Teddy Stucki To Seek Office Of Center Township Trustee



Dear Center Township Voters

Hi my name is Teddy Stucki and I am seeking the office of Center Township Trustee.  I am a lifelong resident of Center Township and lifelong member of the Republican Party.   I have lived in Evansville all of my live and been blessed to have successfully started, ran, and operated my own business since 1981.  I am a graduate of Central High School, Vincennes University, and Purdue University Extension.

I am married to Debbie Stucki who is also a graduate of Central High School and the current Vanderburgh County Clerk.  I have been married for 26 years.  We have one son Teddy 2 who is also a graduate of Central High School and Ivy Tech.  I am a member of Salem United Methodist Church and currently serve as Board of Trustee.  I am also on the Board of Trustees and finance committee of the New Salem Cemetery.

I was elected to the Center Township Advisory Board in 2010.  I am the only ELECTED member on the board seeking the office of Center Township Trustee.    Over the past 3 years I have really wanted to further my community service and that is why I am asking for your support in the upcoming caucus for Center Township Trustee.  My son is now taking over the family business therefore I would be a full time employee and it would be my only job unlike some of the other candidates running. Some of the things I would like to do as trustee would be to continue cross training of all employees, so everyone knows how to do every job in the office and be proficient at them.  I would also like to provide more information and updates to the website to make it a more user friendly. I also look forward to working with the McCutchanville Fire Department.  These are just a few ideas I would like to implement if elected.

In closing I would like to reiterate that if chosen I would be a full time office holder and it would be my only job, I would also like to acknowledge the fact that while in office I will not seek or accept a pay raise.  Thank you for your time and I would appreciate your support in the May 6, 2014 primary for Center Township Trustee.  You can contact me at 422-2471 or teddystucki1@gmail.com.
I’m dedicated to doing the job and doing it right!


Teddy Stucki


    • Ooooooo! GOP toady starting off with a personal attack, eh? Not any difference in the political partys and their gofors around here any more.

    • Thank you! I was wondering about that. I think he may have gotten his prepositions mixed up. He probably meant he had lived OFF the Republican party all of his life. Take a look at his last name and the office his wife holds.

    • That Stucki woman is who the good ole boys wanted as clerk. Not sure why.

    • I was wondering about that, myself. I knew the prior generation of his family, both as political friend and foe. They did politics a lot better than this.

    • I agree with the selfie picture! And I have heard that about Debbie too, ALOT of peopple are fed up with her. She and Teddy will lose in the election.

  1. Well it’s obvious the cco is campaigning for this guy. That’s disappointing.

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