Hostettler Bill Connect More Vets To Job Training, Educational Opportunities


STATEHOUSE (Jan. 20, 2022) – Legislation authored by State Rep. Matt Hostettler (R-Patoka) would help Hoosier veterans and their spouses connect to available grants, scholarships and job training opportunities.

Hostettler said numerous state resources are dedicated to veterans, active duty military members and their families, and steps need to be taken to better inform them of those opportunities. His legislation would task the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs with providing information to veterans and their families about available services and programs.

“Hoosier veterans and their families sacrifice so much to keep us safe and it’s only right to support them,” Hostettler said. “Indiana already has so many great programs that can help lift up military families, and we need to make sure they’re aware of these resources.”

To better identify veterans who could benefit from programs, Hostettler’s legislation would also task state agencies including the Indiana Department of Education, the Family and Social Services Administration, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, Indiana Department of Workforce Development and Indiana Professional Licensing Agency with asking those who they provide services to about their military affiliation and experience.  

“State agencies are in contact with a number of Hoosiers with various backgrounds, and they could be a great first point of contact to help veterans,” Hostettler said. “I also want to help, and I encourage veterans and their family members to reach out to my office if they are in need of assistance or want to learn more about wide range of programs offered to those who served.”  

House Bill 1188 is assigned to the House Committee on Veterans Affairs and Public Policy. To learn more and watch legislative proceedings, visit