Sean Selby Receives Additional Endorsements For State Representative




For Immediate Release

Evansville, Jan. 4 – In yet another significant set of endorsements, Sheriff Brad Rogers has announced his support for Sean Selby in the 78th District Representative race.

Fellow Hoosiers in District 78,

I learned that Sean Selby is running in the race for State Representative in District 78.  I am endorsing Sean Selby in this campaign.

In 2011, I was involved in kicking out federal FDA agents from Elkhart County after they were involved in harassing a local farmer and violating his fourth amendment rights. Since that action, the feds have not returned.  Constitutionally minded state and local officials are necessary to guard our Republic.

Sean and I see eye to eye on efforts to mitigate federal overreach and harassment of citizens in Indiana.  This is the type of liberty-minded person we need at the state house.

We have many pressing issues in law enforcement, some of which includes a federal push for gun control.  The United States Constitution and the Indiana Constitution (Article I, Section 32) are the people’s assurance that the government will guard the right for citizens to protect themselves.  I believe that Sean will stand on constitutional principles in all legislative matters.

We will need a strong and independent voice to provide clarity on the statewide issues and projects.  I graduated from the University of Evansville with a B.S. degree in Criminal Justice and the Evansville area is near and dear to my heart.  I look forward to what he will do for the 78th District.  I believe Sean would be an excellent choice to fulfill the remainder of Suzanne Crouch’s term based on the experience and character he has.

I hope tomorrow you will vote for Sean Selby in your caucus for the sake of all of us in Indiana.



Bradley D. Rogers, Sheriff (Republican)

Elkhart County, Indiana


Additional endorsements came from:

  • Dr. Dennis Frey – the president of Master’s International School of Divinity and resident of the 78th District
  • Cindy Evans – a small business owner of a Women’s Business Enterprise, resident in the 78th District, and mother of four
  • Kellie Browning – teacher of five years in Warrick County, a mother of four, and resident of the 78th District
  • David Christmas – a Vanderburgh County Republican Precinct Committeeman and 2012 State Convention Delegate
  • Brady Werne – a Dubois County Precinct Committeeman and 2012 State Convention Delegate
  • Tony Howard – currently a law clerk who followed Sean as a chairman of the USI College Republicans


Previous endorsements included:


  • State Senator Jim Banks – Indiana’s 17th District Senator and tireless champion of conservative causes
  • Tammi Mitchell – a Vanderburgh County Precinct Committeeman and 2012 State Convention Delegate
  • Chris Politano – Precinct Committeeman and former candidate himself who dropped in favor of Sean Selby


Media Contact:


Sean Selby

Candidate for State Representative (HD78)




  1. The outcome of all of this is going to be so, so interesting. I notice Wayne hasn’t endorsed anybody.

    • I suspect that’s because he doesn’t have confidence his endorsement has enough pull to swing it. I think he’d be right.

  2. Good luck Sean. I shall cast my vote for you today. I hear that Vectren crowd are trying to elect a person that they can control. I bet they are really going to miss their political puppet Crouch

  3. Who is Wayne Parke trying to fool. It’s common knowledge that he appointed many of the precinct people that will attend todays caucus.

    Good luck Sean. Wish I could had voted today because I would had voted for you.

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