Melcher preferredThe City County Observer has just confirmed that Democratic Vanderburgh County Commissioner Steve Melcher has decided to run for the District 78 State Representative seat that was recently vacated by long time State Representative Susan Crouch.   Last week a Republican Precinct caucus was held and the former President of the “Right To Center” group was elected to serve out Mrs. Crouch term.  This is a breaking story we will have more information to follow later.


    • Let’s hope the Dems finally get their crap together and stop the self destructive an nicks….

    • Serious …?
      That mean that his campaign pix will look like the ‘real’ Steve …. or are voters in for a treat to a shave and haircut and ditch the 15 year old pix he currently uses?

  1. Do tell!

    I’m voting for Steve if only to open up a spot on the Commission for a true watchdog rather than a lap dog.

  2. Great news. Can’t wait for Steve to replace Wayne Parke hand pick candidate, Holli Sullivan.

    • Eric, I’m not sure you understand how a caucus works…there was no ‘handpicking’. Holli was-and IS-an exceptional candidate for the position and was chosen by the caucus as the best person to represent them.

      In November, we will be able to say that the voters of 78 ALSO came to that conclusion when she wins. Again.

    • There are many Democrats that won’t be supporting Melcher, much less Republicans with a united, enthusiastic party, in the middle of a second term of one most unpopular Presidencies to Republicans in history. Game, check, match!

  3. I think it would be great for SBR to run for Steve’s spot. we would finally have some brains on the county side of government.

    • SBR has never been known for her brains. Her loud mouth? Yes. Her being rude? Yes.
      Don’t even suggest —– like her needs to be on any political committee in this or any other lifetime.
      She’s damaged goods that has been put out to pasture-let her stay where she belongs!

    • But Holli obviously didn’t have the kind of support to keep a Democrat from running which is what matters more. I bet that is how it was sold to the precinct committeemen too. They probably wanted somebody like Suzanne who would keep a challenger from even trying, but it looks like they didn’t get her.

    • Regardless of how you or I may rank Steve’s other accomplishments, he has been elected and re-elected multiple times. That’s more of a known quantity than this Holli Sullivan’s electability.

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