VOICE’s Flower Pot Meetings Continue with Healthy Green Space



Thursday Morning At Wesselman Nature Society 8:30 a.m.

Facilitated by Leadership Evansville in partnership with Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and the city of Evansville


January 8, 2014


WHAT:                    EVANSVILLE, Ind. – On Thursday, January 9 at 8:30 a.m. at Wesselman Nature Society on the east side of Evansville, Leadership Evansville host VOICE’s third Flower Pot meeting on “Healthy Green Space,” where any interested citizen, organization, or business is invited to share their knowledge and passion to begin collaborative planning and actions in this topic. At this meeting, participants will:

-        Identify low hanging fruit in this area that they would be able to actively do now, short term and long term

WHO:                       Leadership Evansville Executive Director Lynn Miller Pease, in partnership with Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and the City of Evansville, will host the third VOICE Healthy Green Space Flower Pot Meeting, and will be joined by key stakeholders with a vested interest who have already committed to participate in this Flower Pot, including Keep Evansville Beautiful, Evansville Area Trails Coalition, Vectren, Wesselman Nature Society, the Department of Parks and Recreation and  Department of Metropolitan Development and Welborn Baptist Foundation. Additionally, every citizen is invited and encouraged to participate in the Healthy Green Space Flower Pot meetings to help collaboratively build strategic actions and have ownership in the results because it takes all of us to make a difference.


WHEN:                    Thursday, January 9, 2014 at Wesselman Nature Society 8:30 a.m.

WHY:                       VOICE brought together over 1,700 diverse community members to participate in 32 facilitator-led group discussions that allowed them to articulate and document their visions for Evansville’s preferred future. With the first visioning phase concluded, the second phase of VOICE consists of communicating the outcomes and next steps in the form of Big Action Meetings (BAM) so all VOICE participants know their VOICE was heard. Over 250 people attended the VOICE BAM sessions, which revealed the three high-priority topics (Healthy Green Space, City Core, Experiences) to move forward with strategic planning and action. Of these attendees, 70% of them signed up to take action in these topics. Additionally, nearly 200 citizens attended the first round of Flower Pot meetings. LE will continue to facilitate this process.


MORE:                     More information at: www.evansvillevoice.com, www.facebook.com/evansvillevoice

@evansvillevoice on Twitter


CONTACT:             Lynn Miller Pease l 812-589-3682