Mayor Announces Improvements at Three Neighborhood Parks


Mayor Lloyd Winnecke announces the installation of new playground equipment at three neighborhood parks, starting today. Mayor Winnecke said the Parks Department would utilize funds carried over from the 2013 Parks budget for improvements to Lorraine Park on the city’s East Side, Casselberry Park and Sixth Avenue Park on the city’s West Side.

“A clear takeaway from the city’s visioning sessions is a desire for enhanced green space and to invest in our parks,” Mayor Winnecke said. “With these improvements, we are listening to public feedback and are committed to investing in quality of life projects.”

The new playground equipment at Lorraine Park has been championed by City Councilwoman Missy Mosby and the Lorraine Park Neighborhood Association for more than a year.

“Through several meetings and planning sessions with Neighborhood Association President Delores Mason and their members, we took a collaborative approach to make this project a reality for the kids in the Lorraine Park area,” says Councilwoman Mosby. “Thanks to Mayor Winnecke, Vectren and organized labor for coming together and responding to the wishes of the constituents of the 2nd ward.”

Lorraine Park Neighborhood Association has raised additional money to purchase extra playground equipment and establish a fund through the Evansville Parks Foundation to pay for maintenance and repairs.
Parks Department Ex. Dir. Denise Johnson said all three parks will receive a large playground apparatus with a variety of activities for use by children and adults, including swings, slides, stairs and platforms. Each playground set costs $13,975.

“The installation of new play systems at Sixth Avenue and Casselberry parks will literally transform the areas by providing more than 20 new ‘play’ opportunities,” said Johnson. “Both playgrounds had very little equipment that was old and in need of repairs. I’m sure the neighbors, especially the children, will be thrilled when these projects are finished.”

Funtown Playgrounds will install the equipment at Lorraine Park this week, followed by Sixth Avenue and Casselberry parks next week, weather permitting. Johnson said Funtown will sanitize and prepare the ground, install the play apparatus, and put a border and safe ground cover around the play area.


  1. Glad to know that the children in these areas will enjoy new activities and fun equipment. Have a great time kids!!

  2. Why is this news worthy isn’t this what the city is suppose to do? Next it will be city decides to mow parks, how sad.

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