country are a hell of a lot better than the fools that both parties put on the ballots.
Let me clarify: I was referring to “Representatives”, NOT Republicans. We have more than our share of uncivilized Republicans, and most of the un-civil ones are not very happy right now.
Think about that! To be sad that we can’t hate or discriminate against your fellow man/women/mankind.
What kind of sick pathetic world is that?
Why do we let 6000 yr old superstitious,homophobic, warmongering, misogynistic, vindictive, know nothings control us from the grave?
“Why do we let 6000 yr old superstitious,homophobic, warmongering, misogynistic, vindictive, know nothings control us from the grave?”
Looks like you found a way to discriminate.
I meant the House, not the Senate! The good news is that every single local Rep. voted to strip the second sentence!! We have civilized Reps!!
Ummmm let’s not get carried away. The have voted to take away the rights of teachers, women, union workers and many other Hoosiers.
True enough, I’m just giddy for a little while. I’ll come back to earth in a little while.
Let me see if I can help you come back to earth.
Being as 80% of Hoosiers wanted to vote for this bill without the part B, the bill will likely pass a voter referendum.
It will also stand against a court challenge.
Gee, now I’m getting all giddy.
So let me get this straight, the democrats steal away our constitution to Urbana to prevent republicans from passing a law that stops a worker from having to pay a tribute to someone who is not his employer so he can have permission to work in another man’s business, but that is taking rights away?
Asking teachers to do their job and measuring how they are doing is taking away teacher’s rights?
Not using tax money to pay for an abortion because someone had a YOLO night and woke up with morning sickness is taking rights from women?
I guess I don’t have the brains to be a liberal.
99% of everything you post is trolling, passive aggressive, disingenuous, misleading, prevaricating strawmen, half-truths, Orwellian double speak, begging the question, tautological/circular logic nonsense.
This is no exception.
However, your post regarding my bicycle analogy on Keysian economics was an exception and seems sincere. Flawed, but thought provoking so I will address it honestly, and genuinely ASAP.
Congrats! Here’s hoping it fades away and never returns. Then it will only be necessary to challenge state law to improve the state and give equal rights and privileges to all consenting adults regarding their personal relationships and commitments. Here’s to marriage for one and all who choose it.
Martha, if the courts can write our laws, then why do we need a legislature?
In fact, if federal courts can write our laws, why do we need states?
And if it is equal for everyone, then why will it be denied to other non-traditional relationships?
Or how will it be equal to those who choose not to marry at all when they have to pay more for not asking the government to license their love?
Be careful about what you for because one day you may find that you don’t like it.
We need to trust our constitution and let due process take its course.
In the face of the unconstitutional legal momentum being led by of all courts, the Supreme Court….AND….increasing popular opinion momentum to recognize same-sex marriage….
….in the face of BOTH of those factors.
…If Indiana tries to pass a BAN on same-sex marriage these days…
…those proposing this will be identified clearly as the anti-business, intolerant bigots they are.
I am telling you….this is BAD for Indiana business to mess with this Amendment proposal.
More than a few Republicans know this all to well. And there are a lot of Democrats who are dancing in the aisles for the bigots to get their day at the ballot box on this.
You can’t pass a ban on same sex marriage, that’s unconstitutional. You can define marriage as between on man and one woman. That is constitutional.
If having same sex marriage is so good for the economy, then why is Illinois and California economic disasters?
You’re starting to sound like a parrot squawking bigot in every other sentence.
….some people say cucumbers taste better pickled. Which has nothing to do with the subject, just like the state of CA and IL’s economies.
Bigotry and business do NOT go together. High tech business (like Eli Lilly) was one of the first to offer same-sex couples full benefits. It’s a lie to suggest that they will support the one-man/one-woman (a/k/a…and you know this of course….ban on same-sex marriage) marriage policy. The tech category’s institutional support is clearly behind recognizing same-sex marriage. Indiana is putting it’s business interests in danger with bigoted objectives like this amendment.
Last….it IS bigotry. Everyone knows it, and the ONLY people who, in all of their glorious insecurity….that deny that…are the bigots who are for banning same-sex marriage.
Acknowledging the bigotry is accurate because it is bigotry.
Typical, the economy has something to do with the subject until it doesn’t work for your argument then it’s cucumbers and pickles.
Now let me address the rest of your remarks by paragraph.
Good job, you worked it in twice in that last paragraph.
So why are you bigoted against all having access to equal rights through domestic partnerships? Does it have to be same sex marriage?
I-E…Because it is simple second class status. Another version of “we’re all equal, but some of us are more equal than others.”
That is discrimination and a violation of a citizen’s equal rights and access to the law licensed by the State. And a NO-GO. It is also unconstitutional as plainly explained by the Supreme Court.
I-E….For you to deny that is bigotry is preposterous. (Orwell chose to identify the people who were more equal than others as a PIG for a good reason Sir. It is pure, outright bigotry.)
Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York stated it best when ask his opinion on same sex marriage. He said he didn’t understand why anyone would want to get married. The amazing thing is that gays will want to have a big wedding in a church that is against their lifestyle. I’m sure they’ll want a law forcing Christian ministers to marry them. The republicans need to let this go it’s nothing but a distraction. We also need to leave the Mormons alone. The democrats should get upset over men or women not being allowed to have more that one mate. Just let it go.
Marriage is a legal contract, and I see no reason why that contract should be limited to two people. It should be open to any number of competent, consenting adults.
As for your conjecture on church weddings, there is no accounting for anyone else’s wishes and dreams. I see no reason why people should not celebrate the signing of the marriage contract in any way they want, but I do not believe any church or member of the clergy will ever be forced by law to endorse, nor participate in celebrating unions that are not in keeping with their beliefs. I do not think such a thing would be found to be Constitutional.
Marriage started as a religious contract my dear. It was used by the government, when they saw they could make money from it. DO you honestly want to sit here and tell us that once the marriage part is allowed that the same-sex crowd is not going to push further and cry about rights violations, when churches refuse to give them what they want? It’s all about forcing your leftist will upon others. Not because it is the right thing to do, but because you get all bubbly inside when you get your way.
It is refreshing to see a liberal come right out and endorse legalized polygamy. Nearly all of them in public dissemble about this quite logical extension of the “consenting adults” rhetoric. Thank you for being honest, Martha. This is an exceedingly rare quality in a liberal.
Now, that being said, it won’t be long until the “adult” part of “consenting adults” will be dropped by the liberal opinion elites. Within a decade, we will be hearing impassioned speeches from the liberal puppets about the injustice of preventing “mature” 12 year olds from “controlling their sexuality.”
Anybody heard from the know it all Wayne Parke lately?
And for One Hundred Dollars, the question is:
Who is Kathryn Martin?
Ask Wayne Parke he tried to bring her in the GOP camp.
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